PRESENT:Parish Councillors Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs P. Bailey, P. Harriman, D. Massie, S. Moore and A. Brown, Stafford Borough Councillor Mr R. Sutherland, one member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.
APOLOGIES:None were received.
MINUTES:The minutes were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman Councillor Mr P. Harriman.
MATTERS ARISING:Following last months meeting, these matters would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.
LATE ITEMSThe Parish Council had received several reports from local residents over what appeared to suspicious activity involving drugs around the tennis courts on the Glebelands. The local police have been informed and the Parish Council are to contact PCSO Pat Wright on this matter.
OPEN FORUM:A member of the public in attendance at the meeting expressed concern over Slab Lane where a pot hole had now reached enormous proportions despite being previously reported to the Highways Department. Flooding had also caused problems at the ford at Apeton where a motorist becoming stranded after debris formed a dam which reduced the water flow. The flooding at Marston was discussed and Councillor Mr S. Moore reported in detail on the various issues there and that they had all been reported to the Highways Department. Stafford Borough Councillor Mr R. Sutherland took notes on these to discuss the matters with Stafford Borough and County Councillor Mr M. Winnington.
It was also reported in Open Forum that from the 31st October the Post office at Gnosall had closed which was felt to be the loss of another vital rural service.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH:The Clerk had not received any localised reports or alerts since the last meeting.
CHURCH EATON VILLAGE PLAYGROUND:Councillor Mr D. Massie returned the inspection book and reported that everything seemed to be in order. The grass had been cut at the beginning of the month which was probably the last cut of the season. The Clerk had received a quotation from Mr Hall relating to the proposed trimming of the playground hedges amounting to £80.00 (to include removal of any trimmings). Councillor Mr S. Moore took the inspection book for the forthcoming month.
PLANNING The Clerk had received three planning application in the previous month. The first for the demolition of a covered cattle yard and conversion of vacant former agricultural buildings including a two storey extension to form a single dwelling on land adjacent to Brookhouse Cottages, Wood Eaton (application number 19/30998/FUL). The Parish Council had no objections to this proposal. The second application was for the construction of a summer room and garage at Little Onn Hall (application number 19/31150/HOU). The Parish Council had no objections to this application and in fact only had favourable comments in relation to the proposal. The third application submitted on behalf of Church Eaton Endowed Primary School was for a wall mounted canopy system (application number 19/30875/FUL). The Parish Council had no objections in principle to this application but requested that the canopy colour be more in keeping with the existing brickwork. Stafford Borough Councillor Mr R. Sutherland declared an interest in these matters and did not take part in any of the discussions.
HIGHWAYSVarious highways jobs were discussed and while it was acknowledged that the recent wet weather was certainly contributing to flooded roads, the poor conditions of many of the roads and the need for maintenance was making conditions a lot more serious.
Councillor Mr S. Moore discussed with Stafford Borough Councillor Mr R. Sutherland the ongoing drainage issues at Marston emanating from the collapsed drain under the road outside the entrance to Elm Tree Farm. Councillor Moore had produced a diagram and narrative given the complex nature of the drainage in the area which set out to explain the significance of the drain and the knock-on effects which were now being observed. This had been sent to the Highways Department.
Problems with parking on the High Street were also discussed again. The Chairman Councillor Mr P. Harriman had contacted the school head teacher Mr Simon Shaw who was to bring this matter up with the School Governors.
MOBILE LIBRARY: Staffs County Councillor Mr M. Winnington had recently sent an email to the Clerk concerning the requests from both the School and the Parish Council asking for a change in the mobile library visiting times. He reported that while this request would be considered by Library Services at a future time, there were no plans to change the current visiting times. The Clerk had forwarded Mr Winnington's email to Dr Gill Walker who had originally raised this query.
FUNDING FOR THE GLEBELANDS CAR PARK IMPROVEMENTS: Following a long discussion in relation to the Gleblands Sports Association request for financial assistance to re-surface and improve the Gleblands car park, the Parish Council was unsure if there would be sufficient funds in the Council's budget to assist with this. The Clerk had contacted Mr Michael Faarup to try and obtain an idea of the level of funding that might be required from the Council. Mr Faarup had responded that he had received responses either in writing or verbally from many of the parties approached and that he would shortly be convening a meeting to agree what each party might contribute. The Parish Council decided to await the outcome of this meeting before discussing the matter further.
CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL:Councillor Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs Jayne Moore were well underway organising the Parish Council Christmas tree for the forthcoming festival. The theme for the tree would be 'Wishes and Memories'. It was agreed that Councillor Mrs S.Dodd could purchase up to £12.00 worth of items for this project. It was also agreed to fund the Institute Christmas Tree up to £25.00. These actions were proposed by the Chairman Councillor Mr P. Harriman and seconded by Councillor Mr S. Moore. All were in favour. Thanks were expressed to Jayne Moore and Dawn Gibbs for their sterling efforts in re-planting the planters at Marston.
FINANCE:The Clerk had received an invoice from JWH for grass cutting amounting to £144.00. The Clerk's had purchased the Hanging Baskets and Tubs Competition gardening vouchers and an invoice for hire of the Institute for November had been received. These items of expenditure were proposed for payment by the Chairman Councillor Mr P. Harriman and seconded by Councillor Mrs S. Dodd. All were in favour.
CORRESPONDENCE: A Stafford Borough Council Members Digest had been received. The Clerk had received a letter of thanks from Lord Newport of the Bradford Estates. A temporary road closed notification had also been received in relation to the Goosemoor Road .
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Tuesday the 3rd December 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 9.10pm.
PRESENT:Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd and Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs P. Bailey, P.Harriman, D.Massie, S. Moore and A.Brown, Staffs County Councillor and Stafford Borough Councillor Mr M.Winnington, four members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.
APOLOGIES: None were received.
MINUTES:The minutes were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman Councillor P. Harriman.
MATTERS ARISING: Following last month's meeting, these matters would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.
LATE ITEMS: There were no late items.
OPEN FORUM: Was not required on this occasion.
BRADFORD ESTATES: Lord Newport was in attendance in his role as MD of the Bradford Estates to give a short talk to update council members and those present as to the various modernisation, diversification projects, and future directions that were being planned by the Bradford Estates. Lord Newport mentioned amongst many interesting projects more broadband connectivity especially in relation to many of the peripheral villages and hamlets. He reported that Wood Eaton Manor had now been demolished and fenced off with the intention of establishing the park land which will surround the new dwelling and to install power lines to the site. Future plans for the allocation of estate land adjacent to Junction 3 of the M54 were also discussed.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: Following previous reports that on several occasions a car had been seen parked at the village playground with the driver behaving suspiciously - there had been no more sightings. It was reported that there had been various items such as quad bikes stolen in the Eccleshall area.
CHURCH EATON VILLAGE PLAYGROUND: Councillor P. Harriman returned the inspection book which he had taken over from Councillor Mrs S. Dodd. Everything seemed in order although it was noted that the swings may require some attention in the near future. The stump was to be left in situ for the time being as removal was deemed to cause a problem with the fence. The Clerk was asked to contact JWH (playground contractor) about cutting the play ground hedges or more specifically the hedge sides. Councillor D. Massie took the inspection book for the forthcoming month.
PLANNING: The Clerk had received an update from Stafford Borough and Staffordshire County Councillor Mr M.
Winnington about planning Application (19/31018/COU) for Little Onn Airfield, Little Onn Road, Little Onn, Church Eaton. The proposed development described as a variation of condition 4 on a previous application (17/27469/COU) was in essence to address the overnight parking of vehicles on the site. The application had now been withdrawn and the Borough Planning Departments stated that the overnight parking of vehicles is not permitted as part of the current consent for storage of hard core materials on the site. Any concerns about this matter should be directed to the Borough Councils Enforcement Team via the following link:
HIGHWAYSVarious jobs which had been brought to the County Council's Highways Department's attention over the summer were discussed. These included gulley emptying and pot hole filling. It was reported that quite a few of these had been dealt with but several remained outstanding including the damage to the bridge rails on both the bridges over Marston Brook on Birchmoor Lane and the road bridge on Little Onn Road. However work order for both of these had been raised.
Parking on the High Street was also discussed at length. This was evidently a problems during school drop off and collection times. Complaints had recently been received about damage to a householder's planters at a property on the High Street caused by inconsiderate parking. The Chairman is to contact the school head teacher Mr Simon Shaw again over this matter.
Once again there had been reports of owners not clearing up after their dogs. This time there had been some issues in the Marston area. The Clerk was asked to highlight this in the next parish magazine report and urge all dog owners to be more vigilant in these matters as dog fouling is a crime with some fairly hefty fines attached.
MOBILE LIBRARY: As discussed at previous meetings, the school had asked for support in their efforts to get the mobile library visiting times to the village changed, as the recent re-scheduling of these times meant that pupils would not be able to visit the library van during school hours. The timing of the mobile library service was considered to be very important, not only as it expanded the choice of books available to pupils but also the use by the school helped sustain the mobile library for the wider community. County Councillor Mr M. Winnington had recently spoken with Gill Heath who had suggested contacting Katherine Mann at Library Services. Councillor Winnington had not yet received a response but was to chase this matter up.
FINANCE:The Clerk had received an invoice from JWH for grass cutting amounting to £96.00. The Clerk's quarterly fee of £457.53 plus tax of £110.00 was due for payment. These items of expenditure were proposed for payment by Councillor Mrs K. Reeves and seconded by Councillor Mrs S. Dodd. All were in favour. The Clerk issued a copy of her latest budget to the Council members and noted that an invoice for the hire of the Institute in April had not been presented. The Chairman said he would chase this matter up. The Clerk also reported that the second half of the Borough precept had been received amounting to £3,021.22.
The recent request to assist with funding for repair and improvement to the Glebelands Car Park was to be discussed at the next meeting.
CORRESPONDENCE: A Stafford Borough Council Members Digest had been received. The Clerk had received an email response to an enquiry she had made when the next meeting of the Stafford West Collaboration Group was to be held. In the reply the Clerk to the meeting - Lisa Horritt - had said that since the February meeting hosted by Church Eaton there had been no further meetings and that things had not progressed in terms of collaborating on various Parish works. The Clerk asked Councillor Mrs K. Reeves to display a poster advertising a young driver event at Gnosall. The Clerk had also received more information about the forthcoming Christmas Tree Festival and gave this information to Councillor Mrs S. Dodd who was co-ordinating the Council's entry.
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Tuesday the 5th November 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 9.00pm.
PRESENT: Parish Councillors Messrs P. Bailey, S. Moore and A.Brown and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.
APOLOGIES: These were received from Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd, Mr P.Harriman, Mr D.Massie, Mrs K.Reeves and Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R. Sutherland and Staffs County Councillor and Stafford Borough Councillor Mr M.Winnington.
MINUTES: The minutes were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by acting Chairman, Councillor S.Moore.
MATTERS ARISING: Following last month's meeting, these matters would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.
LATE ITEMSCouncillor Mr P.Bailey reported seeing a vehicle parked at the village playground on several occasions with the driver behaving suspiciously. Councillor Mr A.Brown had also seen the same car parked at the playground. Mr Bailey was to contact PCSO Pat Wright over this matter.
OPEN FORUM: Was not required on this occasion.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: This item was covered in late items.
CHURCH EATON VILLAGE PLAYGROUND: Councillor Mrs S.Dodd was to continue taking the inspection book for the forthcoming month. Councillor D. Massie was to replace one of the wooden roadside bollards which had been damaged.
PLANNING: The Clerk had received a planning Application (19/31018/COU) for Little Onn Airfield, Little Onn Road, Little Onn, Church Eaton. The proposed development was described as a variation of condition 4 on a previous application (17/27469/COU) which in essence was to address the overnight parking of vehicles on the site. Following careful consideration of the planning application it was unanimously agreed to object to this proposed variation given the vague description as to what vehicles or what number of vehicles could be parked at the site. Other considerations included the many issues raised by local residents regarding the high volume of lorries carrying road stone for storage at the Airfield and the implications for road safety and the potential damage to local roads.
Prior to September's meeting an application had been received (19/30856/HOU) for Birchmoor Cottage, Birchmoor Lane, Marston for the following developments; the addition of a pitched roof to the single storey element. An oak framed garden room extension. Replacement of dormers with conventional pitched roofs. The replacement of external joinery. The addition of a pitched roof to the flat roofed garage and replacement of external joinery. Internal re-ordering to part of the ground and first floor in conjunction with 19/30857/LBC. The Parish Council responded very favourably to all of the above proposals.
HIGHWAYS: Over the summer, and following a report at the July meeting, the Clerk had reported damage to both the bridge over Marston Brook on Birchmoor Lane and the road bridge on Little Onn Road. Works order for both of these had been raised.
It was reported at the meeting that pot holes were slowly being attended to and that some gulley cleaning activity had also taken place. Councillor Simon Moore had reported 31 pot holes in the Marston area alone!
MOBILE LIBRARY: As discussed at previous meetings, the school had asked for support in their efforts to get the mobile library visiting times to the village changed, as the recent re-scheduling of these times meant that pupils would not be able to visit the library van during school hours. The timing of the mobile library service was considered to be very important, not only as it expanded the choice of books available to pupils but also the use by the school helped sustain the mobile library for the wider community. Councillor Mr M. Winnington had recently spoken with Gill Heath who had suggested contacting Katherine Mann at Library Services. Councillor Winnington had not yet received a response but was to chase this matter up.
FINGERPOSTS: The new fingerpost was to be installed shortly by Councillor D. Massie who had collected the new post from Timberwolves.
HANGING BASKETS AND TUBS COMPETION: The Clerk reported that this year's competition had been judged by Mr and Mrs M J Williams from Weston, Stafford. The results and judges comments for this year were as follows:
1st Place : 7 Parkers Close. A very colourful well grown display of mainly begonias displayed along the front of the property.
Runner Up : Rose Villa. A nice selection of colours with well grown plants, neatly presented.
Runner Up : Malt Shovel Farm. A colourful array of plants all around the house and farmyard.
Special Mentions:
Hanwell Cottage had a very interesting passage way of potted plants.
Palmers Croft and 3 Swan Court - both with well grown hanging baskets.
The Royal Oak had a number of interesting baskets
Willow Cottage had wall baskets and tubs to the front of the house giving a pleasing effect.
It was a pleasant walk around the village on a hot summer's evening (in late July). We congratulate everybody on making Church Eaton a very attractive village.
The first placed winner and two runners were each to receive a National Gardening Voucher.
FINANCE: During the summer break in August the Clerk had paid two invoices from JWH for grass cutting amounting to £192.00 (2 x £96). The Clerk had also paid the insurance premium of £570.16 as the new insurance policy was due for renewal in early September. The Village Institute had invoiced the Parish Council for hire of the hall for July and September amounting to £40. These items of expenditure were proposed for payment by Councillor S.Moore and seconded by Councillor A.Brown. All were in favour.
CORRESPONDENCE: A Stafford Borough Council Members Digest had been received. The Clerk had completed a survey in July in relation to the Borough's Economic Growth Strategy. The request for funding in relation to the Glebeland's car park was to be discussed at the October meeting. The Clerk reported that the annual Parish Forum would be taking place on the 26th September. There were no takers to attend the Mayoral Chinese Buffet event.
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Tuesday the 1st October 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 8.40pm.
PRESENT:Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd and Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs P. Bailey, P. Harriman, and S. Moore, Staffs County Councillor and Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr M.Winnington, PCSO Mr Pat Wright and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.
APOLOGIES:These were received from Parish Councillors Messers A.Brown and D.Massie and Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R. Sutherland.
MINUTES: The minutes were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Councillor P. Harriman.
MATTERS ARISING: Following last month's meeting, these matters would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.
LATE ITEMS:There were no late items.
OPEN FORUM:The Chairman Councillor P.Harriman welcomed PCSO Pat Wright to the meeting who went through the reported crime statistics for the local area as of April 2019. Mr Wright also advised on recording registration numbers of any suspicious vehicles when making reports. He also reported on the proposed levels of policing by PCSO's for the area, comprising two full time and a third part time PCSO. Mr Wright was thanked for his attendance and it agreed that he would visit a future Parish Council meeting.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: This item was covered in the above Open Forum section of the meeting.
CHURCH EATON VILLAGE PLAYGROUND: Councillor A. Brown had returned the inspection book and had confirmed that he replaced the spring mobile handles. Councillor S.Dodd was to take the book for the forthcoming month. It was reported that Councillor D. Massie had looked at the tree stump which was leaning on the back fence as there were concerns it might fall and damage the fence. He was to look at removing this stump.
PLANNING:A planning application (number 18/28383/FUL) for minor amendments at High Onn Manor, Church Eaton had been received. Following inspection and discussion of the amended plans the Clerk was asked to comment as follows to the Borough Planning Department. The late receipt of the application was also noted.
It has been very difficult given the short amount of time between receiving the application and Council members having chance to see the application. The Parish Councillors have now had time to look at this and have asked me to convey the following comments.
It was generally felt that there was insufficient information and detail provided to understand fully what amendments were being proposed. There was just the usual SBC covering letter and several plans all of which were dated 2018. There were also concerns over what was to be interpreted as minor alterations to openings'. The Parish Council was unsure as to whether there were new openings being made to the dwelling or original ones that were being amended.
Following the concerns raised by several local residents at the last meeting regarding the recent high volume of lorries carrying road stone for storage at Little Onn Airfield the Chairman, Councillor P. Harriman had had a useful meeting with Mark Keeling and Stafford Borough Councillor Mr R.Sutherland and Stafford Borough and Staffs County Councillor Mr M.Winnington at the site. Councillor P.Harriman had forwarded his submission to the Borough and had also been in touch with the case officer. It appeared that this matter was still being considered, including the concerns expressed by residents over road safety and planning requirements, and also the potential damage to the local roads.
Councillor Harriman had received an email from Ray Sutherland about his discussions with Karen Tierney (Development of Control Port Folio Officer) with whom he had raised the Parish Council's, and local residents concerns. It was expected that a more detailed email would be received shortly from the Borough Council.
HIGHWAYS:Reports had been received that some gulley emptying had been carried out in the Marston area . Several highways concerns were been raised with Mark Keeling, who after meeting at Little Onn Airfield, had driven around the parish with Councillor Harriman to see these problems at first hand. Some pot holes repairs had also been attended to.
Councillor S. Dodd raised concerns about the little bridge over Marston Brook on Birchmoor Lane where the wooden rails had been broken. The Clerk said she would report this to highways.
MOBILE LIBRARY: As previously discussed, the school had asked for support in their efforts to get the mobile library visiting times to the village changed, as the recent re-scheduling of these times meant that pupils would not be able to visit the van during school hours. The timing of the mobile library service was considered to be very important, not only as it expanded the choice of books available to pupils but also the use by the school helped sustain the mobile library for the wider community. The Clerk had written to Library Services again to request that the visiting time should be changed but as yet had not received a response. Councillor Mr M. Winnington had however spoken to Gill Heath from Library Services who was to look into this matter.
FINGERPOSTS:The new fingerpost had been paid for and was awaiting collection by Councillor D. Massie who was also to look at installing the post.
HANGING BASKKETS and TUBS COMPETION: The Clerk has organised judges for this year's competition andwho were to visit the area sometime in late July or early August.
FINANCE:Several invoices were presented for payment including an invoice from JWH for grass cutting for £96.00. The Clerk had contacted the Borough Council about payment of the Civic Amenities invoice which they wanted paying in full, including the second visit which was not due to take place until later in the year. It was agreed that a half payment of this, amounting to £98, would been made. The payment of £486 for the new fingerpost to Timberwolves was confirmed. The Clerk's fee of £558.13 plus £9.40 tax was also raised. These items of expenditure were proposed for payment by Councillor P. Harriman and seconded by Councillor S. Dodd. All were in favour.
CORRESPONDENCE: A Stafford Borough Council Members Digest had been received.
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Tuesday the 3rd September 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Village Institute. There would be no meeting in August unless an emergency matter was required to be discussed. The meeting closed at 9.30pm.
PRESENT:Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd and Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs P. Bailey, A. Brown, P. Harriman, D. Massie and S. Moore, three members of the public, Staffs County Councillor and Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr M.Winnington and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.
APOLOGIES: These were received from Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R. Sutherland.
MINUTES: The minutes were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Councillor P. Harriman.
MATTERS ARISING: Following last month's meeting, these would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.
LATE ITEMS:There were no late items.
OPEN FORUM: Councillor Mrs K.Reeves was concerned over some of the recent road repairs along Broad Lane which she felt were not of a good standard. This was discussed at length with Councillor Mr M.Winnington. Councillor Mr S.Moore reported that the gulley he had reported in Marston was still blocked. Mr T.Houghton said that he, and several residents in the High Street, Church Eaton, were very concerned over the blocked gullies which in several cases had grass growing in them! Following news that Councillor Mr M. Winnington was to receive a budget of around £20,000 from the County Council which was to be targeted specifically for local road repairs and maintenance, it was hoped that some of the major pot holes and blocked gullies could be attended to. It was also reported that a sign in Malthouse Lane had been damaged but that Councillor Mrs K.Reeves had reported this to Highways.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: The Clerk reported that a quad bike had been stolen from a local farm in the Church Eaton area. The Clerk had sent PCSO Pat Wright dates and details of forthcoming Parish Council meetings, one of which he hoped to attend.
CHURCH EATON VILLAGE PLAYGROUND: The Clerk had now received the parts required to replace the handle on the spring mobile. Councillor Mr A. Brown was to attend to this and had retained the inspection book for the forthcoming month. Councillor Mr D. Massie was to look at the tree stump which was leaning on the back fence as there were concerns it might fall and damage the fence.
PLANNING: Following the concerns raised by several local residents at the last meeting regarding the recent high volume of lorries carrying road stone for storage at Little Onn Airfield the Chairman, Councillor Mr P. Harriman had been in touch with the case officer following the submission he had recently sent to the Planning Department at Stafford Borough Council. It appeared that this matter was still being considered, including the concerns expressed by residents over road safety and planning requirements, and also the potential damage to the local roads.
HIGHWAYS:This item was discussed during Open Forum.
MOBILE LIBRARY: Following the report to the last meeting of the Parish Council that the school had asked for support in their efforts to get the mobile library visiting times to the village changed, as the recent re-scheduling of these times meant that pupils would not be able to visit the van during school hours. The timing of the mobile library service was considered to be very important, not only as it expanded the choice of books available to pupils but also the use by the school helped sustain the mobile library for the wider community. The Clerk had written to Library Services to request that the visiting time should be changed but as yet had not received a response. Councillor Mr M. Winnington had offered to look into this matter.
FINGERPOSTS:There had been no updates on the order for the new fingerpost.
BUS PASSES:Despite sending several emails the Clerk had still not received any updates from the Community Transport and Communications Officer at the County Council concerning the proposed changes to the times when bus passes could be used which would prevent local residents using their pass on the 9.10am bus to Stafford. The Clerk had received a response that discussions were taking place between the County Council and the local bus operators, and that the Parish Council's request that an exception be made for residents using this early bus would be included in this discussion. Yet again, the Clerk agreed to chase this matter up.
PARISH TROUGHS: The Chairman reported that the remaining troughs had been overhauled as best as possible for this year or until replacement troughs could be organised. The troughs had now been re-planted and thanks were expressed again to Fred and Jenny Annis, Bee Byford, Jayne Moore and Dawn Gibbs who were replanting and looking after the planters in both Church Eaton and Marston.
FINANCE:The Clerk reported that the internal audit had been successfully carried out by Helen Bellamy and that she had signed off the accounts. The annual statement of governance and certificate of exemption were signed, as agreed by the Parish Council. Notices had been posted publicising that the accounts would be available for inspection by the public from 5th June 2019 until 15th July 2019 Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm at the Clerk's home - Ivy Cottage, Seighford, Stafford, ST18 9PQ (Tel:-01785 282922).
Several invoices were presented for payment including an invoice from Church Eaton Village Institute for the hire of the hall for June's meeting amounting to £20.00; £144 for grass cutting (paid in May); £34.00 for plants from Dawn Gibbs for the Marston troughs and £110.96 for the Church Eaton troughs; £161.52 for the spring mobile replacements invoiced by Wicksteed Leisure Ltd. A cheque was raised for the School PTA in lieu of Helen Bellamy's internal audit fee, amounting to £40.00 and the Borough Council were to be paid for the recent Civic Amenities visit. The Clerk was to contact the Borough Council about payment of this invoice which they wanted paying in full, including the second visit which was not due to take place until later in the year. These items of expenditure were proposed for payment by Councillor Mr P. Harriman and seconded by Councillor Mrs S. Dodd. All were in favour.
CORRESPONDENCE: A Stafford Borough Council Members Digest had been received.
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Tuesday the 2nd July 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 8.55pm.
Church Eaton 2018 2019 audited accounts can be found here
PRESENT: Parish Councillors Mrs S.Dodd and Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs P. Bailey, A. Brown, P. Harriman, D. Massie and S. Moore, three members of the public, Staffs County Councillor and Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr M Winnington and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The Clerk welcomed back the returning members of the Parish Council and Mr M.Winnington as the newly elected Borough Councillor. Councillor Peter Harriman was re-elected unanimously as Chairman for the forthcoming year. Councillor Mrs Sheila Dodd was re-elected as Vice Chair also unanimously. There were no other nominations received. All the returning members of the Parish Council signed the Declaration of Office ledger, the agreement to undertake the Parish Council Code of Conduct. The Clerk also issued all members with the customary declaration of pecuniary interests' documentation for them to fill in and send to the Borough Council.
APOLOGIES: These were received from Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R. Sutherland.
MINUTES: The minutes were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Councillor P. Harriman.
MATTERS ARISING: Following last month's meeting, these would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.
LATE ITEMS: There were no late items.
OPEN FORUM: This was not required on this occasion.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: The Clerk had not received any reports from Mandy Corser.
CHURCH EATON VILLAGE PLAYGROUND: The Clerk had contacted Wicksteed following their recent quotation for the spring mobile replacement parts and had enquired as to whether the carriage fee of £42.95 could be reduced or whether the replacement parts could be collected directly from the company. The parts were apparently coming straight from the manufacturer so the carriage costs and carriage arrangements could not be changed. The Clerk was therefore asked to order the required.
It was confirmed that John Hall has commenced with this season's grass cutting.
Councillor A. Brown was to retain the inspection book for the forthcoming month.
PLANNINGFollowing the concerns raised by several local residents at the last meeting, regarding the recent high volume of lorries carrying road stone for storage at Little Onn Airfield the Chairman, Councillor P Harriman had compiled a submission which he had sent to the Planning Department at Stafford Borough Council. This expressed not only residents concerns over road safety and planning requirements, but also the potential damage to the local roads which are already generally in a poor state.
TELEPHONE KIOSKS: Councillor P. Harriman reported that the Marston telephone kiosk had now had its electrical supply restored. There were plans made to re-paint this in the very near future. There was however no news concerning the Parish Council's request for the reinstatement of a kiosk in the High Street.
HIGHWAYS: Councillor S. Moore reported that the gulley he had reported in Marston was still blocked. Residents in the High Street, Church Eaton had complained about grass growing in some of the blocked gullies. Pot holes, especially in the Marston area were discussed although it was noted some repairs had been carried out. Councillor A. Brown report issues with the de-lamination of the road surface on Broad Lane.
Staffs County Councillor and newly elected Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr M.Winnington reported that he was to receive a budget of around £20,000 from the County Council which was to be targeted specifically for local road repairs and maintenance. Councillor Winnington hoped to be able to allocate some of this towards increased gulley empting in Church Eaton Parish.
Church Eaton Parish Council, who had hosted the recent Stafford West Collaboration meeting in the Village Institute on Thursday 28th February, was still waiting for the minutes from the meeting. The Clerk was to chase this matter up.
MOBILE LIBRARY: The Parish Council had been approached by the school to support their efforts to get the mobile library visiting times to the village changed as the recent re-scheduling of visiting times meant that that pupils would not be able to visit the van during school hours. The timing of the mobile library service was considered very important, not only as it expanded the choice of books available to pupils but that there use also helped sustain the mobile library for the wider community. The Clerk was to write to the library services to see if the visiting time could be changed.
FINGERPOSTS : There had been no updates on the order for the new fingerpost.
BUS PASSES: The Clerk had again contacted the Community Transport and Communications Officer at the County Council concerning the proposed changes to the times when bus passes could be used, which would prevent local residents using their pass on the 9.10am bus to Stafford. The Clerk had received a response that discussions were taking place between the County Council and the local bus operators, and that the Parish Council's request that an exception be made for residents using this early bus would be included in this discussion. The Clerk had hoped that the outcome of these discussions would have been received in time for the Parish Council meeting. The Clerk agreed to chase this matter up and contact the local resident who had made the original enquiry.
PARISH TROUGHS: The Chairman reported he had spoken to Fred and Jenny Annis about the quotation they had provided for replacement planters and they had agreed to supply another quotation for smaller versions later in the year. It was agreed that that replacements would probably be installed in the autumn so that bulbs could be planted. A budget for re-planting the parish planters of approximately £15 per planter was agreed. It was noted that the Parish Council were very grateful to Fred and Jenny Annis, Bee Byford and Jayne Moore and other Marston residents who were replanting and looking after the planters.
The invoice from Church Eaton Village Institute for the hire of the hall for May's meeting had been received amounting to £20.00. This item of expenditure were proposed for payment by Councillor Mrs K Reeves and seconded by Councillor Mrs S. Dodd. All were in favour.
The Clerk reported she had now completed the accounts for the financial year 2018 to 2019 and a copy of these was presented to all members of the Parish Council for inspection. Mrs Helen Bellamy had agreed to carry out the internal audit and the audited accounts would be presented for signing off at the June meeting.
CORRESPONDENCE: A Stafford Borough Council Members Digest had been received. The Chairman had been in correspondence with two parents concerned about parking on the High Street during pupil collection and drop off times. Councillor Harriman had responded to both parents and had offered to also meet with them. He was awaiting a response from them.
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Tuesday the 4th June 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 9.20pm.
PRESENT: Parish Councillors Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs P. Bailey, A. Brown, P. Harriman, D. Massie and S. Moore, four members of the public, Staffs County Councillor Mr M Winnington and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key
APOLOGIES: These were received from Parish Councillor Mrs S. Dodd and Stafford Borough Councillor Mr S. Leighton and Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R. Sutherland.
MINUTES: The minutes were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Councillor P. Harriman.
MATTERS ARISING: Following last month's meeting, these would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.
LATE ITEMS: There were no late items.
OPEN FORUM: Several local residents were in attendance to discuss their concerns over the recent high volume of lorries carrying road stone for storage at Little Onn Airfield. The Chairman, Councillor P. Harriman was compiling a submission which he intended to send to the Planning Department at Stafford Borough Council expressing these concerns and the potential damage to the local roads. This item would be on the agenda for the May meeting.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: There had been some concerns over anti-social behaviour on the Glebelands car park, and as a result there were going to be more regular visits to the village by the local police. There had been a report of a break in at a farm in Haughton.
CHURCH EATON VILLAGE PLAYGROUND: The Clerk had now received a quotation from Wicksteed of £134.60 for parts needed to repair the handle to the spring mobile. The quotation did however include a carriage fee of £42.95 which the Parish Council asked the Clerk to query this to see whether it could be reduced or alternatively whether the parts could be collected directly from the company.
The Clerk reported she had left a message for John Hall about grass cutting for the forthcoming season but had still not had a reply. It was assumed that he would be carrying out this year's cutting but that the Clerk would try to contact him again to confirm this was the case.
Councillor A. Brown took the inspection book for the forthcoming month.
PLANNING: One planning application had been received since the last meeting (Reference Number 19/30226/HOU) for a proposed detached garage with storage over, conversion of existing garage into living accommodation and relocation of existing oil tank at The Lodge, Cowley Lane. The Parish Council had no objections to this proposal.
ELECTIONS: Local Borough and Parish elections would be held on Thursday 2nd May 2019. All current members of the Parish Council had submitted nomination forms. One other interested parishioner had been sent as nomination pack by the Clerk.
TELEPHONE KIOSKS: Following contact with Stafford Borough Council who have been liaising with BT, it had now been established that the Marston telephone kiosk was not to be removed and, while currently the electrical supply to the kiosk was not working, BT were going to repair it. There was however no news concerning the Parish Council's request for the reinstatement of a kiosk in the High Street.
HIGHWAYS: Church Eaton Parish Council, who had hosted the recent Stafford West Collaboration meeting in the Village Institute on Thursday 28th February, were still awaiting the minutes from the meeting.
FINGERPOSTS: As reported at the last meeting, an order had been placed with Timberwolves for a new fingerpost to replace the dilapidated post at Broad Lane, Goosemoor but as yet no updates on this had been received. The metal fingerpost located at Goosemoor which had been knocked down and then found by a local resident was not within the Church Eaton parish boundary.
BUS PASSES: The Clerk reported she had not received any updates from the Community Transport and Communications Officer at the County Council concerning the proposed changes to the times when bus passes could be used. Further contact would be made with her ahead of next month's meeting to see if there had been any progress in allowing passengers using the buses to Stafford before 9.30am to use their passes.
PARISH TROUGHS: The Chairman had spoken with Jenny and Fred Annis about the quotation they had provided for replacement trough. They had agreed to supply when necessary a quotation for smaller versions. The Clerk had contacted Stafford and Rural Homes who would prefer not to have planters placed on the areas of grass they were responsible for maintaining.
FINANCE: Following recent discussions, the Council had awarded the Clerk an increase of 4% in her annual fee. The Clerk's quarterly fee was due amounting to £553 plus £8.20 for tax.
The Clerk, as instructed had submitted, on behalf of the Council, a membership form to the Staffordshire Parish Council's Association amounting to £185.
The invoice from CEVI for the hire of the hall for April's meeting had been received amounting to £20.00. These items of expenditure were proposed for payment by the Chairman P. Harriman and seconded by Councillor S. Moore. All were in favour.
The Clerk reported she had in the past twenty four hours received information from Mazars relating to this year's audit arrangements and would submit accounts for the May meeting.
CORRESPONDENCE: A SBC Members Digest had been received along with election posters for the forthcoming elections which Councillor Mrs K. Reeves had put up around the village.
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Tuesday the 7th May 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 8.40pm.
The main items of business were as follows.
HIGHWAYS: Several local residents were in attendance to discuss their concerns over the recent high volume of lorries carrying road stone for storage at Little Onn Airfield. The Chairman, Councillor Pete Harriman was compiling a submission which he intended to sent to the Planning Department at Stafford Borough Council expressing these concerns and the potential damage to the local roads.
TELEPHONE KIOSKS: Following contact with Stafford Borough Council who have been liaising with BT, it had now been established that the Marston telephone kiosk was not to be removed and, while currently the electrical supply to the kiosk was not working, BT are going to repair it. There was however no news concerning the Parish Council's request for the reinstatement of a kiosk in the High Street.
PLANNING: One planning application had been received since the last meeting (Reference Number 19/30226/HOU) for a proposed detached garage with storage over, conversion of existing garage into living accommodation and relocation of existing oil tank at The Lodge, Cowley Lane. The Parish Council had no objections to this proposal.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: There had been some concerns over anti social behavior on the Glebelands car park, and as a result there were going to be more regular visits by the local police. There had been a report of a break in at a farm in Haughton. Crime reports can be received from the Staffordshire Smart Alert system which replaced the old OWL system. The link below is where you can register for alerts and see local updates.
www.staffordshiresmartalert.ukREFUSE LORRY VISITS (CIVIC AMENITY VISITS): There was a reminder at the meeting that the Clerk had received the dates for this year's visits which will take place on the
25th MAY and 26th OCTOBER
At the Royal Oak Car Park from 09.00 - 10.00.
Please do not leave items for collection unattended. The Council is indebted to the Royal Oak who allows these collections to take place on their property.
BUS PASSES: The Clerk had not received any updates from the Community Transport and Communications Officer at the County Council concerning the proposed changes to the times when bus passes could be used. Further contact would be made with her ahead of next month's meeting to see if there had been any progress in allowing discretion for passengers using the buses to Stafford before 9.30am.
ELECTIONS: Local Borough and Parish elections will be held on Thursday 2nd May 2019 but there will be not be an election for Church Eaton Parish Council as the same number of valid nomination papers were received as the seats to be contested thus resulting in an uncontested election. From May the 2nd Church Eaton Parish will comprise the following members, Mr Peter Harriman, Mrs Sheila Dodd, Mrs Karen Reeves, Mr Andrew Brown, Mr Paul Bailey , Mr Simon Moore and Mr David Massie. Election of a Chair and Vice Chair will take place at the May meeting.
NEXT MEETING : The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th May 2019 in the Village Institute at 7.30pm.
The Clerk can be contacted on 01785 282922 or by letter to Ivy Cottage, Seighford, Stafford, ST18 9PQ or email Copies of the agenda and the minutes of the previous meeting can be found on the Village notice board and web site.
PRESENT: Parish Councillors Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs P. Bailey, A. Brown, D.Massie and S. Moore, one member of the public, Staffs County Councillor Mr M Winnington and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.
APOLOGIES: These were received from Parish Councillor Mr A.Brown and Stafford Borough Councillor Mr S. Leighton and Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R. Sutherland.
MINUTES: The minutes were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Chairman, Councillor P.Harriman.
MATTERS ARISING: Councillor Harriman reported that the knife that he had found and reported to the local police had not yet been collected.
LATE ITEMS: Councillor Harriman proposed, that in light of the recent plans to formalise more fully the Clerk's job description and fee, that the Parish Council should consider joining the Staffordshire Parish Councils Association. Councillor Harriman reported that had been in touch with the organisation and felt that this would prove to be a very useful resource in all Parish Council matters. Membership would be a £155 for the year. Councillor Harriman's proposal was seconded by Councillor Mrs S. Dodd. All were in favour.
OPEN FORUM: During Open Forum, Mr Chris Beddows said he had serious concerns over the state to the roads especially in and around the Marston area of the Parish. Staffs County Councillor Mark Winnington asked the Parish Council to send him any information relating to poor road repairs and pot holes which were not being attended to in the timescales set out by the County Council. Councillor M. Winnington also agreed to identify which Highways district were responsible for the multiple pot holes on the road from Marston to Wheaton Aston.
Concerns were also expressed over the high volume of lorries carrying road stone to Little Onn Airfield, apparently to be stored there. Damage was occurring to the local roads, especially Slab Lane, through this activity. No planning consultation for this had appeared and this matter was to be further investigated. Councillor Winnington asked the Clerk to email him the details of this matter.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: There had not been any incident report related to the Parish although it was noted that there had been a break in at Woodseaves. There was currently no update on PCSO Mr Pat Wright who was currently unable to attend a meeting due to a recent injury.
CHURCH EATON VILLAGE PLAYGROUND: Councillor Mrs K. Reeves had sent the Clerk photographs of the spring mobile which, seemingly required a new handle. The Clerk in turn had sent these on to Wicksteed and was awaiting their response. The Clerk had contacted John Hall about grass cutting for the forthcoming season and was waiting to hear back from him. It was also discussed whether he might be able to do some hedge cutting where required. A tree stump adjacent to the back fence of the playground was to be removed in case it fell and caused damage to the fence. Councillor Mr P. Bailey took the inspection book for the forthcoming month.
PLANNING: There were no planning matters.
HIGHWAYS: Church Eaton Parish Council had hosted the recent Stafford West Collaboration meeting in the Village Institute on Thursday 28th February. At this time, the Parish Council were awaiting the minutes from the meeting.FINGERPOSTS: An order had been placed with Timberwolves for a new fingerpost to replace the dilapidated post at Broad Lane, Goosemoor but as yet no updates on this had been received. A metal fingerpost located at Goosemoor had been found knocked down by a local resident. The Parish Council were to look at getting this re-installed.
TELEPHONE KIOSK HIGH STREET CHURCH EATON: The Chairman reported that a notice has appeared in the Marston telephone kiosk from BT stating their intention to remove it. This was to be reported to the Borough Council who were assisting with the Parish Council's request for the reinstatement of a kiosk in the High Street.
BUS PASSES: The Clerk had, since the last meeting, been in touch with the Community Transport and Communications Officer at Staffordshire County Council who had said that negotiations would be taking place with bus operators to tackle the issue of the plan to scrap the use of free passes on the buses before 9.30am, where this would have a direct impact on residents using limited rural services. She had agreed to contact the Clerk with any developments in this matter. This information has been passed to the resident who originally raised the matter with the Parish Council.
FINANCE: An invoice for hire of the Institute for the Stafford West Collaboration meeting amounting to £30.00 was presented. The Clerk presented an invoice for her yearly expenses which amounted to £74.45. A donation of £100 was made to Church Eaton School following a request for help with the purchase of outdoor play equipment. These were proposed for payment by Councillor Mrs K. Reeves and seconded by Councillor P. Harriman. All were in favour.
The Clerk reported she had obtained some more information from Mary Booth regarding the recent financial request from the Glean Hub (Gnosall library). As it was unclear as to what their operating costs would be it was felt at this time the Parish Council would be unable to help.
The quotation received from Jenny and Fred Annis for replacement flower troughs was discussed at some length but it was agreed that this year to keep costs down, the Parish Council would repair and maintain the existing troughs. Relocation of some of the troughs was to be further investigated and the Chairman was to discuss this with Mr and Mrs Annis.
ELECTIONS: It was noted that Borough and Parish election would be taking place on the 2nd May 2019. The Clerk had obtained the up to date Electoral Register and was to look at obtaining election packs for those Councillors wishing to stand again.
CORRESPONDENCE: A SBC Members Digest had been received. An invitation for Church Eaton Parish Council to support this year's Christmas Tree Festival in December had also been received. It was unanimously agreed that the Parish Council would support this with Councillor Mrs S. Dodd overseeing the entry. The Borough Council had forwarded information relating to consultation over Planning Application validation criteria. The dates for this year's Civic Amenity (Refuse Lorry Collection for larger items) visits had been received and these would take place on 25th May and 26th October at the Royal Oak Car Park from 09.00 - 10.00 am.
It was agreed that the Annual Parish and next monthly meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Tuesday the 2nd April 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 9.25pm.
PRESENT: Parish Councillors Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs P. Bailey, A. Brown, and S. Moore, one member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.
APOLOGIES: These were received from Chairman Councillor P. Harriman, Parish Councillor D.Massie, Stafford Borough Councillor Mr S. Leighton and Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr R. Sutherland.
MINUTES: The minutes were deemed as a true record by those present and were duly signed by the Vice Chairman, Councillor Mrs S. Dodd.
MATTERS ARISING: These items would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.
LATE ITEMS: Councillor P. Bailey reported on the recent Stafford Borough Council Planning Application Navigation training session that he attended at Gnosall.
OPEN FORUM: Mr Trevor Houghton mentioned that the Royal Oak had recently been revamped. Mr Houghton also asked about the proposed rise in the Parish Precept for the forthcoming year. Members of the Council explained that costs were generally rising and that it was felt a slightly higher increase was justified so that the Council could meet its current obligations.NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: Councillor P. Harriman had recently found a large knife on a verge in the Marston area. This had been collected by the local police. PCSO Mr Pat Wright was currently unable to attend a future Parish Council meeting due to a recent injury.
CHURCH EATON VILLAGE PLAYGROUND: Councillor Mr S. Moore had returned the inspection book and had noted that on the bird spring mobile the handle was damaged but that there were no sharp edges. Councillor Mrs K. Reeves said she would photograph this and send it to the Clerk who would contact Wicksteed the original supplier, to see whether a replacement was available.
PLANNING: A planning application from Western Power to remove the existing transformer and existing overhead line from the rear garden of The Shieling and to build a new free standing transformer on land associated with 5 Smithy Croft had been received prior to the meeting. The Parish Council had no objection to this application as long as the affected residents were satisfied with this proposed development.
HIGHWAYS: The Clerk had now received information from Mark Keeling at Staffordshire County Council's Highway Department about obtaining the recent survey map of road gullies in the Parish. This apparently was not available for the public but Mark had forwarded a screen shot of the map the Council currently has. The Clerk had forwarded this to the members of the Parish Council but it was not very detailed. Councillor Mr A. Brown reported that he and his volunteer team had been to work on the blocked road gulley by Eastlodge and had done the best that they could to unblock it. Meanwhile in Marston Councillor Mr S. Moore accompanied by several local residents, had dug out some roadside ditches and had attempted to clear some blocked gulleys either side of Mr Hough's bungalow. These were now slowly running water but there were suspicions that there could be a blockage. Councillor Moore had also contacted Staffs County Council Mr Mark Winnington about the County Council prioritising road works. He had also reported several pot holes in the Marston area which had been classified as urgent and to be attended to within seven days.Councillor Moore reported that the litter pick organised by Dawn Gibbs at Marston on 27th January 2019 was well supported and had resulted in thirteen bin bags of rubbish being collected! It was also noted that the Borough Council's Street Scene team collected the rubbish very promptly.
Church Eaton Parish Council is to host the next Stafford West Collaboration meeting in the Village Institute on Thursday 28th February. This meeting gives local Parish Councils the opportunity to meet with Staffordshire County Council Highways Department, County and Borough Councillors. Items to be discussed will be gulley emptying, pothole repairs and the general lack of highways maintenance.
Following on from last month's discussion as to the future of the village troughs and whether some of them should be moved closer to the village due to continual plant thefts, Jenny and Fred Annis had given the Parish Council a quotation for creating new troughs. The Clerk was to scan this and send it round members so it could be discussed at the next meeting. It was also agreed to discuss the location of any new troughs so that the Clerk could ascertain whether permissions would be needed such as contacting Stafford and Rural Homes about the Oaklands site, as well as deciding which existing troughs would be scrapped or replaced.
FINGERPOSTS: An order had now been placed with Timberwolves for a new fingerpost to replace the dilapidated post at Broad Lane, Goosemoor.
TELEPHONE KIOSK HIGH STREET CHURCH EATON: There was no news or developments relating to this issue but Stafford Borough Councillor Mr R. Sutherland had offered to chase this matter up. The Clerk was also to continue pressing this matter with the Borough Council.
BUS PASSES: The Clerk had written another letter to Select, the local bus company to see whether there could be any discretions made so that local residents could use their passes when travelling to Stafford on the 9.10am bus. There had been no response but the Clerk was to write to them again.
FINANCE: An invoice for hire of the Institute for the January Parish Council meeting amounting to £20.00 was presented. This was proposed for payment by Councillor K. Reeves and seconded by Councillor S. Moore. All were in favour. The Clerk was to obtain some more information from Mary Booth regarding the recent financial request from the Glean Hub (Gnosall library) and what specifically funds were being raised for. This would be considered at the March meeting.
BEST KEPT VILLAGE COMPETITION: After lengthy discussion, the Parish Council unanimously agreed not to enter this year's competition. Following several months of advertising for a volunteer(s) to oversee this year's entry, no one had come forward. The Parish Council agreed to still run the annual Hanging Baskets and Tubs Competition.
CORRESPONDENCE: The Clerk had printed off another poster relating to the forthcoming elections in May for Councillor K. Reeves to display on the Council's notice board. The Clerk had now obtained the new electoral register from the Borough Council. A SBC Members Digest had been received.
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Tuesday the 5th March 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Village Institute. The meeting closed at 8.45pm.