Church Eaton Parish Council minutes 2016


Parish Councillors Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P.Bailey, A.Brown, P.Harriman, D.Massie, Staffs County Councillor, Mr M.Winnington, two members of the public, and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

were received from Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd and Mr S.Moore, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr S.Leighton and Stafford Borough Councillor Mr R.Sutherland.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Mr P.Harriman.

These would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

There was one late item regarding highways matters but this was to be discussed under Highways on the agenda.

Was not required on this occasion.

The Clerk was continuing to receive reports from Mandy Corser regarding the OWL Smart Alert service and was forwarding these to Councillors. These more recent ones related to national alerts warning against cold callers etc.

Councillor Mrs K Reeves had inspected the playground during the previous month and had found it to be in a satisfactory condition. It was noted however that there was quite a lot of mole activity. Control of moles was discussed and this was to be further discussed with Councillor, Mr S.Moore. The netball hoop needed straightening and discussion ensued as to whether to look at purchasing a new one. Councillor Bailey who was to take the inspection book for the forthcoming month agreed to look at the hoop and repair it if necessary.

Councillor Harriman reported that the Church Eaton Relief In Need Charity had very generously pledged £500 towards the purchase of a defibrillator for the High Street and a further £500 in 2017 for the proposed one for Marston. The Clerk was asked to write to Mr Stephen Rutherford to thank the Charity on behalf of the Parish Council.

Possible locations for the first defibrillator were being actively investigated by Councillor Harriman. It was also reported that a quiz evening at The Royal Oak may raise some useful funds towards this project. Councillor Harriman is to draft a flyer/letter to distribute around the Parish in the New Year, to raise awareness of the project and the need to raise funds. The Clerk is to look into whether working phone boxes can have defibrillators installed in them and what insurance implications there may be.

The Clerk is to contact the Borough Council in January 2017 to check that they have received all the consultation comments that the Clerk has received over the past couple of months.

The Clerk had received one new planning application (Reference 16/25068/HOU) for work at Church Farm, High Street, Church Eaton which would include the conversion of the former dairy barn into an extension to the existing dwelling along with the demolition of the existing extension and an external staircase to allow a link to be created from the existing house. The Parish Council was not in principal against the applicant wishing to change the layout of the property but was unanimously opposed to the external staircase being demolished. It was felt that with the property being located in the Conservation Area, the staircase was an interesting and historic feature of the building. The Clerk was asked to convey these comments to the Borough Council Planning Department.

Creating a Neighbourhood Plan was discussed but it was again it was felt that this would be too costly and very time consuming. The Clerk offered to speak with Councillor Mr M. Allen from Haughton Parish Council to gauge their thoughts on the process.
Councillor Mrs K. Reeves reported that at the forthcoming meeting to be held on December 8th it was hoped that the remaining position of secretary to the Association would be filled. A brief discussion followed, concerning selecting Church Eaton representatives for the Association. Renewal of the lease and the accounts were also being progressed.

The Clerk had received several invoices which were £20 from Church Eaton Village Institute for the hire of the hall for December’s meeting, a request for £25.00, also from the Institute towards the purchase of the Christmas tree and an invoice for £144.00 from John Hall for the final round of grass cutting and for pruning back the hawthorn in the playground. These invoices were proposed for payment by Councillor Mrs K. Reeves and seconded by the Chairman Councillor P. Harriman. All were in favour.

The Clerk also informed the meeting that the Borough Council had emailed information regarding setting the precept for the forthcoming year. The Clerk was to circulate this information to all Councillors so that the precept could be set during the January 2017 meeting.

The Clerk informed the Parish Council that Church Eaton had not been invited to the recent Stafford Area Collaboration meeting. This was an oversight and the Clerk had been in touch with the Creswell Clerk who had been very helpful. As a result representatives from Church Eaton were invited to attend the next meeting which will be held on the 18th January 2017.

Councillor Harriman had now received the findings from the recent the recent traffic survey carried out by the County Council. Councillor Harriman briefed the meeting as to the data he had received which concluded that the average speed was 31mph. This data and the summary of the survey were to be circulated to Councillors and Councillor Mrs Reeves was to post this on the village notice board.

Staffs County Councillor, Mr M.Winnington who, was in attendance at the meeting, was informed of the recent concerns the Clerk had received by email from Mr C.Byford. This concerned the poor road conditions on the Church Eaton to Haughton Road which, Mr Byford had contacted the Highways department over. Councillor Winnington asked the Clerk to forward these emails on to him. Concerns were also raised over the flooding caused by water running onto the road near to the Fox Inn at the junction of the Marston Road and Birchmoor Lane. This had been reported to Severn Trent Water who it was understood had visited the site but it was not clear where this water was coming from. Investigations into this matter were to continue.

The Clerk had received the latest Members Digest from Stafford Borough Council. Former Parish Councillor, Mr Bob Thacker had contacted the Clerk about the various bus service schedules available on the notice board, web site and bus stop. Some of this information was out of date so it was agreed to look at updating this information.

All other correspondence such as that from Neighbourhood Watch and emails relating to the issue raised during the last meeting had been circulated to Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 3rd January 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 9.10pm.


Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd and Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P.Bailey, A.Brown, P.Harriman, S.Moore, two members of the public, and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

were received from Councillor Mr D.Massie, Staffs County Councillor, Mr M.Winnington, Stafford Borough Councillor Mr R.Sutherland.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Mr P.Harriman. It was noted, however that Mr Patrick Bryant, who had been thanked by letter from the Clerk for the repair of the notice board, should have been addressed as Dr Patrick Bryant.

The Clerk confirmed that all cheques raised at the previous meeting had been sent out to the respective parties.

Councillor Mr Simon Moore raised the issue of the Parish Council developing a Neighbourhood Plan. A lengthy discussion regarding this matter ensued. Opinions varied as to time and cost and whether a plan would be needed given that Church Eaton is not a key service village and therefore unlikely to attract major development. Contrary to this, opinions were expressed that it could help with strengthening local planning policy. It was agreed that the Parish Council should look into this further and perhaps in the New Year invite a representative, such as Alex Yendole, from the Borough Council to attend a meeting with a view to explaining more about developing Neighbourhood Plans.

During Open Forum, Mr John Edwards expressed concerns over traffic calming measures that may be implemented following the recent highways investigations into speeding motorists. Mr Edwards was not in favour of speed bumps being installed, but was assured this was not something the Parish Council was in favour of either.

Mr Edwards spoke also about the village web site and the Clerk asked Mr Edwards if the Parish Council owed any money towards the up keep of the site as he had not received any monies from the Parish Council for some time. Mr Edwards did have some costs with him which amounted to £47.98. The Parish Council were to look at this under finance. Mr Edwards also requested that he would like to receive more items to add to the web site. With regards to finance Mr Edwards asked whether the Parish Council are to consider requesting an increase in the next precept given that there had been no increase for some time. This was to be discussed further and the precept probably set in the January meeting as per normal.

The results of the recent Best Kept Village Competition were also discussed. It was unanimously agreed that more community effort would be needed if the competition was to be entered every year.

Mr Edwards also commented on the recent proposal to remove the BT phone boxes. He suggested that if the telephony was removed then perhaps a repeater could be installed in each of the kiosks to boost mobile phone reception. This idea was generally well received and would be looked at if BT did remove the telephony.

It was reported that many car tyres in the Gnosall area had been slashed at the weekend. The Clerk was continuing to receive reports from Mandy Corser regarding the OWL Smart Alert service.

Councillor Mr S. Moore returned the inspection book and had found the playground to be in satisfactory condition with the exception of some litter and mole activity. Councillor Mrs Karen Reeves took the book for the forthcoming month, although she would be away from the 19th to the 24th November. Councillor, Mr A.Brown volunteered to keep an eye on the playground during this time.

The gym equipment in the playground was discussed and for the Parish Council to take ownership of the equipment from CERS. This had been agreed by the Council about five years ago and given that CERS was now planning to disband, the Chairman agreed to contact Mr Phil Jones to confirm this action.

The Clerk had again contacted Welmedical for more information regarding the costs of purchasing a defibrillator and in the region of £1,500 would need to be raised to purchase one defibrillator and a heated outdoor cabinet. The cabinet would be required even if the defibrillator was to be housed in a phone kiosk. The Parish Council were however keen to look at purchasing a second defibrillator for Marston. The aim therefore, was to raise at least £3,000 to purchase two defibrillators. Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr Ray Sutherland had already kindly donated £200 from funds collected during his year as Mayor to which the Parish Council agreed to add an additional £500. This was proposed by Councillor Mrs K.Reeves, seconded by CouncillorMrs S.Dodd. All were in favour. The Clerk was asked to include this information in the next Parish Magazine report. Efforts were to be made to try and attract funding for this project locally as well as looking at sources of alternative funding. Councillor Mr P.Harriman had contacted Mr S.Rutherford from the Church Eaton In Need Charities to see if there was any possibility of a donation and the Clerk suggested that CERS may also have some funds available.

The Clerk had now received a response from BT confirming the consultation period had been extended to the 11th January 2017. The Clerk had also contacted the Borough Council’s Planning Department stating that the Parish Council were adamant that BT needed to reconsider their proposals and that the phones should remain in the kiosks as mobile phone reception is poor in both these areas and that they did give the opportunity for emergency calls to be made. The Clerk had also been copied in to several emails from local residents concerned about plans to remove the kiosks and who were objecting on similar grounds.

The Clerk had not received any new planning applications.

The Clerk had not received any feedback or updates on this matter.
Councillor Mrs K.Reeves reported on the meeting held on 26th October. This had been very positive with Mr Michael Faarup taking up position as Chair, with Mr Andy Brown as Vice Chair and Mr Jeremy Bach as Treasurer. Renewal of the lease and mandate arrangements were in progress and Councillor Mrs Reeves concluded that the situation seemed more optimist going forward. There would be another meeting later in November.

The Clerk had received several invoices which were £20 from Church Eaton Village Institute for the hire of the hall for November’s meeting, £47.98 from Mr John Edwards towards upkeep of the web site, and an invoice from Stafford Borough Council for the civic amenities visit in July. These invoices were proposed for payment by Councillor Mrs S.Dodd and seconded by Councillor Mrs K.Reeves. All were in favour.

Councillor Mr A.Brown updated the meeting regarding the proposed memorial. Plans for a bench and lighting had now been put aside. Everything was progressing well with the arrangements.

The Parish Council had not yet received the findings from the recent traffic surveys carried out by the County Council although Councillor Harriman had emailed Mark Keeling to enquire when the findings would be available. This, and protecting the triangle at Marston, would be discussed at the next meeting. The Clerk had received several emails from Mr C.Byford who was extremely concerned about the poor road conditions on the Church Eaton to Haughton Road. Mr Byford had contacted the Highways department with these concerns. Mr Byford was also concerned over the further deterioration of the verge around Joan Eaton’s Cross. It was suggested that the proposed plans to protect the Marston triangle could be extended to include Joan Eaton’s Cross. Councillor Harriman was to continuing pressing Mark Keeling on this matter. The plans for the ‘20 Is Plenty’ traffic scheme outside the school was ongoing although this would probably be implemented at the start of a new school term. The Clerk had also received concerns over the state of the Marston Roads from a Marston resident who was also concerned about removal of the Marston telephone kiosk. The Clerk was to contact both Mr Byford and the Marston resident.

The Clerk had received the latest Members Digest from Stafford Borough Council. The Clerk had also received a new weekly update on pothole repairs from the County Council. The Clerk also gave information concerning the forthcoming luncheon for the Mayoress and the Borough pantomime. Mrs Dodd took the information as she had some interest in attending. The Clerk also circulated some notes from the Borough concerning the last Paris Forum.

All other correspondence such as those from Neighbourhood Watch and emails relating to the issue raised during the last meeting had been circulated to Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 6th December 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 8.55pm.


Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd and Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P.Bailey, A.Brown, P.Harriman, D.Massie, S.Moore, Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R.Sutherland, five members of the public, and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

were received from Staffs County Councillor, Mr M.Winnington.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Councillor Mr P.Harriman.

The Clerk confirmed that the Hanging Baskets and Tubs Competition vouchers had been sent out to the three winners and that this year’s judges, Mr and Mrs Spilsbury from Seighford had been formally thanked by card. This year’s Best Kept Village Competition Judges Comments had been forwarded to the Parish Council.

: There were no late items.

During Open Forum, Mr Pearson, a resident at Smithy Croft, expressed concerns over the re-drawing of the Conservation Area Boundary as proposed during the recent Conservation Area Document appraisal. Mr T.Houghton had similar concerns that areas currently in the Conservation Area were to be removed. The Parish Council were to discuss this further during the meeting.

The Clerk had received a report that a sit on mower had been stolen from the Haughton area.

Following Martin Watson’s visit last month, the Clerk had been able to obtain a quote from Welmedical, the company MrWatson recommended. This was for £770.00 plus Vat for an order placed before November the 1st but with other potential costs such as a heated cabinet and batteries etc this would probably increase to over £1,000. The Parish Council felt it was probably too soon to place an order as funding and a location was still being sought. The Clerk was asked to contact Welmedical again for more information regarding these costs and to report these to the next meeting of the Council, when it was hoped this matter could be progressed. It was unanimously agreed that the Parish Council would make a donation towards this project when exact costs were known.

The Chairman reported that he had replaced the crutch strap on the swing cradle seat. Re-painting of the railings and rocking horse were to be deferred until spring. Councillor D.Massie returned the inspection book and Councillor S.Moore took this for the forthcoming month. It was noted that the roadside Hawthorn had been pruned back by Mr John Hall.

It was reported that notices had been put up in both of the parish phone kiosks located in the High Street and at Marston. The notices stated that BT intended to remove the phones and kiosks due to little use. The notices, dated the 23rd September, also advised that there was to be a 42 day consultation period and that any comments should be made to the local planning authority. The Parish Council were adamant that BT needed to reconsider their proposals and asked the Clerk to write to them pointing out that the phones should remain in the kiosks given that mobile phone reception is poor in both these areas, and that they do give the opportunity for emergency calls to be made. If this approach proved to be unsuccessful, adoption of both of the kiosks for future community use would be considered by the Parish Council.

: The Clerk had not received any new planning applications.

: The Parish Council discussed the appraisal and resulting draft document. It was also reported that the Clerk and several Parish Councillors had been able to attend the road show arranged by the Borough Council’s Conservation Officer Mr Alan Taylor in the Institute on the 15th September. Responses to this consultation were to end on the 7th October and the Parish Council discussed their response at some length, taking into consideration the comments made by local residents. As a result the Clerk was asked to make the following observations:

Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr Ray Sutherland declared an interest in this matter.
Mrs K.Reeves reported a meeting at the Glebelands had been held on the 27th September but there had been no progress replacing the key personnel who wished to stand down. The Glebelands accounts however had been submitted to Companies House. There was to be meeting on the 26th October and it was hoped that representatives of the various sport clubs would be in attendance. It was further hoped that a new lease would soon be completed.

The recently vandalised village notice board had now been repaired, and the Council expressed their thanks to Mr Fred Annis and Mr Patrick Bryant for assisting with this. To this end the Clerk was asked to write and thank them.

The Clerk presented a budget to cover Parish Council income and expenditure from October 1st 2016 until the end of March 2017. The Clerk had received two invoices which were £20 from Church Eaton Village Institute for the hire of the hall for October, £188 from JWH for recent grass cutting. The Clerk also presented a £20 invoice to cover this gardening year’s vouchers for the Tubs and Hanging Baskets Competition. These invoices were proposed for payment by Councillor Mrs S.Dodd and seconded by the Chairman, Mr P.Harriman. All were in favour. A cheque for the Clerk’s quarterly fee of £532 along with a cheque to HMRC for the relevant tax of £3 were also raised and approved.

The Clerk had received formal notification that this year’s audit conducted by Grant Thornton was now complete. The Clerk reported that the auditor’s had requested in future that the return form needed to be signed at the meeting where submission of accounts were made.

Following a short discussion, the Parish Council agreed to donate £200 towards this project. This was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Councillor Mrs K.Reeves. All were in favour. Councillor A.Brown declared an interest in this matter.

The Parish Council had not yet received the findings from the recent traffic surveys carried out by the County Council. This, and the triangle at Marston, would be discussed at the next meeting. The Clerk had contacted Mr & Mrs Boden who, had raised concerns over speeding motorists.

Following Mr Nick Lakin’s concerns about cyclists riding two or three abreast on the narrow lanes, the Clerk had forwarded these concerns on to the Highways Department and Staffs County Councillor, Mark Winnington, but as yet had not heard anything back. Mr Harriman had been researching cycling road policy from the West Midlands Police and was to contact Mr Lakin over his findings.

The Clerk had received the latest Members Digest from Stafford Borough Council. The Clerk had received notice that Mr Justin O'Doherty was to step down as village correspondent for the Staffordshire Newsletter. Mr Nick Lakin was to be his successor. The Clerk had sent an email thanking Justin for all his help over the years publicising Parish Council matters.

All other correspondence such as those from Neighbourhood Watch and emails relating to the issue raised during the last meeting had been circulated to Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 1st November 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Institute.

The meeting closed at 9.20pm.


Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd and Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P.Bailey, A.Brown, P.Harriman, D.Massie, S.Moore, Stafford Borough Councillor Mr S.Leighton, Mr Martin Watson from the West Midlands Ambulance Service, two members of the public, and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

were received from Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R.Sutherland.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Councillor Mr P.Harriman.

Councillor Mrs K.Reeves reported that there had been no developments regarding the proposed EGM of the Glebelands Sports Association but would update the Parish Council as soon as this was arranged. The Clerk had forwarded concerns from Mr Jeremy Bach regarding the current situation with the Glebelands and whether it could become an official green space. It was agreed to see what the outcome of the EGM was.

: There were no late items.

Martin Watson, a First Responder with the West Midlands Ambulance Service, attended the meeting. He gave a very informative and fact filled briefing about not only how and where to obtain a defibrillator from, but also some good suggestions on a potential location, maintenance and training awareness issues. Mr Watson recommended firstly exploring suitable locations for the defibrillator which would need to have access to an electrical supply. He also highly recommended approaching Welmedical, a company specialising in the sale of approved defibrillators. As a result the Clerk is to both obtain a quote for a defibrillator for the next meeting in October and start to look at possible funding streams. It was mentioned by the Clerk that £200 had already been donated from Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr Ray Sutherland from his previous mayoral fund. Mr Harriman thanked Mr Watson for his attendance.

Mr Jerry Jones updated the meeting on the considerable progress that had been made with the proposed village memorial. It was estimated that the project would require around £1,750 plus a small contingency fund, but £1,400 had already been raised. Mr Jones asked whether the Parish Council could provide a donation. It was agreed that the Parish Council would make a donation. This would be finalised at the next meeting following consideration of budget figures prepared by the Clerk.

The Clerk was still receiving regular updates from Mandy Corser and these were then being forwarded to Parish Councillors. The more recent ones had been concerned with issues of a national nature such as cold calling and awareness of computer fraud.

The Clerk had now received the replacement crutch strap parts for the swing seat and Councillor Harriman was to look at fitting these. Councillor P.Harriman also returned the inspection book and had inspected not only the playground but all of the pieces of equipment. The playground railings and rocking horse were noted as requiring re-painting and the Clerk was asked to advertise for a volunteer in the Parish magazine to assist with this. The roadside Hawthorn needed pruning back again. The Clerk was asked to notify John Hall about this. Mr David Massie was to take the inspection book for the forthcoming month.

The Clerk had received an email from Ralph Howarth over his concerns about the poor condition of the village phone box. The Clerk was asked to contact BT about whether the box could be re-painted or if they could supply paint so the Parish Council could undertaken this work. Mr Howarth had kindly offered to do this. Adoption of the phone box was again discussed but it was still felt that both the village phone box and the one in Marston should stay as they could be used for making emergency call given the poor mobile phone coverage in these areas.

: The Clerk had not received any new planning applications and had not been contacted over any planning issues however things had moved on quite rapidly concerning the Conservation Area Appraisal. The Clerk has now received a draft copy of the Conservation Area Document from the Borough Council’s Conservation Officer, Mr Alan Taylor. Comments were required by the 7th October. A road show about the appraisal has been arranged in the Institute for the 15th September by Mr Taylor. The draft appraisal document and a feedback form were available on the Borough Council’s website at

The Clerk was to send each of the Parish Councillor’s a copy of the draft which would then be discussed at the October meeting.

: Mrs Dodd was to contact Mr Tony Lendon who had kindly agreed to look at repairing the vandalised notice board to see when he could carry out this work. The damaged doors were still being looked after by Mr Ralph Howarth.

This had been discussed during Open Forum.

Chairman Mr Peter Harriman had now met with Staffs County Councillor, Mr M.Winnington and Staffs County Highways representative, Mr Mark Keeling. During this meeting it was agreed that a traffic survey was to be carried out during September to monitor traffic speeds in the Village. The Clerk was asked to update the local residents who had originally raised the issue of speeding motorists. Mr Harriman was to, through the school, look at getting the ‘20 is Plenty’ scheme back for the High Street. Traffic calming measures were discussed. This could potentially be at a minimum cost of £15,000. The Parish Council agreed however to continue pressing Highways for more to be done but would await the traffic survey findings.

Mr Nick Lakin had contacted the Council over his concerns about cyclists riding two or three abreast on the narrow lanes. This was discussed at length but the Clerk was asked to forward Mr Lakin’s concerns to the Highways Department and Staffs County Councillor, Mark Winnington as it was felt that the Parish Council had no powers that could be employed in this matter.

The Clerk was asked to see whether the lack of gulley emptying around the Parish could be included in the next agenda for the forthcoming Parish Forum to be held on the 29th September.

There were no updates regarding the triangle at Marston.

Mrs Reeves had attended the presentation evening for this year’s awards where Church Eaton had finished joint second with Haughton in the small village category. The Clerk had offered to frame the certificate.

This year’s competition had kindly been judged by Mr and Mrs Spilsbury from Seighford.
Their winners were as follows.

First Place 2 Ashley Croft

Second Place Heathmynd, High Street

Third Place 7 Parkers Close

Highly Commended were Cherry Tree Cottage and Willow Cottage in the High Street.

The first three winners would, as is customary, each receive a National Gardening Voucher which the Clerk was to arrange. She was also asked to formally thank Mr and Mrs Spilsbury.

The Clerk had received several invoices namely £20 from Church Eaton Village Institute for the hire of the hall; £94 from JWH for recent grass cutting. The Council insurance had been renewed with Zurich at a cost of £576.68. This had been agreed with the Chairman as the insurance was due to expire on the 5th September. The invoice for the replacement crutch strap from Wicksteed came to £ 142.33 and the Clerk had received an invoice from Stafford Borough Council for the April Civic Amenities visit for £82. These invoices were proposed for payment by Councillor Mrs K.Reeves and seconded by Councillor Mrs S.Dodd. All were in favour.

The Clerk had received a query from Grant Thornton over this year’s audit to confirm the details of unpresented cheques which the Clerk had responded to and had received confirmation that the audit was now complete.

The Clerk had received the latest Members Digest from Stafford Borough Council and notification of the forthcoming Parish Forum on the 29th September at 7.00 pm at the Civic Suite in the Borough Council offices.

All other correspondence had been circulated to the Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 4th October 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 9.30pm.


Councillors Mrs S.Dodd and Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P.Bailey, A.Brown, P.Harriman, D.Massie, S.Moore and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

were received from Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R.Sutherland and Staffs County Councillor, Mr M.Winnington.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Councillor Mr P.Harriman.

Councillor Mrs K.Reeves reported that there had been no developments regarding the proposed meeting of the Glebelands Sports Association but would update the Parish Council as soon as this was arranged.

The Clerk, who had recently reported a very deep pothole at Apeton, had now received notification that a works order had been raised to carry out the required repair. The Clerk had found some Parish maps which had been archived and which would be useful for Councillors to use during their discussion of Parish matters. The Clerk asked Councillor Mr P.Bailey if he could return the Parish maps that Mr Trevor Houghton had kindly lent to the Council.

The Clerk had also contacted Mr and Mrs Boden about the proposed meeting the Chairman was to undertake with Highways echoing their concerns over speeding motorists, particularly on the Wood Eaton Road.

The Clerk was also liaising with the Borough Council’s Conservation Officer, Mr Alan Taylor regarding the current appraisal of the Church Eaton Conservation Area document.

: Mr Justin O'Doherty had asked members of the Parish Council if they be would be happy to have their photographs taken for use on the Village web site. The members of the Council had no objection to this proposal but would prefer a group photograph to be taken rather than individual ones.

During Open Forum it was reported that the Village Festival had gone well despite the wet Friday.

The Clerk was still receiving regular updates from Mandy Corser and these were then being forwarded to Parish Councillors. There had been a break-in at a local farm. It is understood that keys to vehicles had been taken and outbuildings broken in to

The Clerk had contacted Wickstead Play Equipment with photographs of the cradle seat supplied by Councillor Harriman with regard to ordering new crutch strap parts. Councillor Mrs S.Dodd returned the inspection book which Councillor Mr P.Harriman was to take for the forthcoming month. Councillor Mrs Dodd had commented that the rails into the play ground could do with re-painting. The roadside Hawthorn needed pruning back again.

: The Clerk had not received any new planning applications and had not been contacted over any planning issues.

Councillor Mr P.Harriman reported that Mr Heward, a representative of the West Midlands Ambulance Service, had confirmed he would attend this meeting but had not shown up. Councillor Mr Harriman is to contact West Midlands Ambulance Service yet again.

: Mr Tony Lendon had kindly agreed to look at repairing the vandalised notice board. The damaged doors were still being looked after by Mr Ralph Howarth. Mr Lendon was to collect these from Mr Howarth
Councillor Mr A.Brown updated the meeting on the latest developments concerning the proposed memorial. The memorial was likely to be sited in the Institute garden and would probably be engraved with generic wording rather than individual names. A stone mason was being contacted. A donation towards funding would probably be requested soon.
Councillor Mr Harriman was arranging a meeting with Staffs County Councillor Mr M.Winnington and County Highways’s Mark Keeling as soon as possible to discuss recent issues raised. The Clerk had contacted the Highways Team requesting various jobs to be carried out including sign cleaning, cutting back vegetation and investigating flooding at Apeton, near the Old Rectory and at Joan Eaton’s Cross.
Mr P.Harriman had discussed the triangle at Marston with Mr David Swift.
Mr Swift was pleased that plans were afoot to try and preserve the triangle as he was not sure he could continue mowing it. Plans were still being considered to either place planters, planted tractor tyres, boulders or to fence the triangle off. Mr Steve Cox was happy to help with lifting any installations in to place. Mr Harriman was to confirm these plans with Highways.

There were no updates on this matter.

The Clerk had received an invoice for £20 from Church Eaton Village Institute for the hire of the hall. The Clerk had printed off revised Welcome Packs at a cost of £8. Councillor Mrs Reeves forwarded an invoice for £67.50 for plants for the village troughs. Councillor Mr Harriman similarly had an invoice for £49.49 for plants for the Marston troughs. These invoices were proposed for payment by Councillor Mrs S.Dodd and seconded by Councillor Mr S.Moore. All were in favour.

Councillor Mrs K.Reeves asked that fact that the Clerk had been informed of the forthcoming pension auto enrolment be minuted.

The Clerk had received the latest Members Digest from Stafford Borough Council.

Wickstead Play Equipment had sent a letter enquiring whether the Prish Coulncil wished them to carry out another playground inspection.

All other correspondence had been circulated to the Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 6th September 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Institute. It was also agreed that there would be no meeting in August unless a high priority matter was raised. The meeting closed at 9.15pm.




Mrs S.Dodd and Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P.Bailey, A.Brown, P.Harriman, D. Massie, S.Moore, six members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

were received from Stafford Borough Councillors, Mr R Sutherland, and Mr S.Leighton.

Mr Peter Harriman was nominated for the post of Chairman by Mrs S.Dodd. This was seconded by Mr P.Bailey.All were in favour. There were no other nominations. Mr Harriamn was duly re-elected as Chairman. Mrs Sheila Dodd was re-elected to the post of Vice-Chairman after being proposed by Mr P.Harriman and seconded by Mr A.Brown. All were in favour. There were no other nominations.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Mr P.Harriman.

Mrs K.Reeves reported on the recent Glebelands Sports Association meeting. The annual return had been submitted on time. Committee members wanting to leave their positions had agreed to stay on until replacements had been found.

Maintenance of the village troughs was discussed. The painting of the troughs with wood preserver had been delayed due to poor weather conditions. Councillor Mr A.Brown volunteered to help with this. Chairman Mr Peter Harriman also volunteered to help but would be away until the 27th May.


Mr John Hitchens was concerned that his address appeared to have changed following the delivery of a wheelie bin caddy to ‘Common Road’.

John was always under the impression that he lived on Bradley Lane. The Parish Council are to investigate John’s query. Also concerns were expressed that fire hydrants were not being maintained. Certainly Mr Hitchens was concerned that one located in Apeton had become very overgrown. This was also to be investigated. Mr Hitchens also reported concerned over several potholes on the road to the village from Haughton.

Mr Jackson expressed several concerns over the proposed planning application for a

detached single dwelling house and garage on land to the rear of St Editha’s Church. Mr Jackson’s comments were echoed by Mr J.Green.

There were no updates reported.

Mr Harriman had inspected the cradle seat and while the seat was showing some signs of wear, he confirmed that the fittings would need some attention in the future. As a result the Clerk was asked to contact G L Jones to enquire about obtaining replacement parts. Mrs Reeves also asked whether there was any warranty regarding this equipment. Mr P.Bailey took the book for the forthcoming month.

The Clerk had recently received one new planning application for a single detached house and garage on land to the rear of St Editha’s Church. After much discussion the Parish Council were unanimously opposed to this application.

Councillor Mr A.Brown declared an interest and took no part in the discussion. The Clerk also declared an interest as the applicant had used the company she works for. The Clerk was asked to write to the Borough Council’s Planning Department to convey the following concerns.

The Parish Council acknowledges that while some minor improvements have been made to the overall design of the proposed dwelling and garage, it is still unsympathetic to the location that it is planned for and would change the view and appearance of the Church and Conservation Area. The Parish Council agreed that should development take place the design should contribute not detract from the area.
The Council was also disappointed that there has been no comments made by the Borough Council’s Conservation Officer although they were hopeful when the report was received it would take account of the impact this development would have on the ancient Ha-ha that runs along the northern boundary of the Church Yard.

It is hoped that a representative from the West Midlands Ambulance Service will be in attendance at the June meeting to discuss installing a defibrillator for the Parish as well as training requirements and maintenance.
Mr A.Brown had no updates to report concerning the proposed memorial although there had been an article featured in the Village Voice about installing a memorial.
The triangle at Marston was discussed with plans made to install some means of preserving the grass area from the erosion by traffic. Boulders and or planted tractor tyres were discussed. Mr Steve Cox was to be approached to see whether he could help with the installation. Mr Harriman is to discuss this further with Mr David Swift.
Jobs for the Highway’s Team visit in July were discussed. The Clerk asked for requests for any work to be carried out. A letter from County Highways detailed proposals to cut back on the hours these teams would be able to carry out work was also noted.

Councillor Mrs S.Dodd was to chase up this matter with Mr Tony Lendon who had very kindly agreed to look at both the map and Parish notice boards with a view to carrying out some refurbishment.

Mrs K. Reeves confirmed that the children’s posters had now been displayed. A budget for a maximum of £180 was set for re-planting the troughs and plans were made to move the trough from the High Onn road end of the village to a location outside the playground. The Clerk was about to appoint a judge for this year’s hanging baskets and tubs competition.

Mrs Dodd reminded the Parish Council that a flower arranging event was planned for the 12th May to try and raise funds for the forthcoming flower festival. A fun fund raising quiz sheet was also being arranged.

Mrs Helen Bellamy had agreed again to undertake the internal audit of accounts. The Clerk was also checking out two unpaid invoices from JWH for grass cutting relating to last year and would report on this at the next meeting.

The Clerk had received an invoice from Mr John Edwards for the lamination of poster for BKV amounting to £4.50. This was proposed for payment by Mr P.Harriman and seconded by Mr A.Brown. All were in favour.

The Clerk had received the latest Members Digest from Stafford Borough Council. An email from Alan Taylor, the new Stafford Borough Council Conservation Officer had been received enquiring as to the progress of the appraisal of the Conservation Area Document. The Clerk had replied and had sent a copy of the emails sent to the former officer, Penny McKnight. Mr Taylor was keen to progress this by June which was felt by the Parish Council to be a bit over optimistic. The Clerk was to reply on this matter.

The Clerk also asked all Councillors to look through the latest Welcome Pack and to advise her of any changes so that a new version could be produced.

All other correspondence had been circulated to the Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 7th June 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 9.30pm.


Mrs S.Dodd and Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs A.Brown, P.Harriman, S.Moore, Stafford Borough Councillors, Mr S.Leighton, Mr R Sutherland, Staffs County Councillor, Mr M.Winnington, two members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

were received from Parish Councillors, Mr P Bailey and Mr D Massie.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Mr P.Harriman.

Mrs K.Reeves mentioned the lack of road sweeping along kerbs in the village. Mr Harriman was to chase this up. The Clerk was still in the process of obtaining an OS map of the Parish.

There were no late items other than Mrs Reeves reporting on her concerns over the Glebelands Sports Association. Mrs Reeves was aware that the annual return had not been completed and that some members of the Gebelands Sports Association may not be continuing with their roles on the committee. Mrs Reeves is to update the Parish Council at the next meeting.


Mr T.Houghton commented on the condition of the roads in the Parish. He felt that while some potholes were being attended to he would still like to see improvement in the condition of the Marston roads. Staffs County Councillor, Mr M.Winnington reported on a recent mapping exercise carried out by the County Council to identify drainage gulleys in a bid to improved road drainage. He also stated that the reporting of potholes to the County Council was important, despite the fact that less funding was being made available to County Councils for Highways matters, and that local parishes were being encouraged to try and get more involved in carrying out basic highway maintenance such as gulley and ditch clearances. Mr Houghton discussed the poor road conditions and flooding by Joan Eaton’s Cross.

The request for a new finger post on the junction of Little Onn Road and Slab Lane was discussed, as there had been some confusion to its location. The Clerk is to contact Councillor Winnington over this matter.

Councillor Mr S.Moore discussed flooding in the Wheaton Aston and Marston area and whose responsibility this was. No action was recorded.

The Clerk had continued to receive, since the last meeting, several alerts and information regarding Neighbourhood Watch which had been forwarded to Parish Councillors. Apparently there had been some minor changes to the organisation. There had still been no visits by the PCSOs to either the local market or coffee morning despite the Clerk forwarding the dates of these events.

Mrs K.Reeves returned the inspection book. She had found the playground to be in a satisfactory condition, although she felt the cradle seat might require some attention. Mr Harriman was to inspect this and report to the Council. The Clerk had contacted Mr Hall who was happy to continue with this season’s grass cutting contract. It was reported that the grass had already been cut. Mr A.Brown took the book for the forthcoming month.


The Clerk had recently received one new planning application for a proposed first floor side extension over existing ground floor kitchen at Heron Hall, Birchmoor Lane, Marston application number 16/23902/HOU. The applicant, Councillor Mrs S.Dodd, declared an interest in this matter as did Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R.Suthertland and took no part in any discussion. The Parish Council had no objections to this proposed development.

Interest in obtaining a defibrillator was gaining momentum. Mrs Dawn Jones who was in attendance at the Annual Parish meeting pledged her support and it was hoped that she, the Chairman and other interested parties such as Church Eaton’s School headmaster Simon Shaw and Bea Byford could be involved in progressing this further. It was hoped that the Parish Council could apply for some further funding to help finance this project. Plans were in motion to invite a representative from a defibrillator company to attend a future meeting with more information about installing the device, maintenance and training. Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr Ray Sutherland was to ask a representative from Derrington Parish Council to contact the Chairman as to the process of obtaining and maintaining a defibrillator following their recent installation.

Mr A.Brown had no updates to report concerning the proposed memorial. Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R.Sutherland had looked into whether there were any funds available from the Borough towards erecting memorials but had found there were none.

These matters had been discussed during open forum, although the triangle at Marston was to be added as a specific item to the agenda of the May meeting following Mr Harriman’s recent talks with Mr David Swift.

Councillor Mrs S.Dodd had been in contact with Mr Tony Lendon who had very kindly agreed to look at both the map and Parish notice boards with a view to carrying out some refurbishment.

Mrs K. Reeves confirmed that the entry had been submitted and that the children’s posters were in hand. Mrs Reeves had also drafted an open letter to be included in the Clerks report for the Parish magazine about this year’s entry. The village troughs were discussed, specifically moving the one on the High Onn Road nearer to the playground to try and stop the thefts of plants which had occurred during the past two years.

Mrs Dodd reported that a flower arranging event was planned for the 12th May to try and raise funds for the forthcoming flower festival.

The Clerk had prepared a budget for future expenditure to the 1st of October, which showed that the Parish Council had healthy funds to cover all planned expenditure until this date. It was generally felt however that for any large financial commitments funds needed to be built up again following a lot of charitable donations during the previous financial year. The Clerk had also received the annual Return from Grant Thornton to be returned by June 24th. Mrs Helen Bellamy was to be asked to carry out the internal audit.

The Clerk had received an invoice for hire of the Village Institute amounting to £20 for March. The Clerk’s quarterly fee of £531.80 plus a cheque for tax of £3.20 were raised.

Following a request by Mrs Dawn Jones, on behalf of the Church Eaton Recreation Society who were organising this year’s Village Festival for a donation towards the festival insurance, the Parish Council agreed a donation £100 would be given. This was proposed for payment by Mr P.Harriman and seconded by Mr A.Brown. All were in favour.

The Clerk had received an invitation for the Chairman to attend the forthcoming Mayor Making Ceremony in May. Mrs S.Dodd was to attend in the Chairman’s place. The Clerk had also received the latest Members Digest from Stafford Borough Council, along with information concerning next year’s Pride In Your Patch Awards.

The dates for this year’s Civic Amenities visits had also been received which were for the 9th April, 30th July and 26th November. The Clerk was asked to publish these in the next Parish Magazine and a poster was given to Mrs Reeves to put on the Parish Council notice board. It was agreed to request a later date for the first visit next year as there was not a lot of time following receipt of dates to publicise the visit in April. These dates and information had been sent to Mr John Edwards to post on the Parish web site.

All other correspondence had been circulated to the Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 3rd May 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Institute. The Clerk asked the Parish Council to send any nominations for the election of Chairman and Vice Chairman to her prior to this meeting. The meeting closed at 9.10pm.


Mrs S.Dodd and Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P.Bailey, A.Brown, P.Harriman, D.Massie, Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr S.Leighton and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.
were received from Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr R.Sutherland, Staffs County Councillor, Mr M.Winnington and Parish Councillor Mr S.Moore.
The Minutes from the previous meeting, with the exception of a typing error noted by Mrs S.Dodd, were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Mr P.Harriman.
Mrs S.Dodd confirmed that she had been in to the HSBC Bank to have her identity checked as a current signatory for the Parish Council bank account. Other items for matters arising would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.
There were no late items.

Mrs Reeves reported a very large pot hole at Allimore Green and concern that the road gulleys in the village had only been swept on one side. Mr Harriman is to contact Highways over these matters.
The Clerk mentioned Mr P.Bailey’s suggestion that each Parish Councillor could benefit from a detailed map of the entire Parish to help identify and locate issues when in discussion. The Clerk agreed to organise this.
The Clerk had received, since the last meeting, several alerts and information regarding Neighbourhood Watch which had been forwarded to Parish Councillors.
Mr S.Moore had returned the inspection book and had found the playground to be in a satisfactory condition with the exception of some litter and a single mole hill! Councillor Moore had also applied some leather conditioner to the skirting on the rocking horse. In his absence, the Chairman thanked Mr Moore for doing this. Mrs K.Reeves took the book for the forthcoming month.
The Clerk had recently received two new planning applications, the first being for a rear single storey extension and two additional dormer windows at the front of Sutherland Cottage, 6 Wood Eaton Road, Church Eaton. The second application was for the proposed side extension and rear alteration to Paradise Cottage, Birchmoor Lane, Marston, Church Eaton. The Parish Council had no objections to these applications. The Clerk had been contacted by a local resident to Paradise Cottage who was concerned that the planning application included some of their land on the site plan. The Clerk in agreement with the Chairman had notified the planning department of this error. It was also noted that the local resident had no objection to the application.
The Clerk had also received notification that the recent planning application for a rural worker’s dwelling on land off the Lapley Road had now been withdrawn from the planning system.
The Chairman had, since the last meeting, been in touch with the West Midlands Ambulance Service about obtaining a defibrillator for the Parish. It was hoped that a representative would be available to attend a future meeting with more information about installing the device, maintenance and training.
Mr A.Brown had no updates to report concerning the proposed memorial.

Staffs County Councillor, Mr M.Winnington who was unable to attend the meeting, had requested that finger posts be added to the April agenda for discussion. It was also discussed that the fingerpost which needed replacing was located at the Little Onn end of Slab Lane and not as originally thought, at Longnor Gorse. The Clerk is to contact Councillor Winnington on this matter for the next meeting. Other Highways matters were still ongoing.
The poor condition of the village map notice board was discussed and plans made to try and get it refurbished.
Mrs K. Reeves had been very busy preparing the entry for this year’s competition. Children’s posters were being arranged and several village residents were kindly allowing these to be displayed on fences on their properties. School posters were discussed and Mr Harriman was to mention this to the headmaster.
Mrs Dodd had attended a recent meeting to discuss the Flower Festival in September and, as a result, was to oversee the Parish Council’s entry. The theme for the Parish Council’s entry would be Moses in the Bulrushes. Mrs Dodd was invited to visit Councillor’s gardens for any plants she might need for the display.
The Clerk presented an invoice for her expenses in the recent year for office supplies and services amounting to £40.02. The Best Kept Village Competition entry fee was also requested by Mrs K.Reeves amounting to £17.90. These were proposed for payment by Mrs S.Dodd and seconded by Mr P.Bailey. All were in favour. A budget for future expenditure was discussed. The Clerk agreed she would prepare one for the next meeting.
The Clerk had received a Members Digest from Stafford Borough Council along with an invitation from the Borough Council to get involved with the proposed ‘Clean for the Queen’ campaign. The Council decided that this would be difficult to arrange given the day the event was planned for fell on a week day which would be difficult for those Parish Councillors who were working.
The Clerk had also received a letter from Staffs County Councillor, Mark Winnington Cabinet Member for Economy, Environment and Transport regarding plans by the County Council to cease operating the West Staffordshire Connect Service as of the 24th March 2016. Unfortunately after twelve months of operation, the service had been little used and was very costly to subsidise. Alternative transport options are available for previous users of the service, all of which have been notified.
All other correspondence had been circulated to the Parish Councillors.
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council and the annual Parish meeting would be held on the 5th April 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 8.55pm.


Mrs S.Dodd and Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P.Bailey, A.Brown, P.Harriman, D.Massie, S.Moore, Staffs County Councillor, Mr M.Winnington and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.
were received from Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr S.Leighton and Mr R.Sutherland.
The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Mr P.Harriman.
These would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.
There were no late items.

This was not required on this occasion.
PCSO Dianne Lutwyche had been in contact with the Clerk, following her attendance at the meeting in January. The Clerk had forwarded Ms Lutwyche dates for the forthcoming Village Institute coffee morning and market so that she could attend to offer crime prevention advice.
Mr D.Massie returned the inspection book and had found the playground to be in a satisfactory condition. Mr Massie did feel that the back fence would, at some point, need more maintenance or perhaps replacing. Councillor Moore took the book for the forthcoming month.
The Clerk is to contact JWH to request they continue grass cutting for the forthcoming season.
The Clerk had recently received a planning application for the removal of a hedgerow on land adjacent to Sweet Place Lane and King Street. The Parish Council had no objections in principal to this proposal and understood the applicant’s desire to create a more efficient farming system. Even so, the Parish Council resolved to request the Borough Council that if they are mindful to grant planning permission, then as part of the consent, a condition should be attached that some additional indigenous hedge species be planted on the farm - perhaps in any gaps that exist in the existing boundary hedge, or in a suitable location on a different part of the holding. The Council felt that this would help mitigate against the loss of the existing hedgerow. The Clerk was asked to forward these comments to the Planning Department.
Also discussed was concerns that while work had commenced on the conversion of High Onn Barns, passing places, which were a condition of the original consent, were not being created. The Clerk was asked to enquire about this matter with the Planning Department.
The Clerk reported that Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr Ray Sutherland had kindly presented the Parish Council with a cheque for £200 from his previous mayoral fund. It was agreed that this generous donation would certainly enhance funds to obtain a defibrillator for the Parish. The Clerk was asked to thank Mr Sutherland. The Chairman is liaising with Mrs B Byford on this matter and there are plans to progress this further by getting a representative from a supplier to attend a meeting to discuss what is involved in setting up the proposed de-fibrillator scheme.
Councillor Brown reported that the Memorial Committee had met very recently and a survey of the entire Parish was planned to gauge Parishioners opinions on what they would like to see incorporated into the memorial such as design, wording etc.
The Village Institute Committee was agreeable for the memorial to be situated in the new garden area. Councillor Brown was to report back to the Parish Council as and when developments were made.
Mr Mark Keeling, Community Highways Liaison Officer, Simon Griffiths co-ordinator of the Highways Neighbourhood Teams and Parish Council Chairman, Peter Harriman had met on the 22nd January and drove around the Parish to carry out an inspection of road conditions especially in the Marston area. Pot holes were obvious and especially noted in Slab Lane and Birchmoor Lane.
During the inspection, the triangle at Marston and its continual erosion by heavy traffic was examined and discussed. Mr Keeling felt that it might be permissible to site suitable robust planters, posts or troughs on the triangle, to help prevent further damage. It was agreed that the Chairman should discuss these proposals with Mr David Swift who has kindly looked after the triangle for many years. Mr Griffiths is to arrange for the Neighbourhood Highways Team to carry out some maintenance work around the triangle especially along the edge of the road where it has collapsed. Local farmer, Mr Tom Cox has offered to help out with this.
Birchmoor Lane, like Slab Lane needs some urgent work, not only to repair potholes but also where some of the road edges have collapsed. In Birchmoor Lane ditches need cleaning out and a gulley under the road needs jetting through. Mr Cox has again offered to help where he can with this.
At Apeton the hard work that John Hitchens carries out to keep the ford and surrounding area flood free was noted.
The Clerk had forwarded an email to Staffs County Councillor, Mark Winnington with the details and photographs provided by Councillor Brown of the finger post at Longnor Gorse which needed replacing. Finger post re-painting was discussed. Mrs K.Reeves had noted that Lapley had just had their fingerposts redone and the Clerk is to enquire who they used to carry out this work.
It was agreed that Church Eaton should be entered in to this year’s competition despite the apparent lack of volunteers. Mrs K. Reeves undertook to submit the entry which would include Mr John Edward’s excellent village map. The Clerk is to arrange the annual hanging baskets and tubs competition.
The spring planting of bulbs was discussed.
Following a letter from Mrs Sharon Jones, the Parish Council agreed to take part in Flower Festival in September. Mrs S.Dodd was asked to act as the Council’s representative in any organisation and or to co-ordinate the Council’s display.
The Clerk had received one invoice namely, the Village Institute who had invoiced the Parish Council for the hire of the hall for February’s meeting amounting to £20.00. This was proposed for payment by Mrs S.Dodd and seconded by Mr S.Moore. All were in favour.
The Chairman, Mr P.Harriman had been into the Stafford branch of HSBC bank with regards to his signature being added to the current mandate. Mrs S.Dodd is also to go in to the bank for an update as a current signatory.
The Clerk had emailed and received a reply from the Borough Council with the precept request for 2016 – 2017, as agreed at the last meeting.
The Clerk had received two Members Digest from Stafford Borough Council along with an invitation to the forthcoming Mayor’ Charity Curry Evening.
All other correspondence had been circulated to the Parish Councillors.
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 1st March 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Institute at 7.30 p.m. The meeting closed at 9.10pm.


Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs P. Bailey, A. Brown, P. Harriman, D. Massie, S. Moore, Staffs County Councillor, Mr M. Winnington, PCSO Dianne Lutwyche, two members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.

were received from Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr S. Leighton and Mr R. Sutherland.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Mr P. Harriman. As an addendum however, the invoice presented by Mrs K. Reeves for the planting of the tree in recognition of former Chairman Mr T. Houghton’s service to the Parish Council also reflected payment for compost regarding the village troughs.

These would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

There were no late items.


This was not required on this occasion.

PCSO Dianne Lutwyche was in attendance to discuss local policing matters. Ms Lutwyche offered to attend the local coffee morning in the Institute and or the monthly market to offer crime prevention advice. With regards to contacting the local police the non emergency number she advised was still 101. Also if suspicious vehicle activity is being reported it is essential that vehicle registration marks are noted and passed on to the police and also the police are currently interested in any suspicious activities linked to red or white vans.

Ms Lutwyche reported that the Neighbourhood Watch scheme was currently undergoing a series of changes. For more information regarding this she recommended contacting Ash Connor. She also reported that she had leafleted the Village with information regarding crime prevention information but had not received a single response.

The Chairman thanked Ms Lutwyche for her attendance at the meeting.

The Clerk had received a series of available dates and times for the requested inspection of the Parish highways from Mr Mark Keeling, Community Highways Liaison Officer who would be in attendance with Mr Simon Griffiths co-ordinator of the Community Highways Teams and Staffs County Councillor, Mr M. Winnington. Mr Harriman was agreeable to attend any of the suggested dates and the Clerk was asked to inform Mr Keeling of this and to copy Councillor Winnington into the arrangements. Several locations for this inspection were named, most notably the roads in Marston, Slab Lane and the ford area at Apeton. Councillor Mrs K. Reeves also expressed concerns that the road gulleys within the Parish had not been cleared. Mr P. Harriman further asked Parish Councillors to let him know of any highways matters that required attention.

Following recent concerns expressed over the condition of the finger post located on the Gnosall Road, Councillor P. Bailey had put it back up from it’s leaning position. Councillor A. Brown had taken photographs of the ‘abandoned’ post at Longnor Gorse on the Lapley Road which was barely readable. Councillor Brown was asked to email the details and photograph to the Clerk so that she could send this on to Staffs County Councillor Mark Winnington who would then be able to request a new post.

Mr P. Harriman returned the inspection book and had found the playground to be in a satisfactory condition. He had also checked all the equipment and had noted that one grip handle was missing of the rower. Discussions ensued over the low balancing trail and future maintenance suggestions should they be required. Councillor D. Massie took the book for the forthcoming month.

The Clerk had recently received one new planning application for a garage and store at Number 5 Smithy Croft. There were no objections made to this proposal.

The Chairman had spoken with local supporters to this project, namely Mrs Dawn Jones and Mrs Bea Byford. He was hoping to have a further meeting with them before the next meeting in February. As a result of this, it was hoped more specific plans would be in place to progress this matter.

Mr Jeremy Jones was again in attendance to update following his recent request concerning the installation of a new war memorial for the Parish. He reported that a steering committee under the auspices of the Village Institute Committee had been formed and that he was gaining good support for the memorial. Parish Councillor, Mr A. Brown also reported on this matter in his new role as the Parish Council representative.

The Clerk had received a letter from the Borough Council regarding civic amenity visits for 2016. After discussion it was unanimously agreed to request three visits at the usual venue the Royal Oak. The third visit would free as is customary. The Clerk was asked to notify the Council of this.

The Chairman had surveyed the Parish troughs and reported that the trough on the High Onn road should be moved to avoid the plant being stolen which was now a recurring event. Suggestions were made to move the trough nearer to the Village playground. The Gnosall Road trough needed repairing or replacing. The Parker’s Close one had been repaired and the Oak Close one seemed alright. The trough in the High Street needed painting with wood preserver.

The Clerk had received several invoices to be paid namely; the Village Institute who had invoiced the Parish Council for the hire of the hall for January’s meeting amounting to £20.00. The Clerk had also received an invoice from Stafford Borough Council regarding election charges amounting to £93.51. These were proposed for payment by Mrs S. Dodd and seconded by Mr S. Moore. All were in favour.

The Borough Council had also requested that the Parish Council set their precept requirements for the forthcoming financial year 2016/17. Following discussion of the information sent by the Borough, including the council tax incurred for band D properties the Parish Council unanimously agreed to request a precept which would not increase or reduce the council tax for parishioners. The Clerk was asked to notify the Borough of this decision which was proposed by Mr P. Harriman, seconded by Mr A. Brown. All were in favour.

The Clerk had received a Members Digest from Stafford Borough Council plus a letter from Mrs Diana Walkerdine complaining about the poor road conditions and heavy traffic in Slab Lane plus the neglected fingerpost at Longnor Gorse opposite the entrance to Slab Lane on the Lapley Road. The Clerk had telephoned Mrs Walkerdine prior to the meeting and had confirmed that her letter would be presented to the Parish Council. The Clerk is to update Mrs Walkerdine on these matters.

All other correspondence had been circulated to the Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 2ndFebruary 2016 at 7.30p.m. in the Village Institute at 7.30 p.m.

The meeting closed at 8.45p.m.