Church Eaton Parish Council minutes 2013


Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs P. Bailey, T. Houghton, and S. Moore, Staffs County Councillor, MrM.Winnington, Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, one member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M. Key.

These were received from Councillors Ms J.Byford and Mr P.Harriman.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman.

The Clerk confirmed that she had spoken with Gnosall Parish Council to express concern over the recent spate of planning applications for housing within Gnosall Parish. Mr M.Bennett gave a brief but very useful overview of the planning system which had led to this position.

Mr M.Bennett gave a brief talk on the proposed improvements to the Village Institute. These improvements included the building of a new toilet block and enlarging the existing kitchen. It was hoped that these much needed improvements would not only make better use of the building but would attract more bookings. The Clerk had not yet received the planning application for this project but had contacted the Borough Council and was assured by the case officer that the application would be forwarded within days. There was some discussion concerning the obtaining of grants for these new works.

There were no late items.

The Clerk had forwarded to all Council members recent Neighbourhood Watch bulletins. Fly tipping and poaching issues were raised.

Mr P.Harriman had returned the inspection book which Mr S.Moore took for the forthcoming month. Work to the back fence was briefly discussed. With regards to the proposed tree survey in the playground, the Clerk had contacted Mr Terry Merchant to enquire as to whether he would be able to do this. Mr Merchant had agreed to contact the Clerk both to make an appointment to make the inspection and to give an estimate of the cost.

The Clerk had received some information regarding public information sessions for the proposed wind farm at Knightley Hall.

The Clerk had been in contact with the Enforcement Officer Mr E.Owen at Stafford Borough Council over the recent hedgerow removal at Apeton Manor Cottage. Mr Owen had been very helpful and advised that a planning application was in the pipeline.

The Clerk had been contacted by the Borough Council about receiving new planning application on line. After a brief discussion, the Council were unanimous about continuing to receive hard copies. The Clerk also suggested that she should, on receipt of new planning applications, send an alert email to all Councillors. This suggestion was accepted and it was agreed this should commence on receipt of the next application.

Mr Houghton asked County Councillor Mr M. Winnington for an update on the on going highways issues. The poor road conditions at Marston were discussed for some time including reports that in some areas roads were now becoming impassable due to the deteriorating surface conditions. There were also concerns expressed over a collapsed drain and worsening pot holes in Birchmoor Road. The post supporting the Marston name plate located on the Wheaton Aston Road was reported as being seriously corroded and virtually held up by ivy. Councillor Winnington asked for the Clerk to email details of these concerns to him. Mr Moore offered to send the Clerk references for these locations. A leaning tree by the canal bridge at High Onn was also reported. The Clerk was asked to contact County Highways about this as a matter of urgency.

The troughs at Marston had been replanted and Mrs Gibbs had kindly helped out with this work. The Clerk had notified Ms Byford after the last meeting that the Parish Council would prefer bulbs to be planted rather than winter pansies.

The Clerk ran through the budget she had prepared which covered the period to the end of the current financial year. Funds were fairly healthy but several projects requiring financial input were looming. These included the play ground fence, possible new play equipment and bulb planting. The Chairman reported the receipt of a letter from the Village Institute Committee for financial help. After some discussion it was agreed to donate £500 towards the cost of replacing the front doors. This was proposed by Mr P. Bailey, seconded by Mrs S. Dodd. All were in favour. Mrs K.Reeves declared an interest in the matter. Also agreed was the payment of an invoice for the December hire of the hall amounting to £20.

The Clerk had received a recent copy of the Members Digest.

All other email correspondence had been circulated to all Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 7th January 2014 in the Village Institute at 7.30 p.m.

The meeting closed at 9.05 pm.

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Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs P. Bailey, P. Harriman, T. Houghton, and S. Moore, Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, one member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

These were received from Ms J. Byford and Staffs County Councillor, Mr M.Winnington.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman.

The Parish Council were saddened to record the recent death of John Clarke. John had been very active on the Council both as a Councillor and for a time as Clerk. Condolences were expressed to John’s family.

The recent housing applications at Gnosall were discussed. The Clerk had emailed Gnosall Parish Council to request updates on these applications and to express concern over these matters. The Clerk had not received a response from Gnosall Parish Council but would chase this up.

The Clerk had looked into the matter of obtaining Village Green status with regard to the Glebelands. In essence if a an area of land had been used by local people for lawful sports and pastimes as of right i.e. without permission for at least 20 years there would be a good case. This was negated as there was an existing lease between the Diocese and the Glebelands Sports Association.

Mr Harriman reported that the two new troughs for Marston had now been built and would be installed. Bulbs were proposed for planting.

Mr Paul Bailey and Mr Simon Moore both signed the declaration of office ledger as is customary. They also both signed the Parish Council Code of Conduct forms and presented their financial and pecuniary interest forms for the Clerk to forward to the Borough Council

The removal of hedgerow at the Ancient Cottage at Apeton was discussed. It appeared that County Highways may want more of the hedgerow to be removed to service off road parking. It seemed that Bradford Estates were not happy about this request and that the Parish Council should further support these concerns. To this end, Councillor Reeves was to contact Carla Whelton, Bradford Estate’s manager to ascertain who the planning case officer was so he or she could be lobbied on this matter.

There were no late items.

The Clerk had forwarded to all Council members recent Neighbourhood Watch bulletins.

Mr P.Harriman was to keep the inspection book for the forthcoming month. Ms Byford was continuing to research a new piece of play equipment for the playground. It was agreed that a tree survey should be carried out on the trees in the playground. Mrs K Reeves was to forward a contact number for a potential tree surgeon. There was no update on the repairs to the playground fence.

There was no update on this matter although the new dog poo bin at Marston had been reinstalled.

The Clerk had received one planning application for development of a garage at Apeton Byre, Church Eaton. Councillor Stamp remarked that the application would be called in. The Parish Council thought that the proposal was in keeping and well designed but did have concerns that it was against planning policy. The Clerk was asked to convey these comments to the Borough Council.

Mr Houghton reported on the work carried out by the Neighbourhood Team. Some potholing had been carried out. There had been some reports of spilt slurry emanating from farming operations at Marston. This had been reported.

An invoice amounting to £168.00 for grass cutting for the last couple of months had been received from JWH and an invoice for £72.00 was presented by Stafford Borough Council for the last Civic Amenities visit; Mr Nigel Bundy had forwarded an invoice for re-painting the village finger posts which amounted to £468.00. Mr P.Harriman forwarded an invoice for £144.40 which related to the new Marston troughs. Finally the Village Institute had forwarded an invoice for letting fees which amounted to £40. These were proposed for payment by Mrs S.Dodd and were seconded by Mrs K.Reeves. All were in favour.

Following a request from the Village Institute towards refurbishment costs, the Clerk was asked to prepare a budget for the next meeting to include financial arrangements to the end of the current financial year.

The Clerk had received a recent copy of the Members Digest; an invitation to the annual gala performance of the Borough Council pantomime and a newsletter from the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Archives Service.

AON had forwarded information regarding both salting and gritting works for the winter months and preparations for fireworks displays. The War Memorials Trust had issued information about caring for memorials given next year’s anniversary. SPCA had forwarded a newsletter and there had been information forwarded concerning the Boundary Commission review. MP Bill Cash had asked for views from the Parish Council relating to poly tunnels.

All other email correspondence had been circulated to all Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 3rd December 2013 in the Village Institute at 7.30 p.m. The meeting closed at 8.50 pm.

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Ms J. Byford, Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs T. Houghton, and Mr P. Harriman, Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, three members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M. Key.

These were received from Mrs S. Dodd.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman.

The Clerk had received a map from Bradford Estate’s Manager, Carla Whelton depicting the land belonging to the estate. The Clerk gave the Chairman two hard copies of this. Ms Whelton had also been advised by the Chairman as to the area of flooding risk near to the turn over bridge by the canal and was looking into this matter.

At the recent meeting of the Village Festival Committee, the funds raised at this year’s event - £4,500 - were distributed between Village organisations and some outside charities.

Mr Paul Bailey from the High Street, Church Eaton and Mr Simon Moore from Marston, both gave brief presentations to the Council. These presentations contained both work and relevant experiences, and

why they wished to be considered for the two vacancies. After leaving the meeting, the Council unanimously co-opted both parties following a proposal from Mr T.Houghton which was seconded by Mrs K.Reeves. All were in favour. Following the Clerk informing Mr Bailey and Mr Moore of this decision, they both returned to attend the meeting. The Clerk was to inform the elections office at Stafford Borough Council about these two new appointments.

There Councillor Stamp reported that Stafford Borough Council was still awaiting a planning application for the removal of a hedgerow to create a parking area at a property in Apeton. The recent flooding at Joan Eaton’s Cross was discussed. It appeared that Severn Trent Water was dealing with a burst water main.

Concern had been expressed over plans to build 600 new houses on eight sites in Gnosall which could have implication for Church Eaton in terms of traffic generation. This matter was discussed for some time and as a result the Clerk was asked to contact Gnosall Parish Council to reiterate this concern and ask for updates. The Clerk was asked to notify County Highways and Stafford Borough Council of these concerns.

Karen Reeves updated the meeting on the recent Glebelands AGM where efforts were still being made to create a full constitution. There was to be a meeting held in November.

There had been no update received over the recent theft of grass cutting equipment from the churchyard. The Clerk had forwarded to all Council members recent Neighbourhood Watch bulletins.

Mr P.Harriman took the book for the forthcoming month. Ms Byford was continuing to research a new piece of play equipment for the playground.

The Parish Council were still receiving reports that some dog owners were still not picking up after their dogs. The Chairman had spoken again with Saul Hocking from Stafford Borough Council. Mr Hocking was keen to pursue speaking about this matter in the school to widen awareness of this problem. Mr Houghton was to ring the school headmaster to this effect.

The Clerk had received one planning application for the removal of a lavatory in the eighteenth century wing of the Old Rectory, Church Eaton. There were no objections made to this proposal.

Councillor Stamp briefed the Parish Council on the recent Parish Forum which had been held on the 26th September. The Clerk had received various information from the forum.

Councillor Stamp confirmed that the Borough Council had now started a register of community assets. A short discussion followed about having the Glebelands considered. No decision was made. The Clerk was to look at the issue of Village Green status.

Mr Houghton outlined the jobs tasked for the next Neighbourhood Team visit scheduled for November.

Nigel Bundy had begun re-painting the Parish fingerposts and was hopeful to finish this work in October, weather permitting.

The Clerk had now received the signed off annual return from Grant Thornton and that there would be no fee due. A notice advertising the completed return was to be posted on the Council notice board. The Clerk confirmed the balances from the two bank accounts. An invoice amounting to £84.00 for grass cutting in August had been received from JWH and an invoice for £20.00 was presented by the Clerk for the garden vouchers for this years hanging baskets and tubs competition. These were proposed for payment by Mr P.Harriman and seconded by Mr T. Houghton. All were in favour. It was further agreed that replanting of the Village troughs would be set at around £100. The Clerk was given a cheque amounting to £517.47 for her quarterly fees.

It was also agreed that two planters for Marston would be purchased at approximately £75 each. As above all were in favour.

The Clerk had received a recent copy of the Members Digest and an invitation from Stafford Borough Council to attend the Remembrance Day service on November 10th.

All other email correspondence had been circulated to all Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 5th November 2013 in the Village Institute at 7.30 p.m. The meeting closed at 9.20 pm.

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Ms J.Byford, Mrs S.Dodd, Mrs K.Reeves, Messrs T.Houghton, and Mr P.Harriman, Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B.Stamp, Staffs County Councillor, Mr M.Winnington, Bradford Estates Manager, Carla Whelton, two members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

None were received.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman.

Mr Houghton had spoken with Mick Easter regarding CERS maintenance of the new equipment. It was noted that a safety inspection for the new equipment would take place later.

It was agreed that following the co-option of two new members on to the Council that the review of the Conservation Area document would resume. The village troughs had been replanted and where necessary repaired.

Carla Whelton, Estate Manager for the Bradford Estates, introduced herself and reported to the meeting her aim to encourage a better relationship between the Estate and neighbouring Parish Councils. Various matters were discussed including concerns over recent planning matters, road drainage, allotments, developments at the moorings on the canal and the Estate’s wishes to support local charitable concerns.

Carla also agreed to forward to the Clerk a definitive plan of the land owned by Bradford Estates for further reference. The Chairman thanked Carla for her attendance at the meeting which was unanimously agreed as being very useful.

Councillor Stamp confirmed that Stafford Borough Council was still investigating the removal of a hedgerow to create a parking area at a property in Apeton.

The Chairman reported the recent theft of grass cutting equipment from the churchyard. Although the last theft of such items took place several years ago, this news was greeted with frustration and anger. As a result the PCC are considering several options to try and improve security further. To this effect a bulletin is to be placed on the village notice board to gauge opinion as how best to proceed. Obviously if anyone has any information about these recent thefts please contact the local police.

Justin Doherty had reported an incident to the Chairman regarding his neighbour who had a bag full of dog mess thrown from the Glebelands into his garden. The Parish Council is to again look at preventative measures concerning dog fouling.

Mrs S.Dodd reported that while the Borough Council had installed a dog poop bin as requested in Marston, ironically it had been installed on the triangle and the plantings Mr Swift carefully tends had been trampled! As a result the bin had been taken down and it was agreed to site it in a more appropriate place.

Ms Byford returned the inspection book and while there had been a lot of litter present, the playground appeared in good order. Mr P.Harriman took the book for the forthcoming month.

The Parish Council had received interest from two parties with the Clerk awaiting a response from another two. It was agreed that all interested parties would be invited along to the meet the Parish Council at the next meeting, with co-option of two members following this.

The Clerk had received one planning application for the conversion of a redundant farm building into residential use. There were no objections made to this proposal.

The Council addressed Staffs County Councillor Mr M.Winnington regarding future road dressing proposals. The general feeling of disappointment was expressed that roads in Marston were not mentioned in future proposals. Councillor Winnington described the pressures that the County Council were under following both a severe backlog of work emanating from last winter and budget cuts. Mr Houghton outlined the jobs tasked for the next Neighbourhood Team visit scheduled for November.

The Clerk had contacted Nigel Bundy to remind him about re-painting the Parish fingerposts and he was hopeful, weather permitting to commence work in last week of September.

The Clerk reported that the annual return to Grant Thornton had been queried concerning a figure relating to the annual precept. This has been dealt with.

An invoice amounting to £84.00 for grass cutting in July had been received from JWH and an invoice was presented by the Village Institute for the hire of the hall for September, amounting to £20.00. These were proposed for payment by Ms J.Byford and seconded by Mrs S.Dodd. All were in favour. The Clerk also confirmed that £72.00 had been paid to the Borough Council for the last civic amenity visit.

The annual insurance policy renewal had been received by the Clerk. This had been passed on to the Chairman for review. Mr Houghton had rang AON and asked for a quote for the new village troughs to be added to the policy. The total renewal premium was therefore £907.70. This was proposed for payment by Mrs K.Reeves and was seconded by Mrs S.Dodd. All were in favour.

There was to be a meeting held on the 23rd September to discuss the festival and distribute the funds raised by the event.

The Clerk reported that Mrs Fiona Marsh from Penkridge had judged this year’s competition and the results and judge’s comments were as follows.

First Prize – The Old Rectory. An excellent variety of planting shown in symmetrical proportions of baskets and tubs making a tremendous display.

Runner Up – Briar Cottage. A very luscious looking yellow and red begonia planting basket display set off beautifully against the character of the cottage.

Runner Up – Rose Villa. A very pleasing display of hanging baskets, well cared for in co-ordinating colours and with plenty of flowers and foliage.


Cherry Tree Cottage. A very eye catching display of red geraniums in baskets and mangers all round the cottage.

Heath Mynd. Front garden awash with a swathe of yellow/orange petunias in various containers, very hard to resist a glance towards.

The overall winner and two runners up will receive National Garden Vouchers.

The Clerk was asked to thank Mrs Marsh for judging this year’s competition.

Installing two planters at Marston was discussed for next year.

The Clerk had received a recent copy of the Members Digest and an invitation for the local Parish Forum which Mrs S.Dodd and Mr P.Harriman would try to attend on the 26th September.

All other email correspondence had been circulated to all Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 1st October 2013 in the Village Institute at 7.30 p.m. The meeting closed at 9.15 pm.

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Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs T. Houghton, and Mr P. Harriman, Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, one member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.

These were received from Parish Councillors Mr I. Glover, Mrs S. Dodd and Miss J. Byford.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman.

Mr Houghton had not yet spoken with CERS regarding maintenance personnel for the new equipment but would chase this matter up shortly.

Concerns were expressed from the one member of public regarding the surface dressing signs that were still in place in Bradley Lane. The Clerk is to contact Highways.

Re-planting of the village troughs was discussed. Miss Byford was to approach Swan Pit Nursery to obtain new plants now that the pansies had gone past their best. Mr Houghton and Mr Harriman were to meet to look at repairing the trough on the Gnosall road. Mrs Reeves stated that she was happy to water the trough at Apeton this season.

The Clerk had received several bulletins from OWL relating to cold callers.

There were no late items on this occasion.

As Miss Byford was not present at the meeting she would be keeping hold of the inspection book and therefore carrying out inspections for the forthcoming month.

The back fence was discussed and Mr Houghton had spoken with Tom Alexander about the work that was required to replace/repair the fence. He did show interest but would discuss this again with Mr Houghton.

The Clerk had received a response from the Chairman concerning the draft document which the Clerk had circulated to the Council. It was agreed that the Clerk and Chairman would hold a meeting, probably in the autumn, to discuss the draft and to look at expanding the information further. .

The Borough Council had not received any nominations for the current vacancy and as such an election would not be held. The Parish Council had therefore been given permission to co-opt a new member.

The Clerk had also received a resignation from Mr Ian Glover who was moving out of the area. The Parish Council was saddened to receive Ian’s resignation especially given his good work during his many years as a Parish Councillor. The Clerk was to contact Ian to thank him and to acknowledge his resignation.

The Clerk was also asked to inform the elections office at Stafford Borough Council over this latest resignation.

The Clerk had received an enquiry from a Parish resident as to whether the Chase Model Aircraft Flying club had appropriate planning permission. The Council would look into this matter. Stafford Borough Council were also looking into the unauthorised access which been created at a cottage in Apeton, following concerns at the last meeting. One planning applications had been received which comprised a new extension at 5 Smithy Croft. Following examination of the application the Parish Council made no objections to the proposal.

With regard to the Community Asset Register, Councillor Stamp reported that the Borough Council did not have a formal way of including assets on a register but they were willing to consider any assets a community might have in mind, if a letter was sent to them.

The Clerk reported on an email she had received from Staffs County Councillor Mr M. Winnington regarding future road dressing proposals. The Parish Council felt very disappointed that roads in Marston were not mentioned in these future proposals. The Clerk was asked to convey this disappointment. The Clerk was also asked to speak with Mr Steve Cox about the curbing proposals at the triangle at Marston given that no funding would be available from County Highways. Mr Houghton outlined the jobs tasked for the next Neighbourhood Team visit.

The Clerk would contact Nigel Bundy to remind him about re-painting the Parish fingerposts.

The Clerk reported that the annual return to Grant Thornton had been posted back by the requested posting date. It was noted that the Clerk had received another quarterly cheque for £517.50.

A cheque for £40 was raised for the charitable donation Mrs Helen Bellamy was receiving in lieu of her work internally auditing the accounts. This was proposed by Mr T. Houghton and seconded by Mr P. Harriman. All were in favour.

An invoice amounting to £168.00 for grass cutting (May and June) had been received from JWH and an invoice was presented by the Village Institute for the hire of the hall during May, June and July for £60.00. These were proposed for payment by Mrs K. Reeves and seconded by Mr P. Harriman.

The Clerk had written to HMRC to confirm the new tax collection details.

The festival arrangements had all gone well.

The Clerk reported that Mrs Fiona Marsh from Penkridge was to judge for this year’s competition and judging was arranged to take place in mid July.

The Clerk had received a recent copy of the Members Digest and an invitation for afternoon tea with the Mayor. A newsletter from SPCA had also been received. A membership request from the Community Council had also been received.

All other email correspondence had been circulated to all Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 3rd September 2013 in the Village Institute at 7.30 p.m.
There would be no meeting in August. The meeting closed at 9.05 pm.

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Ms J. Byford, Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs T. Houghton, Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, Staffs County Councillor, Mr M. Winnington, PC Karl Green, PCSO Diane Lutwyche, three members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.

These were received from Parish Councillors Messrs Mr S. Caplan, and Mr P. Harriman.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman.

Mr Houghton had obtained and attached the replacement instruction labels for the new playground equipment.

PC Karl Green gave a brief talk on recent local policing matters including speeding heavy machinery through Marston. PC Green had met with several local farmers and had useful discussions with them about speed reduction and safer driving. It was acknowledged however that some of the issues raised were the result of contractors operating from outside of the area. PC Green was to continue monitoring the situation. PSCO Lutwyche briefed the meeting on the relatively low local crime figures for the Parish. She also pledged to visit the Village more often and keep an eye on parking in the High Street and speeding traffic. Both PC Green and PCSO Lutwyche were thanked for their attendance.

Concern was expressed over the removal of a large section of hedge to service an access at a property at Apeton. Councillor Stamp was asked to look into this matter. Miss J. Bennett enquired about the working practices of road repair workers. Councillor Winnington explained how the contracts were arranged. It was also agreed that the Clerk should write to Councillor Winnington so that he could provide information regarding future road dressing dates and the classification of pot holes. The Clerk confirmed that the last two pot holes she had reported had been attended to.

Mr Dave Mullard made brief comments regarding his recent re-submitted planning application for the demolition of his existing garage which would then be rebuilt with a new room above at his home Martins Hatch, High Street. This re-submission had been due in part to concerns raised by the Borough Conservation Officer over the size of the development proposed in his earlier application, and the affect this would have on the conservation area. She was now satisfied with the amended application’s proposals.

The Clerk had received a resignation via email from Mr Steve Caplan in a response to an email she had sent to see whether he would be able to attend any future meetings following his new work commitments. This news was greeted with some sadness, as it was agreed that Mr Caplan had been a very good Councillor and a mine of information. The Clerk was asked to email Mr Caplan to thank him for all his hard work as a member of the Parish Council. The Clerk was also asked to contact Stafford Borough Council elections office to report that there was now a vacancy.

Mrs K. Reeves returned the inspection book which was taken by Ms J. Byford for the forthcoming month. Mrs Reeves reported that the playground was in good order but had noted that a dog fouling notice had been removed from the bollard adjacent to the playground. Mr Houghton was to contact CERS regarding an update of the maintenance personnel for the new equipment.

The Clerk gave out some draft copies of the reviewed Conservation document to date. The Clerk requested that the Council have a look at the draft and contact the Clerk with suggestions. The Clerk also pointed out that the draft was just that, and there was still much work to be done on the document including the addition of photographs and comments on future planning policies.

Again Councillor Stamp reported that there were no developments regarding this matter.

The Clerk had received three planning applications which comprised a new agricultural building at Red House Farm, Little Onn: a set of resubmitted plans for the taking down of an existing garage and re-building a garage and new room at Martins Hatch, High Street and a request for an extension of time for the previously approved planning consent for High Onn Barns, High Onn. The Parish Council made no objections to any of these proposals.

The Clerk would contact Nigel Bundy to remind him about re-painting the Parish fingerposts. Despite again emailing Chris Mitchell at County Highways, the Clerk had still not received a response over the proposal to part fund, with Mr Steve Cox, the kerbing of the triangle at Marston. The Clerk was to continue chasing this matter.

The Clerk reported that the annual return to Grant Thornton - this year’s auditors - had now been completed and a full set of accounts prepared. These would be audited by Mrs Helen Bellamy. The Clerk then went through the accounts and requested that the return be signed off by the Chairman. This was proposed by Mrs S. Dodd and seconded by Mrs K. Reeves. All were in favour.

The Clerk also noted that the correct notices advertising the audit process and availability of accounts for public inspection had been displayed.

An invoice amounting to £144.00 for grass cutting had been received from JWH and an invoice was presented by the Village Institute for the hire of the hall. These were proposed for payment by Ms J. Byford and seconded by Mr T. Houghton.

It was also noted that the Clerk had received a cheque amounting to £517.50 from the Chairman which was her fee for the first three months of this year leading up to the beginning of the new financial year when the new PAYE system commenced. The Clerk was to write to HMRC confirm tax collection details.

Organisation for the festival was well under way.

The Clerk reported that she had organised a judge for this year’s competition and judging would probably take place in mid July. The planting of the village troughs was discussed and Ms Byford confirmed that she had this in hand and would probably purchase plants from Swan Pit Nursery, as last year.

The Clerk had received a recent copy of the Members Digest and information concerning the Mid Staffs Hospital review of services.

All other email correspondence had been circulated to all Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 9th July 2013 in the Village Institute at 7.30 p.m. The meeting closed at 9.15pm.

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Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs T. Houghton, Mr P. Harriman, five members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M. Key.

These were received from Parish Councillors Ms J. Byford, Mr S. Caplan, and Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman.

There were no late items.

Mr Trevor Houghton was proposed for re-election as Chairman by Mrs S. Dodd and this was seconded by Mrs K. Reeves. All were in favour. There were no other nominations.

Mrs S. Dodd was re-elected to the post of Vice-Chairman after being proposed by Mr P. Harriman and seconded by Mrs K. Reeves. All were in favour. There were no other nominations.

Dog fouling was discussed following concerns from a member of the public who lived in Marston. There was also a request for a dog ‘poo bin’ for the Marston area. The complainant was advised to contact the Borough Council to report these concerns. Mr Houghton had received some new dog fouling prevention stickers.

There were several complaints from the residents of Marston, who were in attendance at the meeting, concerning the state of local roads, agricultural machinery being driven at high speeds and mud/slurry on the roads. It was confirmed that Karl Green from Staffordshire Police had replied to Mr Houghton’s request to attend a future Parish Council meeting to discuss some of these issues. PC Green had requested the dates of the next four meetings.

The Clerk had written to Bill Cash MP about highways matters and had received a response. Mr Cash was to write to County Highways over these concerns and advise the Parish Council accordingly.

Mandy Corser, the local Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator had emailed the Parish Council to confirm that delivery of the updated Neighbourhood Watch information packs was now underway. The Clerk had forwarded several bulletins from Neighbourhood Watch to members of the Parish Council warning of recent farm thefts and cold calling.

Mr Houghton returned the inspection book which was taken by Mrs K. Reeves for the forthcoming month. Mr Houghton reported that the playground appeared tidy and the Clerk confirmed that she had spoken with John Hall regarding the pruning back of hawthorn and repairing the chain link fence. Mr Houghton was to chase up the replacement labels for the adult exercise equipment.

There were no developments regarding this matter.

The Clerk had received one planning application for a two storey extension to Oak House. The Parish Council made no objection to this proposal.

The Clerk reported that she had replied to an email from Penny McKnight regarding the on-going review and had stated that the Parish Council were continuing with a review but that this might take several months to complete given the time required. Penny McKnight was pleased and had offered help if needed.

The Clerk had contacted Nigel Bundy who was to look at re-painting the Parish fingerposts sometime in June or possibly July depending on his work load. The now installed ‘Twenty is Plenty’ speed reduction campaign was discussed.

Despite emailing Chris Mitchell at County Highways, the Clerk had still not received a response over the proposal to part fund, with Mr Steve Cox, the kerbing of the triangle at Marston. The Clerk was to continuing chasing this matter up. The Clerk had successfully reported the two serious pot holes between Joan Eaton’s Cross and the canal bridge and adjacent to the new house on the Little Onn Road.

It was agreed that £100 be allocated for the re-planting of the troughs. This was proposed by Mrs K. Reeves and seconded by Mrs S.Dodd. All were in favour. The Clerk was asked to contact Ms J Byford with this information and to enquire as to the sponsorship of the troughs for this year. Mr Houghton had registered the request to create a payroll for the Clerk to HMRC. It was agreed that the Clerk should be paid for the months of January, February and March 2013 but commence PAYE from the start of the new financial year at the beginning of April. Mr Houghton was to discuss this with Mr Les Beattie who was kindly overseeing these new arrangements, and would raise a cheque for the Clerk for the first three months of the year. This would be reported upon at the next meeting. The Clerk reported that the annual audit return would be presented at the next meeting. Helen Bellamy was to be asked to act as internal auditor again.

More details were confirmed concerning the festival with cabaret scheduled for the Thursday evening of 4th July 2013.

The Clerk had received a recent copy of the Members Digest, information concerning the Local Plan, and information about the forthcoming Shakespeare at Stafford Castle from Stafford Borough Council. There was an annual report from the CPRE.

All other email correspondence had been circulated to all Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 4th June 2013 in the Village Institute at 7.30 p.m. The meeting closed at 8.50pm

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Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs I. Glover, T. Houghton, Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, Staffordshire County Councillor, Mr M. Winnington and the Clerk, Mrs D.M. Key.

These were received from Parish Councillor Ms J. Byford, Mr S. Caplan and Mr P. Harriman.

It was noted that in the previous minutes, Mr Tony Skelton’s name had been misspelled. The minutes from the previous meeting were then deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman.

All matters arising would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

: There were no late items.

: This was not required on this occasion.

Mandy Corser, the local Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator had dropped off at the meeting the updated Neighbourhood Watch information packs for delivery to Marston and Apeton. The Clerk had forwarded several bulletins from Neighbourhood Watch to members of the Parish Council.

Mr P. Harriman returned the inspection book which was taken by Mr T. Houghton for the forthcoming month. Mr Harriman had reported two holes in the chain link fence. The Clerk confirmed that she had spoken to John Hall who was going to inspect the fence and repair where necessary. Mr Hall had also requested some further information regarding the pruning back of the overgrown hawthorn bushes. The labels which had fallen off the new CERS equipment were also discussed. Mr Houghton was to chase this matter up.

: Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp reported that there had been no developments since the last meeting regarding the Borough Council’s Community Asset Register.

The Clerk had received one planning application for the conversion of High Onn Farmhouse into two residential units. The Parish Council made no objection to this proposal.

: The Clerk reported that this matter was on going but realistically she would not have a draft version ready before June. The Clerk was anticipating some annual leave at the end of May which would allow her more time to work on the document.

: The Clerk had written to Mr Bill Cash MP over the recent highways concerns and had received a letter of support from Mr Cash. He was to write to Highways to this effect. In response to the problems raised at the previous meeting by the residents of Marston concerning agricultural machinery, the Clerk had written to several agricultural contractors outlining these concerns. Mr Houghton had also tried various means of contacting the local police with regards to speeding traffic, notably in Malt house Lane. This was in response to more concerns raised at the previous meeting. While Mr Houghton had been unsuccessful in contacting the local police he would continue to try and make contact. It was also noted that Mr Houghton might contact the new Crime and Police Commissioner, Matthew Ellis.

Staffs County Councillor Mark Winnington reported that some of the potholes within the Parish had now been filled, but urged the Parish Council to continue reporting any concerns over highways to either himself or the County Highways Department.

Mr Houghton also confirmed that he had spoken to the Mr Rogers, the manager of Midland Pig Producers about the high number of tankers emanating from the holding. Mr Rogers acknowledged that there had been a high number of vehicles using the Marston roads which they had tried to avoid but given the terrible condition of the other roads they had really no other choice.

The Clerk had not received any response as yet from County Highways regarding the request for the joint funding with Mr Steve Cox for the kerbing of the triangle at Marston.

The Clerk was asked to report two serious pot holes between Joan Eaton’s Cross and the canal bridge and adjacent to the new house on the Little Onn Road. The Clerk was also asked to chase up the re-painting of the village fingerposts with Mr Nigel Bundy.

: The Clerk reported that she had received a remittance from the Borough Council confirming the receipt of the first precept instalment amounting to £2,615.50. The Clerk also reported on the balances of the Parish Council bank accounts as of the 13th March 2013.

With regard to the need for the Clerk’s earnings to be taxed under PAYE, Mr Houghton had registered this request on line and was now waiting for confirmation from HMRC.

It was confirmed that the festival would be going ahead on the 6th July. Friday night’s entertainments were outlined and it was noted that a large part of the festival would probably take place on the school field this year as the grounds of The Old Rectory were not available.

The Clerk had received a recent copy of the Members Digest from Stafford Borough Council. The dates for this year’s civic amenity visits had been received and the Clerk would publicise these. The Clerk had also received information regarding a workshop for stakeholders of Western Power.

All other email correspondence had been circulated to all Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 7th May 2013 in the Village Institute at 7.30 p.m.

The meeting closed at 9.00pm.

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Ms J. Byford, Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs I. Glover, P. Harriman, T. Houghton, Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, 8 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M. Key.

These were received from Parish Councillor Mr S. Caplan.

The minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman.

It was noted that the fingerpost at Apeton needed a finger replacing. All other matters arising would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

There were no late items.

Mr Tony Skelton addressed the meeting with concerns over the ongoing deterioration of roads at Marston. Potholes were of major concern as while Highways had inspected no repairs had been carried out. Birchmoor Lane in particular was identified. Mr Skelton and others were also concerned about the high number of tankers carrying slurry etc and in some cases, the high speed at which they were being driven. Issues were also raised about the amount of transport being generated by Midland Pig Producers.

The Clerk had spoken with Mr Steve Cox regarding his offer to help pay for the kerbing of the triangle at Marston. It was suggested that the Clerk should contact County Highways to see if part funding could be achieved. The Clerk confirmed that she would contact Highways to this effect.

Mandy Corser, the local Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator addressed the meeting to offer to supply the residents of the Parish with an information a pack containing details of how to report crime, dealing with cold callers, door step signs and how to sign up to the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. It was anticipated that the distribution of these packs might take a few weeks. Several Parish Councillors offered to help with this distribution. It was further suggested that John Edwards should be contacted to post this information on the Village web site.

Mr I.Glover returned the inspection book which was taken by Mr P.Harriman for the forthcoming month. The Clerk confirmed that she had spoken to John Hall who was happy to continue with the playground grass cutting for this season. He had also been asked to look at pruning back the overgrown hawthorn bushes and to look at the back fence which required maintenance.

Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp reported that there had been no developments since the last meeting regarding the Borough Council’s Community Asset Register.

The Clerk had received one planning application for an extension to 'The Sheiling', High Street, Church Eaton. The Parish Council made no objection to this proposal.

The Clerk was making some progress with the review, and was currently looking at the recently published draft review of the Burton Manor Conservation Area to see if any information could be gained which might help with the review of the Church Eaton document. She would update the Parish Council at the next meeting.

In response to the continued concerns raised by the residents of Marston, it was agreed that the Parish Council should contact the police to check on traffic speeds, write to agricultural contractors operating in the Parish, speak with the manager of Midland Pig and also write to MP Bill Cash to enlist his support.

It was also agreed, given the magnitude of the costs involved, to look at just kerbing the triangle at Marston and request that County Highways meet some of the costs.

The Clerk was to email Chris Mitchell with this request.

It was agreed to defer this item of the agenda to a later date.

Several invoices had been received including an invoice from the Village Institute for hire fees for February and March amounting to £40. Mrs Reeves submitted an invoice amounting to £7.30 for compost. It was also agreed that the Parish Council would contribute £150 towards the insurance for the forthcoming Village Festival to be held as a one day festival on the 6th July. These items were proposed for payment by Ms J.Byford and were seconded by Mr P. Harriman. (Mrs K. Reeves declared an interest in the insurance for the Village Festival and did not vote on this issue).

It was also agreed that in response to the recent request from the Parish Council insurers AON, who had requested the Clerk’s ERN (Earnings Related Number) a pay roll would be created for the Clerk’s earnings to be taxed as PAYE. Mr Les Beattie was very kindly looking into this matter on behalf of the Parish Council.

The Clerk had received a recent copy of the Members Digest from Stafford Borough Council. There were also two separate invitations to attend two Mayoral events. Information had been received concerning Parish recycling schemes which would be discussed at a later meeting.

All other email correspondence had been circulated to all Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 9th April 2013 in the Village Institute at 7.30 p.m. The meeting closed at 9.20pm.

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MrsS.Dodd and MrsK.Reeves, Messrs I.Glover, P.Harriman, T.Houghton, Stafford Borough Councillor, MrBStamp, Staffs County Councillor, MrM.Winnington, 12 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

These were received from Parish Councillors Miss J.Byford and MrS.Caplan.

The minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman.

All matters arising would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

There were no late items.

MrDaveMullard addressed the meeting in support of his planning application for a new garage at Martin’s Hatch, High street. This matter was to be discussed later in the meeting under planning.

Several residents from Marston had concerns over the continued muddy state of their roads, various farming activities and pot holes. Several potholes were identified. Staffs County Councillor, Mark Winnington was asked to relay these concerns back to Highways. The creation of passing places along some of the roads in the Marston area was discussed and given a positive reception. The Parish Council was asked to write to all farmers within the Parish to request their help with preventing mud or slurry on the roads.

John Edwards requested payment for his costs hosting the village web site. This request would be considered under finance. Mr Edwards asked about the conservation area document review. The Clerk explained this process was on going and currently in the very early stages. Mr Edwards also requested that should the Parish Council install a new bus shelter that it should be in keeping with the rural nature of the village street scene. Mr Edwards was reassured on this point by the Chairman.

The Clerk had received various emails from Neighbourhood Watch and had circulated these to the Parish Council.

MrsS.Dodd returned the inspection book. She commented that some pruning back that was still required to the hawthorn on the roadside boundary of the playground. Stickers were still missing from some of the new equipment. The Clerk was asked to contact John Hall to arrange this year’s grass cutting and request pruning back of the hawthorn.

Stafford Borough Councillor, MrB.Stamp reported that there had been no developments since the last meeting regarding the Borough Council’s Community Asset Register.

The Clerk had received one planning application for the taking down of an existing single storey garage structure at Martin’s Hatch and the rebuilding of an enlarged garage and first floor room. After careful deliberation the Parish Council made no objections.

The Clerk had made a start on the review. She had studied Bradley Parish’s new Conservation Area document for guidance and this had inspired some useful headings and area of interest to incorporate in to Church Eaton’s new look document. The Clerk suggested that some new photographs should also be included and would attempt to take some as soon as the weather changed.

The Chairman reported that he had now received a costing for the work required to kerb the triangle at Marston which totalled several thousand pounds. It was agreed to pass these costings on to MrSteveCox, who had kindly offered to help finance this project. The Clerk was asked to pass this information on and obtain MrCox’s thoughts on this matter for the next meeting. It was agreed that the Parish Council would write a letter requesting help from all farmers within the Parish to keep the roads free from mud and slurry.

Miss Byford had been looking at obtaining grants towards the proposed new bus shelter.

Work had been carried out to a high standard on the stiles in Alleys Lane and at Joan Eaton’s Cross. A finger post was required for the stile on the Haughton road.

Mrs Key reported that she had purchased a hard drive back-up to store Parish Council records. This amounted to £44.40. The Clerk had also received an invoice from John Edwards for costs towards hosting the Parish web site amounting to £67.54. Payment of these items were proposed by MrsK.Reeves and seconded by MrP.Harriman. All were in favour.

The Chairman had noted that in the previous Minutes that the Clerk had omitted to record a seconder and proposer for the Clerk’s pay increase. On checking her notes the Clerk had recorded Mr Houghton as proposing the increase with MrsS.Dodd seconding this. All were in favour.

It was agreed that due to lack of support in 2012, Church Eaton would not enter this year’s competition. It was agreed however that the annual hanging baskets and tubs competition would be ran.

The Clerk had received two Members Digests from Stafford Borough Council. The Clerk had received a letter from the insurers AON requesting her ERN (Earnings Related Number). The Clerk was to check the Inland Revenue web site to check the threshold limits. Staffs County Council had forwarded details regarding this year’s Community Paths Initiative. There was also an invitation to the Mayor’s charity race evening.

All other email correspondence had been circulated to all Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 5th March 2013 in the Village Institute at 7.30 p.m.
The meeting closed at 9.35pm.

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Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs I. Glover, P. Harriman, T. Houghton, Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp and the Clerk, Mrs D.M.Key.

These were received from Parish Councillors Miss J. Byford and Mr S. Caplan and Staffs County Councillor, Mr M. Winnington.

The minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman following an amendment to the section describing Councillor S. Caplan having obtained a Tree Preservation Order. In actuality Mr Caplan had made enquiries regarding the pruning of trees adjacent to his property.

All matters arising would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

There were no late items.

This was not required on this occasion.

With regard to the granting of dispensations for Parish Councillors who live within a Parish when setting the Parish Precept the following resolution was made:

“That a dispensation be granted to all members of the Council that live within the Parish to take part in the debate and vote on the budget and precept not withstanding that they are liable to pay Council Tax.”

The Chairman, Mr T. Houghton proposed that this resolution be passed and minuted as such. Mrs S. Dodd seconded this proposal. All were in favour. It was also noted that this process would need to be repeated next year before any discussion and setting of the Precept.

The Clerk and Chairman thanked Councillor Stamp for clarifying this matter and obtaining the relevant wording for the resolution from Alistair Welsh, Head Law, Administration and Monitoring Officer at Stafford Borough Council.

The Clerk when receiving various emails from Neighbourhood Watch had circulated these to the Parish Council.

Mrs K. Reeves returned the inspection book and reported that the netball hoop post had been dealt with. She also commented on some pruning back that was required especially to the hawthorn on the roadside boundary of the playground. The stickers were still missing from some of the new equipment. The Chairman stated that he would chase this up with Jim Barnett. Mrs S. Dodd took the inspection book for the forthcoming month

The Chairman had contacted Saul Hocking, the Enforcement and Performance Officer of Regulatory Services at Stafford Borough Council regarding the high level of dog fouling in the Parish and with It is understood that in February the Borough Council are to update their 2011 campaign of awareness and information regarding fixed penalty notices (currently £75). Church Eaton expressed an interest in this and will be notified shortly. It was hoped that this new campaign will involve the school. Mr Hocking reiterated that if details were passed to him regarding irresponsible dog owners they would be fined!

Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp updated the meeting on the Borough Council’s position concerning their Community Asset Register. He reported that the report regarding the enabling regulations made by the Government had not yet gone before the Council’s Cabinet.

The Clerk reported on the sad death of Stafford Borough Planning Officer, Susie Empsall. Three planning applications had been received. The first regarding new plans for an extension at Lilac Cottage, the second for an extension at 22 The Oaklands and the third a new kitchen/diner arrangement at the Old Rectory. The Parish Council had no objections to these applications.

Following a brief discussion the Clerk, Mrs Key offered to start the review by looking at Bradley Parish’s new Conservation Area document for guidance with regard to updating Church Eaton’s existing document. The Clerk was hopeful to have started this process by the next meeting.

The Chairman reported that he had not received a costing for the work required to kerb the triangle at Marston, but would chase this matter up. The stiles at Joan Eaton’s Cross and Alleys Lane were discussed. Requests to repair the stiles had been passed to the Rights of Way office by the Community Teams. Flooding by Malt Shovel Farm was discussed. Councillor Stamp had reported this matter to Chris Mitchell at County Highways.

The Clerk had forwarded various quotes through to Miss Byford. Mr Houghton had also obtained some detailed quote from a company called Little Thorpe. In Miss Byford’s absence it was agreed to discuss this matter at the next meeting.

The Clerk had received a request from Stafford Borough Council for the forthcoming financial year’s requirements. The Parish Council unanimously agreed not to request an increase in the level of precept for the forthcoming year. The Concurrent Functions Allowance was also requested. This also remained at the same level as last financial year - £531.

The Clerk’s half yearly fee was due for payment. Mr Houghton reported that while Mrs Key had agreed not to accept an increase in fees last year, he felt that in line with inflation her fee should be increased by 3.5%. This amounted to Mrs Key receiving a half yearly fee of £1,035. Mrs Key requested that the Parish Council sanction the purchase of some sort of hard drive back up to store Parish Council records. This and her expenses would be discussed at the next meeting.

The Clerk had received an invoice from the Village Institute for hire of the hall for January amounting to £20 and an invoice for purchase of the Christmas Tree amounting to £25. Payment of these items were proposed by Mr P.Harriman and seconded by Mr I.Glover. All were in favour.

With regard to entering the competition this year there was still some doubt given the lack of support. It was agreed however to discuss this more fully at the next meeting.

Repairs to some of the new village troughs were discussed. Mr Houghton and Mr Harriman kindly offered to carry these out.

The Clerk had received the current Members Digest from Stafford Borough Council. The Borough had also forwarded some information regarding pre-submission of the Local Plan which was circulated for reading. Dates for the next round of Civic Amenity visits for 2013 were requested. It was agreed that the Parish Council would request the same amount of visits and dates as last year.

All other email correspondence had been circulated to all Parish Councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on the 5th February 2013 in the Village Institute at 7.30 p.m. The meeting closed at 9.10pm.

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