Church Eaton Parish Council minutes 2017


Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd, A.Brown, P.Harriman, D.Massie, Stafford Borough Councillor, Mrs S.Leighton and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

Were received from Parish Councillors, Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs S.Moore and P.Bailey and Stafford Borough Councillor Mr R.Sutherland.

The minutes were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman.

As requested at the last meeting, the Clerk had written two thank you letters on behalf of the Parish Council to Mr and Mrs Latham for cutting back their hedge in order to prevent the fingerpost on the Woollaston Road from being obscured and Mr Roy Billington who had assisted with a recent repair to one of the village troughs on the High Street.

There were no late items.

This was not required on this occasion.

Councillor P. Harriman reported a suspicious looking blue/grey transit van whose registration number he had noted. The Clerk had received several emails from the Staffordshire Smart Alert system warning against national matters such as cold calling and fake parcel deliveries. .

It was noted that Councillor P.Harriman was to continue with the playground inspections for the forthcoming month.

Councillor D. Massie had been in contact with the owners of the chickens who were gaining access to the playground. Despite the owners making a concerted effort to keep the chickens on their property, they were still getting into the playground and one of the Parish Councillors had received a complaint about this from concerned parents of children using the playground. Councillor D. Massie was to liaise with the owners again.

The re-painting of the play ground railings was still outstanding due to the recent bad weather. Councillor P. Harriman was still tackling the ivy which was over growing the hawthorn on the roadside fence and which was proving to be thicker than originally thought.

It was reported that one of the ‘twister’ pieces of equipment was still locked and would be looked at weather permitting.

The Parish Council had received two planning applications since the last meeting. The first was for the proposed gateway at the Old Rectory and the second for temporary storage of road chippings at Little Onn Airfield. There were no objections made to these proposals.

The Clerk reported that donations and pledges had now exceeded the initial £3,000 target with more monies pledged. The recent donation from the Church Eaton Relief In Need Charity now meant that an order for two defibrillators could now be submitted. Councillor P. Harriman had also confirmed the donation amount which had been raised by the Village Institute who had worked very hard to raise funds towards the project. The Parish Council were hopeful that potentially a third defibrillator could be purchased in the not too distant future.

While Councillor P. Harriman had confirmed with The Royal Oak that a defibrillator could be installed on their site, Mr Steve Cox from Marston had also agreed for a defibrillator to be installed at Marston on his land.

Sources and costs for replacement fingerposts were still being investigated. The Clerk had reported to Highways concerns over the poor condition of the fingerpost located by the church and the fingerpost at Broad Lane Wood Eaton being in need of urgent action. The Clerk was still awaiting a response and would follow this matter up and report to the next meeting. It was also agreed that the Clerk should contact a previous supplier of fingerposts to request a quotation should replacvements be needed.

Following the report of the poor condition of the footbridge at Apeton Ford at the last meeting, it was confirmed that a new footbridge had now been installed.

Councillor A. Brown had been extremely busy clearing the blocked road gulley and drain outside the property East Lodge at Marston. He had been able to clear the drain but required Highways to jet it through. It was noted that one of the drain covers in the area had been very difficult to remove and this was also the case in the High Street where a road drain had grass growing through it! The Clerk was to report this to Highways and request some assistance. The Clerk reported however that Mr Simon Griffiths, the Community Highway Liaison Officer was leaving the County Council and the Clerk was currently awaiting notification of his successor.

The Clerk reported that in his absence, Councillor S. Moore had sent a report of his attendance at the recent Stafford West Collaboration meeting which was held on the 30th November and which was hosted by Bradley Parish Council. Councillor Moore’s report contained several key issues. One, that there was a general reluctance for Parish Councils to increase precepts without clarity over the additional work that might be passed to them. Community grants initiatives for funding footpath maintenance were available. Staffs County Councillor Mark Winnington had requested that each Parish Council provide him with a list of road gulley problems in their area. A letter was to be produced and signed by all Parish Council’s present to complain about the lack of emptying. It was also suggested that ‘Unsuitable for HGV’ pictorial signs are produced to alert foreign drivers as to unsuitable roads. Full details of the meeting as per the Minutes would be posted as soon as they became available.

The Clerk reported she had received an invoice for £20 from Church Eaton Village Institute for the hire of the hall for December’s meeting and a request for the £25 pledged by the Parish Council towards the cost of the Christmas tree. These were proposed for payment by Councillor D. Massie and seconded by Councillor P. Harriman. All were in favour. The Clerk reported that she had banked all the recent defibrillator donations and was currently waiting to receive one more. The Clerk had also received a request from the Borough Council for the Council to set their precept for the forthcoming financial year. This was to be set at the January meeting.

The Clerk reported she had received a copy of the latest Borough Council’s Members Digest and information relating to the forthcoming Borough Carol Concert. Information about the Spring Walking for Health programme had also been received. The Clerk had also received information about the proposed changes to the annual audit and would report further on this at the next meeting after she had read it through thoroughly. All other correspondence, including that from Neighbourhood Watch and emails relating to the issues raised during the last meeting, had been circulated to Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Tuesday the 2nd January 2018 at 7.30pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 8.45pm.


Parish Councillors Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P.Bailey, A.Brown, P.Harriman, D.Massie, S.Moore, Stafford Borough Councillor, one member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

Were received from Parish Councillor, Mrs S.Dodd, Stafford Borough Councillors Mr S.Leighton and Mr R.Sutherland.

The minutes were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman.

Councillor P. Bailey reported that several of the High Street road gullies had been cleaned out although one adjacent to Dolphin House remained blocked and actually had grass growing out of it! The Clerk was asked to report this matter to Highways. The Clerk confirmed that she had chased up the blocked gulley located near to the East Lodge, Marston which had been brought to the Parish Council’s attention at the last meeting by Mr Bob Giles. All other items would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

Councillor Mrs K. Reeves requested that the Parish Council considered putting some funds aside, as was customary, to help pay for the Institute Christmas Tree. Councillor Mrs Reeves proposed £25 towards this, which was seconded by Councillor P. Harriman. All were in favour. The Clerk was asked to notify Mr Fred Annis

There were no other late items.

This was not required on this occasion.

It was reported that there had been a break-in at a local property, understood to be in the Shushions area. Mowers and other items had been stolen. The Clerk had received several emails from the Staffordshire Smart Alert system warning against national car thefts and cold calling.

Councillor A. Brown returned the inspection book and confirmed that the fallen tree branch had now been chopped up and removed.

Councillor P. Bailey reported that he had been contacted by concerned residents over chickens gaining access to the playground. Councillor D. Massie was to contact the owners of the chicken to see if the Parish Council could help with preventing this from occurring. It was also reported that the equipment and the playground sign, along with the adjoining 30mph sign had been vandalised with pink and purple aerosol spray paint. Fortunately Councillor A. Brown was able to remove this before it became permanent. The Clerk was asked to include this in her Parish Magazine report, along with a request for anyone with information relating to this matter to contact the Parish Council (in confidence if preferred).

The playground railings had been examined by Councillor P. Harriman and while it was currently too wet to carry out any maintenance work, Councillor P. Harriman had noted that there were several layers of old paint on the galvanized railings which would need to be removed. There were suggestions that if the paint could be removed whether it would be better to leave the railings unpainted. This would obviously depend on the progress of the old paint removal.

The Parish Council had received two planning applications since the last meeting. The first was for proposed extensions and alterations to the property known as Rose Cottage, High Street, and the second for a single storey swimming pool building and extension to the existing garage at the Old Rectory. There were no objections made to these proposals.

The Clerk reported that donations and pledges had now exceeded the initial £3,000 target with more pledged. Councillor P. Harriman said that there was another donation to come from the Village Institute who had worked very hard to raise funds towards the project. The Clerk suggested waiting for the receipt of the pledges before placing the order so as not to impact on the working funds of the Parish Council. On receipt of the pledged monies an order would be placed immediately, and the Parish Council were hopeful that potentially a third defibrillator could be purchased in the not too distant future.

Councillor P. Harriman had confirmed with The Royal Oak that a defibrillator could be installed on their site and Mr Steve Cox from Marston was to be approached to seek permission to install a defibrillator on his land.

The Clerk had now received two lots of paint from BT so that the Parish kiosks could be re-painted. BT had sent painting instructions and had requested a before and after set of photographs. This would be carried out subject to weather conditions. The Clerk had reported to BT that the bulb was faulty in the High Street kiosk which had now been replaced.

Following Councillor P. Harriman’s recent survey of the condition of the village fingerposts, the Clerk had reported two posts to Highways which were identified to be in need of urgent action, namely the one located by the Church and the other at Broad Lane, Wood Eaton. At this time the Clerk was still awaiting a response.

The fingerpost located at Woollaston Lane junction which required some of the hedge cutting back from behind it had been attended to by Mr and Mrs Latham who had very kindly trimmed back their hedge. Councillor A. Brown requested that they should be thanked by letter which the Clerk was to send.

The Clerk was also asked to contact Mr Rob Carless to see whether he could help with the potential replacement of the posts. He would be asked for a quotation if he was able to assist.

Following the Clerk’s request to Highways new plastic bollards had been obtained to replace the broken ones outside two properties on the High Street, Lissadell and Innisfree. Councillor A. Brown had now installed these but reported that one had already been broken. It was agreed that the property owners should be contacted to see whether they would prefer to have something more substantial i.e. in a hard wood installed. Councillor A. Brown had also installed new bollards to protect the triangle at Marston. It was agreed to look at protecting the triangle at Joan Eaton’s Cross in the same manner.

The poor condition of the footbridge at Apeton Ford had been reported by a local resident to the Clerk and this information had been passed to the Highway’s Department who had actioned this to be replaced.

The Clerk reported that the next Stafford West Collaboration meeting to be held on the 19th October, hosted by Bradley Parish Council, was to be re-scheduled for a date later in November. Councillor S. Moore said he would probably be able to attend. The Clerk was asked to update him with details.

The Clerk had now heard back from Highways regarding the new gateway near to Joan Eaton’s Cross on High Onn Road. The enforcement officer confirmed that the landowner did not require planning permission due to the class of road.

Councillor A. Brown was still continuing to treat the troughs with wood preservative and asked for Mr Roy Billington to be thanked by letter for assisting with the repair of one of the High Street troughs. Plans would be put in place to move the trough on High Onn Road and the one on Little Onn Road nearer to the village to try and prevent the plants being stolen.

Mrs Jane Moore had submitted an invoice for plants, for the winter months, for the troughs at Marston which Jane and other Marston residents had very kingly re-planted. It was agreed to review the planting budget for all troughs so that they could be well stocked throughout the year. Planting schemes for the triangle at Marston were also discussed.

The Clerk reported she had received an invoice for £20 from Church Eaton Village Institute for the hire of the hall for November’s meeting. The Borough Council had submitted an invoice for £90 for the last Civic Amenity visit. JWH had submitted two invoices for grass cutting amounting to £141 and Mrs Moore’s invoice for plants came to £25.50. These were proposed for payment by Councillor Mrs K. Reeves and seconded by Councillor P. Harriman. All were in favour. The Clerk reported that she had received a way leave cheque from Western Power Distribution amounting to £2.50, which had been banked.

The Clerk reported she had received a copy of the Borough Council’s Members Digest and information relating to the forthcoming Borough Gala event. The Clerk informed the Council that she had encountered a serious IT problem which had resulted in the loss of some emails. This was being attended to. An email relating to consultations regarding the draft Local Plan had been received. All other correspondence, including that from Neighbourhood Watch and emails relating to the issues raised during the last meeting, had been circulated to Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Tuesday the 5th December at 7.30pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 9.05pm.


Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd, Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P.Bailey, A.Brown, P.Harriman, D.Massie, S.Moore, Staffs County Councillor Mr M.Winnington, one member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

Were received from Stafford Borough Councillors Mr R.Sutherland and Mr S.Leighton.

There was amendment to the minutes from the previous meeting where the Clerk had described the rocking horse saddle being leather balmed by Councillor Moore. It was in fact the leather skirt. The minutes were then deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman.

The Clerk confirmed that during August, Terry Merchant had been paid for carrying out the tree inspection in the playground which amounted to £50 and that an invoice for JWH had also been paid. All other items would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

Vice Chairman Councillor Mrs S.Dodd expressed concerns over the triangle at Marston which was getting unkempt. Mr Harriman said he would get a measurement of the size of the triangle and contact Mark Keeling in order to clarify what could be installed to act as a barrier. Landscaping of the triangle was also discussed.

Councillor Mrs K.Reeves reported concerns over the current state of the parish fingerposts some of which would need, if possible, repairing as well as re-painting. A survey of the fingerposts was therefore to be undertaken.

There was a query during Open Forum from the member of the public present concerning the recent removal of a section of hedgerow and the installation of a gateway on the High Onn road near to Joan Eaton’s Cross. This had been reported to Highways by the Clerk who had received a response to say that they would investigate the matter. The Clerk was asked to chase this up.

Dog fouling was also brought up as an area of concern. The Clerk distributed some more dog fouling notices. The Parish Council agreed that if anyone knew whose dogs were causing this problem they should contact the Parish Council who in turn would contact Stafford Borough Council’s Dog Warden.

It had come to the attention of the Parish Council that bedding plants had again been stolen from the trough located on the High Onn Road. It was further understood that plants had also been taken from the trough on the Little Onn Road as well as hanging baskets in the village. This had been reported to the police but if anyone knew who was doing this, they were urged to contact the local police or the Clerk (in confidence if required). This was the third time this had happened and the replanting was proving very costly and time consuming. A big thank you to Jenny Annis was recorded at the meeting for her time and effort in replanting the troughs. It was agreed that these two troughs would be moved and placed in a more central location within the village to try and deter the thieves.

Councillor Mr Andrew Brown had attended the recent presentation of awards for the Best Kept Villager Competition but unfortunately Church Eaton had not won anything this year. The Clerk reported that the annual Hanging Baskets and Tubs Competition had now been judged and the winners were as follows: First Place Oak House

Runner Up Cherry Tree Cottage

Runner Up 7 Parkers Close

Highly Commended were: Palmers Croft, High Street, 3 Little Onn Road, 2 Ashley Croft

As was customary, the winner and the two runner ups would each receive a National Gardening Voucher, which the Clerk would arrange.

Councillor Mrs K.Reeves returned the inspection book. Councillor S.Moore had attended to the branches that were hanging down. The Clerk had still not received a quotation for removing the ivy from the hawthorn but Mr Harriman was to go and look at doing this himself. Councillor P.Bailey took the inspection book for the forthcoming month.

The Clerk had been in touch with Les Beattie and the transfer of formal ownership of the adult outdoor gymnasium equipment had been agreed. To allow this to happen, and as CERS had now closed their bank account, the Parish Council would pay a nominal £1 to CERS who in return would donate this to the defibrillator fund.

Councillor Mrs K.Reeves took the inspection book for the forthcoming month.

The Clerk reported that she had received several recent planning applications which had been circulated for consideration by the Parish Council. These were namely the development of the former Polish Camp at Little Onn and the varying of planning conditions at Wood Eaton Manor. There were no objections to either of these applications

The Clerk reported that donations were now exceeding £3,000, with the Parish Council still continuing to receive generous donations. Two potential sites had been identified to install the defibrillators and once the permissions to use these sites were confirmed, the order would be placed. The Clerk had spoken withMartin Watson - a First Responder with the West Midlands Ambulance Service – to both request help and advice with ordering the defibrillators and to arrange necessary training. Mr Watson was to be contacted when the defibrillators were ordered so that he could advise further.

The Clerk had now received an email from BT who were currently investigating the poor condition of the telephone kiosks. The village telephone kiosk had had the fault repaired following Councillor Mrs. Karen Reeves complaint


The Neighbourhood Highways Team had been instructed to carry out some remedial work near to the triangle at Marston and to also look at unblocking road gullies in and around the Parish. Blocked road gullies remained a high priority and the Parish Council was to continue pressing Highways to get these unblocked as soon as they can. Chairman Councillor Mr Peter Harriman was currently in talks with Highways over concerns regarding the poor condition of Slab Lane.

The Clerk also reported on various emails that Mr Chris Byford had copied the Parish Council into regarding his talks with Highways regarding the poor condition of some of the Haughton to Church Eaton road. Thanks to his endeavours some repairs had been carried out but Mr Byford still had concerns about works that had not been carried out.

The Parish Council was represented by Councillor Mrs Karen Reeves and the Clerk at the recent Stafford West Collaboration meeting held in Seighford. There still seemed to be uncertainty as to what jobs Parish Councils would be able to do in the future regarding basic Highways maintenance. Items such as insurance, volunteer numbers and costs remained key areas of concern. The next meeting will be held on the 19th October and will be hosted by Bradley Parish Council.

The Clerk reported that the annual return and audit of accounts had now been concluded and the appropriate notices had been posted. The Clerk reported she had received an invoice for £20 from Church Eaton Village Institute for the hire of the hall for September’s meeting and another invoice for £188 from JWH for grass cutting.

Renewal of the Council insurance by Zurich was also discussed following receipt of the new insurance documents. It was unanimously agreed to opt for the three year payment commitment of £533.29 per year. These were proposed for payment by Councillor Mr P.Harriman and seconded by Councillor Mrs S.Dodd. All were in favour.

The Clerk reported she had received a copy of the Borough Council’s Members Digest. All other correspondence, including that from Neighbourhood Watch and emails relating to the issues raised during the last meeting, had been circulated to Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 3rd October at 7.30pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 9.10pm.


Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd, Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P.Bailey, A.Brown, P.Harriman, D.Massie, S.Moore, and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

Were received from Staffs County Councillor, Mr M.Winnington and Stafford Borough Councillors Mr R.Sutherland.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Vice-Chairman.

These items would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

Councillor Mrs K.Reeves reported that the lease for the Glebelands Sport Association was still not signed as there were some issues surrounding tenure but it was hope that this would be sorted out shortly.

Was not required on this occasion.

The Clerk reported that there had been a spate of stolen milk and milk money from several properties in Church Eaton. The police are investigating this matter.

Councillor S.Moore returned the inspection book and had noted that there were some branches hanging down from one of the trees. It was agreed that Councillor Moore and the Chairman - Councillor P.Harriman - would lop these off. Councillor Moore had also treated the saddle on the rocking horse with some leather balm.

The Clerk had now received the tree survey report from Terry Merchant - a chartered forester and arborist - who had now carried out his inspection. This was to be circulated and added to the next agenda. Mr Merchant had not provided an invoice but it was agreed that this would be paid if he did so. The Clerk had still not heard back from John Hall regarding providing a quotation for removing ivy from the playground trees. Councillor Mrs K.Reeves took the inspection book for the forthcoming month.

It was further agreed to look at formalising the ownership of the adult gymnasium equipment. The Clerk was asked to contact Les Beattie about this matter.

The Clerk reported that she had received an amendment to the recent planning application for change of use to a residential unit at High Onn Farm. These amendments were primarily to the car parking arrangements and there were no comments made from the Parish Council, who still regarded that insufficient information had not been made available regarding the project.

A second application had been received for a single storey ground floor extension to form an enlarged kitchen, family room and utility at Apeton Hall Farm. There were no objections to this proposal.

The Clerk reported that donations were now exceeding £2,700 with some more promised. As a result the Clerk obtained Martin Watson’s telephone number - a First Responder with the West Mids Ambulance Service - to request help and advice with ordering the defibrillators and to arrange necessary training. Locations for the defibrillators were still being investigated. All these arrangements were to be finalised at the next Parish Council meeting in September.

The Clerk reported that she had received an email from BT who were now not removing the two parish telephone kiosks as there had been too many objections from local residents. A discussion relating to their poor condition ensued and it was agreed to look at getting them re-painted.

There were more reports concerned blocked up gullies in and around Church Eaton although the Neighbourhood Teams were to attend to filling in the large holes at Marston reported by Councillor S. Moore. Councillor Mr P. Bailey had reported problems with gullies in the High Street. Councillor P. Harriman stated that there was still water running on the road in the Marston area.

The next Stafford West Collaboration meeting to be held on the 27th July was discussed and Councillor Mrs K Reeves said she would probably be able to attend with Councillor Mr S.Moore possibly being able to attend.

There was nothing to report except that posters had been put up and the Clerk had now arranged for a judge to carry out the annual Hanging Baskets and Tubs competition.

The Clerk reported she had received an invoice for £20 from Church Eaton Village Institute for the hire of the hall for July’s meeting and another invoice for £141 from JWH for grass cutting. The Clerk’s quarterly fee of £540.70 plus £5.00 for HMRC was also raised. These were proposed for payment by Councillor Mr P.Harriman and seconded by Councillor Mrs K.Reeves. All were in favour.

Councillor Mrs Reeves also informed the meeting of the arrangements regarding the auto enrolment process concerning the Clerk who despite not taking up a pension from the Parish Council still needed to be registered.

The Clerk reported she had received a copy of the Borough Council’s Members Digest and posters and fliers regarding the Borough SPACE scheme. There was an invitation to attend a service at the National Arboretum on the 2nd August. All other correspondence including that from Neighbourhood Watch and emails relating to the issues raised during the last meeting had been circulated to Parish Councillors.

Finally and on a sad note the Clerk reported she had received an email from Trevor Houghton who had received news from Mrs Rosemary Windeyer that former Parish Councillor Mr Bruce Windeyer had sadly died following a long illness. The Clerk had sent an email to Rosemary offering sincere condolences on behalf of the Parish Council.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 5th September at 7.30pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 8.45pm.


Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd, Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P.Bailey, A.Brown, P.Harriman, D.Massie, S.Moore, two members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

Were received from Stafford Borough Councillor Mr R.Sutherland.

Councillor Peter Harriman was proposed by Councillor Mrs Dodd and seconded by Councillor Bailey to be re-elected as chairman. All were in favour. Councillor Mrs Sheila Dodd was proposed by Councillor Bailey and seconded by Councillor Harriman to be re-elected as vice chairman. All were in favour. There were no other nominations.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman.

The Clerk had notified Michael Williams, Clerk to the School Foundation, over the recent re-appointment of Foundation Governors.

There had been several concerns raised with the Parish Council over a proposed car boot sale to be held on a site off the Lapley Road and whether planning permission was required. The Clerk was asked to take this matter up with the local planning authority.

Mr Paul Brown from Church Eaton Cricket Club was in attendance having spoken with Councillor Harriman about the Parish Council making a donation towards new wicket covers for the club. It was agreed to discuss Mr Brown’s request during finance. Mr Brown then left the meeting.

Was not required on this occasion.

The Clerk reported that she had received several reports from Mandy Corser regarding the OWL Smart Alert service. These were again related to more national matters such as cold calling and computer fraud.

Councillor Harriman returned the inspection book. It was noted that the grass had been cut. The Clerk was still to contact Terry Merchant regarding carrying out a tree survey. The Clerk was also to chase John Hall about cutting back the ivy from the hawthorn. Councillor Massie took the inspection book for the forthcoming month. The railings at the entrance to the playground needed re-painted and volunteers were to be sought to carry this out.

The Clerk had received a letter from the Borough Council’s Conservation Advisor Alan Taylor who reported that the boundary of the Conservation Area had been varied. This information could be found on the Borough Council’s planning web site ( The Parish Council had requested that the previous boundary was not amended but the Borough Council Cabinet members felt it was important for the boundary to follow a well defined line on the ground. The Parish Council were disappointed over this decision but were pleased to hear that the ha-ha, which is part of the stone retaining wall around the churchyard extension and which continues along the southern boundary, had been noted in the appraisal.

The Parish Council had received one new planning application for proposed extensions and alterations to the property known as The Old School House, 3 Wood Eaton Road. On the whole, the Parish Council liked the proposed alterations and extensions but asked the Clerk to comment to the planning department concerns relating to the proposed car parking arrangements. There was some concern that vehicles may have to reverse out on to the Wood Eaton Road, a road which the Parish Council have long been concerned about due to speeding motorists and no pavement.

Regarding the aesthetic look to the proposed development, it was felt that the double garage door was rather imposing and of an inappropriate design to the front elevation which had a detrimental impact on the existing street scene. The Parish Council suggested that this impact could be lessened by the installation oftwo single doors separated by a brick pier.

The Clerk reported that several more generous donations towards the project had been received, and with pledges the initial target of £3,000 was now within reach. The Parish Council were keen to note the overwhelming support from local residents and fund raising efforts. As a result the Clerk was asked to contact the defibrillated supplier with a view to placing an order.

The Clerk had still not received any news regarding BT’s plans to remove the two telephone kiosks. This was to be followed up for the next meeting.

Councillor Massie and Councillor Brown reported on their attendance at the

Stafford Area West Collaboration meeting on the 27th April 2017. Councillor Brown had produced a detailed report covering the whole of the proceedings but in conclusion felt that the value of the meeting was limited as no list of the services to be devolved to Parish Councils had been provided. He also commented that there seemed a general unwillingness to develop such a list of services for fear of it becoming a de facto standard. There was to be another meeting of the collaboration group on the 27th July but Councillor Brown was concerned that the approval of the final Task and Finish Group Document set for June, would mean that there would be no further opportunity to comment on and or to influence its contents.

The Clerk had received an email from Simon Griffiths requesting works for the Neighbourhood Teams to carry out. This was discussed at length and resulted in the Clerk being asked to request that blocked gullies and drains be looked at especially on the Wood Eaton Road and that following information from Councillor Moore, the two deep holes at the side of the carriageway around the Marston triangle were filled in with recycled hard-core.

Councillor Mrs Reeves reported that the renewal of the lease was imminent and that there were no other major issues.

Arrangements were reported to be well in place. Plans were made to stain and re-plant the Parish troughs; a budget of £150 was set for this and was proposed by Councillor Mrs Dodd, seconded by Councillor Mrs Reeves. All were in favour. Arrangements for the annual hanging baskets and tubs competition was also in hand.

The Clerk confirmed that Mr Carl Bellamy had now undertaken the internal audit of accounts and signed the return form. The Chairman and Clerk, with the approval of the full Parish Council signed the accounting statements section 2016/17.

The Clerk reported she had received another form following her request to close the Council’s National Post Office Savings Account. There seemed some confusion over this and as a result she was to contact them to clarify.

The Clerk reported she had received an invoice for £20 from Church Eaton Village Institute for the hire of the hall for April’s meeting. A donation of £40 to Church Eaton School PTA in lieu of Mr Bellamy’s work on the accounts was also requested for payment. These were proposed for payment by Councillor Mrs Reeves and seconded by Councillor Moore. All were in favour.

It was agreed that a donation of £100 would be made towards the Cricket Club’s request for help.

The Clerk reported she had received the usual copy of the Borough Council’s Members Digest. All other correspondence including that from Neighbourhood Watch and emails relating to the issues raised during the last meeting had been circulated to Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 6th June at 7.30pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 9.20pm.


Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd, Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P.Bailey, A.Brown, P.Harriman, D.Massie, S.Moore, Stafford Borough Councillor Mr R.Sutherland, Staffs County Councillor Mr M.Winnington, five members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

Were received from Stafford Borough Councillor Mr S.Leighton.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman.

These would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

There were no late items.

The recent planning application for a change of use from a residential dwelling to a residential care home at High Onn Manor Farm was discussed. Several local residents were in attendance and expressed concerns over this application. These related to various issues such as traffic generation, car parking, and further development of the dwelling as well as over the apparent lack of neighbourhood consultation. It was generally felt that the applicant could have been more proactive in explaining the planning application. The Clerk reported that she had received several responses from local residents, some of which were in support of the application but most of whom were opposed. These responses had been forwarded to the Borough Planning Department. Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R.Sutherland reported that there was to be an extension to the neighbourhood consultation period until the 19th of April. Mr Sutherland was under the impression that this extension did not include the call in period but he had written to Mr Richard Wood at the Planning Department on this matter. The Chairman thanked those who had attended the meeting to express their views and stated that the Parish Council would consider this application in more detail during the planning section of the meeting.

Mr Hill, who was in attendance during the meeting expressed concerns over blocked gullies especially on the Church Eaton to High Onn road. The Chairman thanked Mr Hill for his input and explained that the Parish Council were currently worked with County Highways to address these issues.

The Clerk reported that she had received several reports from Mandy Corser regarding the OWL Smart Alert service. These were again related to more national matters such as cold calling and computer fraud. It was however reported during the meeting, that a tractor had been stolen locally.

Councillor Mrs Dodd had inspected the playground and there were no problems to report. Councillor Harriman was to take the book for the forthcoming month. Councillor Mrs Reeves had supplied the Council with information regarding the last tree survey which had been carried out by Mr Terry Merchant in 2013. It was agreed that the Clerk should contact him about visiting the playground to carry out a new survey, subject to costs.

Councillor Harriman confirmed that fliers for the defibrillator project had now been distributed. Several local residents had already given generous donations and the Clerk is to thank them personally by letter. Councillor Harriman also reported that The Royal Oak were raising a substantial amount towards the fund and this combined with the money and pledges already received, the fund raising was getting nearer to the initial target of £3,000.

The Clerk had still not received any news regarding BT’s plans to remove the two telephone kiosks.

The Parish Council had received two new planning applications. The first was for the change of use from a dwelling house (Class C3) to a residential care home (Class C2) at High Onn Manor Farm. Stafford Borough Councillor Mr R.Sutherland declared an interest in this matter due to his role on the Borough Planning Committee but left the meeting before the application was discussed. After some deliberation the Parish Council were unanimously opposed to this application, primarily on the grounds that it lacked sufficient information to allow the Council to properly understand what was actually being proposed. The Clerk is to write to the Borough Council Planning Department with a summary of the Parish Council’s concerns which the Chairman is to send to the Clerk.

The second application was for the removal of a downstairs WC and widening of a door opening into a dining room at The Old Rectory. There were no objections to this application.

The Clerk reminded Councillors that the next Stafford Area West Collaboration meeting was to take place at Gnosall on Thursday April 27th. Councillor Massie, and if available, Councillor Brown, agreed to attend.

Councillor Mrs Reeves reported she had sent County Highways some useful information and photographs of blocked road gullies on the road from Apeton towards the canal.

The Clerk had received a notice from County Highways relating to surface dressing and subsequent road closures for the forthcoming year.

The Clerk had been notified by a concerned local resident of the removal of some hedgerow and the installation of a new gate on land adjacent to Joan Eaton’s Cross. The Highways Department had been notified of this and were currently investigating.

Councillor Mrs Reeves gave a brief update and stated that a draft lease had been drawn up and that there was to be a committee meeting on the 12th April.

Councillor Brown reported he had sent in the Best Kept Village entry and had received a receipt. He had also covered all publicity to date and had spoken to all relevant parties involved.

The Clerk gave out copies of the last financial year’s account to each member of the Council to look through. The Statement of Governance section of the audit return sent by Grant Thornton was reviewed by the Council and was duly completed and signed by the Chairman and Clerk. The accounts are to be approved at the May meeting. The Clerk had contacted Helen and Carl Bellamy who had agreed to carry out the internal audit of the accounts. The Clerk reported she had sent in the form to close the Council’s National Post Office Savings Account.

The Clerk reported she had received an invoice for £20 from Church Eaton Village Institute for the hire of the hall for April’s meeting. Councillor Brown submitted an invoice for £17.46 relating to the Best Kept Village Entry. The Clerk’s quarterly fee of £531.80 and £3.20 tax were also raised. These were proposed for payment by Councillor Mr Harriman and seconded by Councillor Mrs Reeves. All were in favour.

The Clerk reported she had received an email from Les Beattie stating that the Parish Council representatives on that Church Eaton School Foundation Governors - Steve Rutherford, Sheila Dodd and Jane Evans - needed to be renewed. These renewals were proposed by Councillor S.Moore and seconded by Councillor Mrs Reeves. All were in favour. The Clerk was asked to inform Michael Williams, Clerk to the Governors.

A notice regarding the forthcoming County elections had been received and had been displayed by Councillor Mrs Reeves. A copy of the Borough Council’s Members Digest had also been received. Councillor Mrs Dodd was to attend the forthcoming Borough Council Mayor Making Ceremony.

All other correspondence including that from Neighbourhood Watch and emails relating to the issue raised during the last meeting had been circulated to Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council and the Annual Parish Meeting would be held on the 2nd May 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 9.30pm.


Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd, Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P.Bailey, A.Brown, P.Harriman, Mr S.Moore, Stafford Borough Councillor Mr R.Sutherland, Staffs County Councillor Mr M.Winnington, one member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

Were received from Parish Councillor Mr D.Massie and Stafford Borough Councillor Mr S.Leighton.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Councillor P.Harriman. As an addendum it was noted that following the last meeting the date of the quiz night at The Royal Oak was changed from the 14th to the 21st February.

These would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

Following a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that Church Eaton would enter this year’s Best Kept Village Competition. Councillor A.Brown was tasked with submitting the entry for and map etc. Councillor Mrs K.Reeves was to assist with any enquiries Councillor Brown might have.

It was reported that on the Little Onn Road there were two drainage grids on opposite sides of the road adjacent to the property known as Meadowside. One of the grids was missing and the other was completely silted up. Staffs County Councillor, Mr Mark Winnington recommended that the Clerk contact Highways to report this as a matter of urgency.

The Clerk reported that she had received several reports from Mandy Corser regarding the OWL Smart Alert service. Some of these were related to more national matters such as cold calling. More relevant ones were being forwarded on to Parish Councillors.

Councillor Brown had continued inspections of the playground during the last month. He noted that the basketball hoop had dropped again and that some of the equipment was looking a little green due to algae. The Clerk had contacted Mr Hall about arrangements for this season’s grass cutting and had asked him to look at removing ivy from the playground trees. It was further discussed about surveying the playground trees to see if they were in good condition. This was to be discussed at the next meeting. Councillor Mrs S.Dodd took the inspection book for the forthcoming month.

Councillor P. Harriman talked through the flier he had designed to publicise raising funds for the defibrillator project. Several members of the Council offered to leaflet drop these around the Parish. The Clerk agreed to incorporate this flier into the next Parish Magazine report and to forward one to John Edwards for publication on the Parish web site.

The Clerk reported she had not received any news regarding BT’s plans to remove the two telephone kiosks.

The Clerk reported she had received several planning applications since the last meeting namely a rural workers dwelling on land off the Lapley Road, a new gate/gateway for the Old Rectory and an amendment to roof lights at barns adjacent to High Onn Manor. The Parish Council made no objections to these proposals. Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R.Sutherland declared an interest due to his role on the Borough Planning Committee, and took no part in any discussions.

Councillor Mrs K Reeves reported that Mr Trevor Houghton had attended the last meeting in his new role as a representative for Church Eaton. The bank account was now functioning and the lease was being reviewed. An AGM is to be held on the 22nd March.

The Clerk reported she had now received a form relating to the Council’s National Post Office Savings Account in order to close the account. Councillor Mr P. Harriman signed the form along with the Clerk.

The Clerk reported she had also received an invoice for £20 from Church Eaton Village Institute for the hire of the hall for March’s meeting and the Clerk submitted her end of year expenses amounting to £69.54. These were proposed for payment by Councillor Mrs S.Dodd and seconded by Councillor Mrs K.Reeves. All were in favour.

Councillor S.Moore had attended the recent SPCA “Developing a Community Based Approach Workshop” which was held on the 23rd February and made the following observations.

“The day was aimed at understanding the challenges coming and exploring the possibility to work smarter together.

Ian Parry (Staffordshire County Council’s Deputy Leader) explained that the County Council spends 85% of its funds on social care and costs are rising. They needed to save £2 million per month going forward and in 2021 the government grant reduces to zero. County Council funding will then come from Council Tax and Business Rates only.

Mary-Anne Raftery (Staffordshire County Council’s Community Infrastructure Manager) described the planned schedule of cuts in the Highways area. Their statutory obligations will be fulfilled but cuts in other areas will start in April 2017 with the removal of some of the work she described as decorative or aesthetic, for example: grass and hedge cutting in public spaces. From April 2018 the plan is to remove highway grass cutting and weed spraying.

In order to preserve services being cut, they are asking the Parish Councils to take on more tasks. They pointed out that Parish Councils are already empowered to take on work in their area and quoted examples where local communities have made a success of projects like running youth clubs, getting funds from local businesses for other initiatives. They are of the belief that the Parish Councils can do a better job for less cost because of the local knowledge. They see the role of the Parish Councils changing from customer to channel partner delivering services.

Some of the questions, points and ideas from the Q&A and workshop sessions.

Requested from Staffordshire County Council

Blocks to taking on work



Jonathan Owen (Chief Executive. National Association of Local Councils) arrived late due to storm delaying rail services but sped through his presentation “Devo Local”, he will be invited back in the future. His material can be viewed:”.

The Chairman thanked Councillor Moore for his attendance and briefing. It was agreed that two more representatives from the Parish Council should attend the next Stafford West Collaboration meeting in April and look at potentially hosting a meeting in Church Eaton.

The Parish Council further discussed looking into obtaining speed awareness stickers which could be attached to wheelie bins etc. Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R.Sutherland had provided the Clerk with a contact to discuss this matter further. The Clerk reported she had contacted the County Council’s Highways Department to request that the Parish gullies be emptied and jetted out and had received confirmation that these works would be carried out. No map was presently available to help identify gulley sites but the County Council hoped they would be able to create one.

Councillor P. Harriman had received an email reply from Mark Keeling at Staffordshire County Council’s Highways Department regarding traffic calming on the Wood Eaton Road. The request to move the 30mph sign was proving difficult and it was suggested that a re-think was required on how to tackle the problem of traffic speed especially given the high costs of installing a traffic calming system. The Council agreed to explore this matter further.

The Clerk reported she had received notification of the dates for the 2017 Civic Amenity visits. These will be Saturday the13th May and Saturday the 21st October at the Royal Oak Car Park from 9.00am – 10.00am. The Staffordshire County Council had sent information regarding their Dignity Awards for 2017. Stafford Borough Council had forwarded information regarding the Building Stafford and Surrounds Age Well - Community Connector Schemes as well as information about this Year’s British Spring Clean. It was agreed that more information regarding these matters would be posted on the village notice board.

All other correspondence including that from Neighbourhood Watch and emails relating to the issue raised during the last meeting had been circulated to Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council and the Annual Parish Meeting would be held on the 4th April 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 9.10pm.


Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd, Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P.Bailey, D.Massie, Mr S.Moore, Stafford Borough Councillor Mr R.Sutherland, Mr R.Howarth CEPCC and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

Were received from Chairman Mr P.Harriman, Parish Councillor Mr A.Brown and Stafford Borough Councillor Mr S.Leighton.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Vice Chairman, Mrs S.Dodd.

These would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

It was reported by Mrs S Dodd that Councillor Harriman was waiting for a response regarding traffic calming measures from Mr Mark Keeling at County Highways.

Mr Ralph Howarth on behalf of the Parochial Church Council had sent a letter to the Clerk requesting financial assistance from the Parish Council to help with essential repairs to the church clock. Although the Church had been able to carry out expensive roof repairs funds were currently low and around £400 was still needed for the clock. Mr Howarth had attended the meeting in person to be able to answer any questions or queries the Parish Council might have in connection with this request. Councillor Mrs S Dodd thanked Mr Howarth for his attendance and said that the Council would discuss the Church request during finance.

The Clerk confirmed that she was continuing to receive reports from Mandy Corser regarding the OWL Smart Alert service and was forwarding these to Councillors. It was noted that Mandy was doing a great job updating the Council on Neighbourhood Watch matters.

It was reported that during the recent windy weather, a large tree branch had fallen onto the back fence. The Clerk had, following a telephone call from a concerned Parishioner, notified Councillor Mr D.Massie whose field the tree was situated in. He had very kindly removed the branch and cleared up the brash. It was agreed to look at surveying the playground trees again. It was noted that there was quite a lot of ivy on some of the trees and this was to become an agenda item at the March meeting.

Councillor Brown was to retain the inspection book for the forthcoming month.

The Clerk reported that she would contact John Hall about this season’s grass cutting.

It was reported that Mr Fred Annis had informed Councillor P Harriman that at the pub quiz to be held on the 14th February, proceeds would be given to the defibrillator funding project. This was very welcome news and the Parish Council would be updated on this matter at the March meeting.

The Clerk had not received any news regarding BT’s plans to remove the two telephone kiosks.

: The Clerk had received an amendment to planning application, reference number 16/25068/HOU relating to Church Farm, High Street. The amendment proposed retaining the stone steps instead of removing them. The Parish Council were in unanimous agreement about this proposal. Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R.Sutherland declared an interest due to his role on the Borough Planning Committee, and took no part in any discussions.

Councillor Mrs K Reeves reported that Mr Trevor Houghton has kindly volunteered to become a representative for Church Eaton on the Glebelands Sports Association Committee. Mr Houghton was proposed for this by Councillor Mrs S.Dodd, seconded by Councillor Mrs K.Reeves. All were in favour. Mr Houghton was thanked for agreeing to take on this role.

The Clerk’s fee was discussed and it was agreed that she should receive a 2% increase in her fee to commence in the new financial year. Mr Les Beattie was to be notified about this nearer the time in his role as payroll manager. Councillor Mrs K Reeves requested that the Clerk’s auto enrolment arrangements be minuted. The Clerk was not taking up a pension provision from the Parish Council but as a pension route had to be acknowledged, Councillor Mrs K Reeves agreed to do this through the Government Pension Scheme NEST which does not charge to manage the scheme.

Following a brief discussion it was agreed to donate £200 towards the church clock repairs. The Clerk had also received an invoice for £20 from Church Eaton Village Institute for the hire of the hall for February’s meeting. These were proposed for payment by Councillor P Bailey and seconded by Councillor D Massie. All were in favour.

The Clerk had received a statement relating to the Council’s Post Office Savings account and was to write to them to request that the account should be closed.

The Parish Council discussed looking into obtaining speed awareness stickers which could be attached to wheelie bins etc. The Clerk had contacted the County Council’s Highways Department to request that the Parish gullies be emptied and jetted out.

Councillor Mrs K.Reeves and Councillor A Brown had attended the recent Stafford West Collaboration meeting. This provided an opportunity for local Parish Councils to discuss various highways issues with representatives from the County Council and their contractors who were in attendance. Both Councillors felt the meeting was very useful.

As a result Councillor S Moore and possibly the Chairman would be attending the forthcoming Staffordshire Parish Councils Association workshop where there would be another opportunity to discuss the current thinking on how Parish Councils and the County Council could work better together in the future, particularly on Highways and Environmental Maintenance matters. This would be held on February 23rd.

The Clerk was to advise the SPCA on who would be attending.

The Clerk had received notification of the Borough Council’s ‘Plan for Stafford Borough Part 2’ consultation. There was an invitation to another Mayoral Event - a Motown Party. The Borough Council had also requested notification of any Civic Amenity visits the Parish Council would like to arrange. It was also pointed out that all the visits would be charged for, unlike in the past, where if three visits were requested the third visit would be free. The Parish Council agreed to request two visits, one during mid May and one in mid October. All other correspondence such as that from Neighbourhood Watch and emails relating to the issue raised during the last meeting had been circulated to Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 7th March 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 9.00pm.


Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd, Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P.Bailey, A.Brown, P.Harriman, D.Massie, Mr S.Moore, Stafford Borough Councillor Mr R.Sutherland, Staffs County Councillor, Mr M.Winnington, two members of the public, and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

None were received.

The Parish Council were saddened to hear of the death of Mr Roger Cox who had served for many years as a Parish Councillor. Condolences were expressed to Roger’s family.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Councillor Mr P.Harriman.

It was noted that Councillor Mrs K.Reeves had updated the bus timetables on the notice boards. Other matters arising would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

: There were no late items.

Mr and Mrs Boden were in attendance and wished to discuss the recent traffic survey which had been carried out by County Highways. As reported previously, this data concluded that the average speed in the village High Street was 31 mph. Given the continued concerns of Mr and Mrs Boden and other local residents, the Parish Council agreed to again approach the County Council to see whether something could be done to slow motorists approaching the village on the Wood Eaton Road. Signs were suggested, as was the implementation of a speed watch system. It was also suggested that the speed limit signs on the Gnosall Road could be moved back to give motorists chance to slow down before they reached the village proper. Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R.Sutherland suggested looking at obtaining speed restriction stickers to place on wheelie bins etc which, in other areas, seemed to be successful in alerting motorists of their speed. Mr Sutherland offered to look into where these might be purchased. Armed with these suggestions, Councillor Mr Harriman agreed to contact County Highways and speak with Mark Keeling over this matter. The Parish Council are to keep Mr and Mrs Boden up to date with any developments.

The Clerk was continuing to receive reports from Mandy Corser regarding the OWL Smart Alert service and was forwarding these to Councillors.

Councillor Bailey had inspected the playground during the previous month and had found it to be in a satisfactory condition. There was however evidence of increased mole activity. Mr Bailey had also looked at the netball hoop and thought the spring mechanism may be jammed. He suggested it would probably need to be removed in order to examine it further and to straighten it, if this was possible. Mr Bailey also reported that he had applied some WD40 to the rotor play equipment. Mr A.Brown took the inspection book for the forthcoming month.

The Parish Council agreed to finalise, at the next meeting, arrangements for donations to be made so that defibrillators could be purchased for both Church Eaton and Marston. The Clerk had written to thank the Church Eaton Relief In Need Charity for their generous pledges. The Clerk had also done some research to see whether BT phone kiosks could be used dually for telephony and a defibrillator. This did not seem to be the case, but BT did seem to be able to provide maintenance materials and electricity for adopted kiosks that were to be used for housing defibrillators. Staffs County Councillor, Mr Mark Winnington said he might be able to help with a grant from his Community Fund. He did however point out that County Council elections were to be held in the Spring.

The Clerk had drafted an email for the Borough Council Planning Department in order to check that they had received all the consultation comments that the Clerk has received over the past couple of months. The Clerk checked these names with the Parish Council and agreed to respond by the end of the consultation period on January 11th 2017. The Clerk was to copy BT in to this email.

: There were no planning items to discuss.

Councillor Mrs Reeves gave a further update on the Glebelands Sports Association, who now had a near full complement of Committee members. Councillor Mrs Reeves did however point out that a Church Eaton resident was still required to act as a village representative. The Clerk was asked to advertise this in the next parish magazine report.

The Clerk presented another budget to the Council covering the period up to the end of the 2016/17 financial year. Following this, the Council discussed at length, the setting of the Parish precept for the financial year 2017/18. As a result the Parish Council decided to request a 1.5% increase on last year’s precept. It was felt that as the Parish Council had not increased the precept for the last two years and with costs of services that the Parish Council liked to provide rising, an increase of this size was considered reasonable. This was proposed by Councillor Mrs K.Reeves and seconded by Councillor Mrs S.Dodd. All were in favour. Councillor Mr A.Brown had to leave the meeting to attend before the voting took place but indicated that he would like to request an increase. The Clerk was asked to convey this decision to the Borough Council.

The Clerk had received one invoice for £20 from Church Eaton Village Institute for the hire of the hall for January’s meeting. The Clerk’s quarterly fee was also due amounting to £532.00 and a tax payment of £3.00. These payments were proposed by Councillor Mrs K.Reeves and seconded by Councillor Mrs S.Dodd. All were in favour.

The Clerk reminded the Parish Council that representatives from Church Eaton Parish Council were invited to attend the next meeting of the Stafford Area Collaboration which would be held on the 18th January 2017. Councillor Mr A.Brown and Councillor Mrs K.Reeves agreed to attend. The Clerk would advise the Creswell Clerk that they would be attending.

Staffs County Councillor, Mr M.Winnington was asked by the Clerk whether Mr C.Byford had been contacted over his concerns about the poor road conditions on the Church Eaton to Haughton Road. Councillor Winnington stated that Mr Byford should be receiving a response very shortly. Investigations were still ongoing over the flooding caused by water running onto the road near to the Fox Inn at the junction of the Marston Road and Birchmoor Lane. Councillor Mr S.Moore was to send the Clerk details of the report raised with Highways regarding potholes and which had still not been attended to.

Councillor Mrs K.Reeves requested that the Clerk try to obtain a map showing road gullies in the Parish, so the blocked ones could be identified and reported

The Clerk had received the latest Members Digest from Stafford Borough Council and a letter from Western Power inviting representatives to attend a stakeholder workshop. An email requesting a financial donation from the County Council to assist with the debt aid work of the Citizen Advice Bureau had also been received.

All other correspondence such as that from Neighbourhood Watch and emails relating to the issue raised during the last meeting had been circulated to Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 7th February 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 9.20pm.