Church Eaton Parish Council minutes prior to 2010


Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones and Mrs K Reeves, Messrs I. Glover, T. Houghton, B. Thacker, three members of the public and the Clerk.


These were received from Ms M. Corser, SBC Councillor Mr B. Stamp and Staffs County Councillor Mr M. Winnington.

The minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman. Mr B. Thacker queried the request to organise a rota for the play ground inspections, as raised at the last meeting. The Clerk confirmed that a rota would be prepared for the next meeting.

It was agreed that all matters arising from the last meeting would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

: The Clerk reported that Mr Steve Caplan had forwarded through a copy of the revisions for the planning application for an extension at his property Lissadell, High Street. The Parish Council were now waiting to receive the amended plans from Stafford Borough Council.

: The Chairman had received a letter from Mr R. Howarth on behalf of the School Governors over car parking in the High Street. A brief discussion on this matter ensued and various ways of countering the problem discussed. It was agreed that Mr Howarth should be invited to the proposed meeting with S.C.C Highways.

Unfortunately Mandy was unable to attend the meeting due to illness. It was reported that a mail van had broken down and while the driver was seeking assistance, the van was broken into and items of mail stolen.


The inspection book was returned. Everything was in order. Mr I. Glover took the book for the forthcoming month. The Clerk confirmed that a rota for the play ground inspections would be prepared for the next meeting. .

Mr Roy Billington had very kindly agreed to not only repair the broken net ball hoop. but also attach the new sign to the old post after repainting the post.

The recent meeting of the Church Eaton Recreation Society was discussed. A cheque for £250.00 had been presented to the Parish Council in lieu of the Recreation Society contribution to the new playground fence. Unfortunately this cheque should have been made out for the balance of the invoice minus the Parish Council contribution not as the former. Mr Houghton was to liase with Mr Beatty over this and the Clerk was asked to forward a copy of the original invoice to Mr Beatty.

The Clerk reported that not only a letter but an email had been received from BT over the proposed adopt a kiosk scheme. Both were reassuring that nothing would be done without further consultation and there were at present, no plans to remove either the telephony or kiosks. BT however disputed the lack of the mobile telephone network coverage in the area. The Clerk was asked to reply pointing out the recent mail van robbery where the driver, unable to use his mobile telephone, had to walk into the village to use the telephone kiosk. If ever there was a case in point to illustrate the poor network coverage and need for a pay phone in the area, this was it!

: The Clerk had written to several landowners who might be interested in providing a small piece of land for allotment use. Mr Houghton read out details of a useful self help web site designated for people wishing to land share (

: There had been a meeting in Wheaton Aston last night but unfortunately no one was available to update the Parish Council.

One new planning application had been received for the conversion of agricultural buildings into one dwelling house at Little Onn. After studying the plans the Parish Council had no objections.

: A list had now been compiled of all outstanding and urgent highway matters. Mr Houghton was to arrange a meeting with Chris Mitchell from S.C.C Highways on site to look at all these problems first hand. Also to included at this meeting would be the problematic High Street car parking during school opening and closing times and the repeated request from Mr John Young concerning a boundary sign for Goosemoor.

: Two invoices had been received; the first from JWH for £96.00 for playground grass cutting and the second for £17.25 for materials for playground maintenance as paid for by Mr Houghton. The Clerk presented an updated budget and suggested that the Parish Council might consider creating a contingency fund for, say £1,000.00. This was proposed by Mr T. Houghton, seconded by Mrs K. Reeves. All were in favour with one objector. It was also agreed to review the state of the village play ground fences.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council including the annual report from SBC, a copy of Members Digest and an update from South Staffs Council re the LDF.

Mr Houghton had received a letter form the Church Eaton Relief In Need Charity who requested that the Parish Council should elect three trustees for a term of four years.

As a result Mrs S Bennett, Mr S. Rutherford and Mr David Rogers were elected by the Parish Council. Mr Thacker suggested that it might be useful to invite a trustee to attend a Parish Council meeting to discuss the work carried out by the charity.

Mr Houghton had received a letter from Matt Jones, from the organisation Farming Flood Plans For The Future, updating the plans to create a flood plain on land behind the village. There were some doubts due to the lack of fall that the scheme would work but plans were still afoot to look at creating a flood pond to store the flood water. More information would be available at a later date.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on the 5th January 2010 in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones and Mrs K Reeves, Messrs B. Thacker, T. Houghton, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, Mr Ken Kelsall, chairman and two colleagues from SBC Allotments Society and five members of the public.


These were received from the Clerk, Mrs D.M .Key who had been taken ill and Parish Councillor, Mr I. Glover.

The minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman.

There was nothing to report on the Rural Link Bus Service.

Minutes from the Church Eaton Recreational Society were in hand. The date of the next meeting was to be arranged soon.

There was no news from the wind farm action group but meetings were taking place.

: Mr Ken Kelsall addressed the meeting concerning the issues that

might be raised by the creation of an allotment site within the Parish. He raised the following points:

  • There was an entitlement by law under the 1906 Allotments Act for land to be made available on a request by 6 people..

  • Any Allotments Association should be run by a Committee comprising of at least a Chair/Secretary/Treasurer/plus 5 members.

  • Ideally there should be at least 10 plots.

  • Soils quality is vital – it should be good to 2 spade depths.

  • Good drainage is important – there may be additional costs if site is not level.

  • Each plot should be 5 roods (68.4 square yards) and not less than 3 roods.

  • There should be vehicular access, mains water and a power supply.

  • There should be a car parking area.

  • Site Security – ideally the area should be surrounded by a 6 foot high fence!!

  • Health and Safety issues can arise with sheds and greenhouses.

  • Toilet provision for male and female should be provided.

  • Lottery Grants can be available towards start up costs.

  • A store shed is a useful asset.

  • Rental charges for a plot generally are £18 per year plus associated costs e.g. water power etc.

  • Tenants who neglect plots are subject to a 28-day termination clause.

  • There must be adequate insurance.

There could be Child Protection issues.

With the above comments in mind, the Council agreed to discuss this further at the next meeting. The Chairman thanked Mr Kelsall and his colleagues for attending the meeting.

Mr Steve Caplan reported that he had attended the last meeting of the wind farm action group and highlighted the excellent organisation and research the members were carrying out. It now seemed likely that the wind farm planning application would be lodged with the local planning authority in November although the action group hoped there might be a delay.

There were no late items

There had been several incidents relating to the Newport area, details of which were already on the notice board.


The net ball hoop had been broken and had been tied up.

The goal board now had its yellow framework finished.

The Clerk had ordered the new information sign but the post would need repainting. Mr John Hall would be approached to see whether this was something he could carry out.

One planning application had been received for an extension at Lissadell, High Street, Church Eaton. There were no objections made to this proposal.

: Various potholes had been marked for patching, but that was all!

Councillors were to compile a list of highway matters at the next meeting.

Highways had been approached to install the refurbished finger posts. The Chairman was to approach Mr Carless about quoting for the new finger post required at Goosemoor. Mr Thacker was to check on the Little Onn finger post to see what condition it was in and what work may be required to improve its appearance.

The Community Gangs timetable was apparently now available on the County website but had not been located.


The bank account balances were reported and a cheque for £1.20 had been received from the MEB, for this year’s wayleave in the playground.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council included information from town twinning, SBC information concerning street naming and a copy of Members Digest.

Matt Jones from Staffordshire Wildlife Trust had telephoned the Chairman and confirmed that he had now completed his work with Mr Thomas. The proposed floodplain scheme for Miss Janet Bennett's land had now been shelved. It was considered impractical due to the little depth of fall between the village and brook.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on the 3rd November 2009 in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, and Mrs K Reeves, Messrs B. Thacker, I. Glover, T. Houghton, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, four members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M .Key.


Apologies were received from Parish Councillors, Mrs D. Jones and Mr I. Glover and Staffs County Councillor, Mr M. Winnington.

The minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman.

Mr T. Houghton attended the recent awards presentation for this year’s Best Kept Village Competition. Church Eaton was awarded a Highly Commended certificate.

: Mrs Mainwaring addressed the meeting over concerns that the bunting from this year’s Village Festival was becoming very bedraggled. There had also been complaints that the festival sign had not been removed from Bradley Lane. Miss Janet Bennett thanked the Parish Council for help in getting some cattle crossing sign installed along Little Onn Road. Unfortunately one had been inappropriately positioned right on the junction on to the High Street.

Use of the new goal board was discussed. Councillor Stamp informed the meeting that professional coaching training for local children had been organised by Mr Clive Jones which would help raise interest.

Mr Wain spoke briefly about his recently amended planning application for an extension at 2 Malthouse Lane. He confirmed that he had met with planners and as a result the size, scale and pitch of the extension had been redesigned to accommodate the existing street scene.

There were no late items

There was nothing significant to report. The new OWL service was discussed..

The Clerk confirmed that a copy of the letter objecting to the proposal to Wind Prospect had been forwarded to Gnosall Parish Council. The Clerk had received responses or read –me receipts from all the parties copied to. No response had been received from Wind Prospect as yet.


Mr Houghton had returned the inspection book with nothing to report. Ms M. Corser had picked up some litter. MR B. Thacker took the book for the forthcoming month.

The Clerk had received a letter from James Squire of Bidwells over the possible purchase/lease of land for football. The Estate Trustees wanted to defer a meeting until the Wind Farm was decided, as they wanted to remain impartial.

Kerbing outside along the roadside verge was discussed. The Clerk is to contact Highways to discuss this.

It was agreed that the Parish Council would pay £250.00 of the new fence invoice and would also insure the goal board. This was proposed by Mr B. Thacker, seconded by Mrs K. Reeves. All were in favour.

The Clerk had received an amended plan for the proposed extension at number 2 Malthouse Lane. It was agreed that the amendments addressed any issues that the Parish Council had previously been concerned with.

: There was still no news on the proposal to resurface the Church Eaton to Haughton road although the Clerk had contacted Councillor Mark Winnington who was to meet shortly with Highways to discuss this matter.

The Clerk had contacted Mr Ken Kelsall from SBC Allotments Society who had agreed to attend the next meeting to discuss the setting up of allotments. The Clerk also circulated for reading, some information concerning the organisation of allotments for reading. Mr Houghton was to contact the Foundation Governors over the availability of land for such a project.


Three invoices were presented for payment, £64.00 for grass cutting from J W Hall; £47.90 for the last civic amenity visit and £587.08 for the annual playground insurance. These were proposed for payment by Mrs S. Dodd and seconded by Mrs K Reeves. All were in favour.

The annual Audit Commission return was signed after the Clerk had given a copy of the accounts to each Councillor and a short report regarding the accounts. Mrs Helen Bellamy had kindly agreed to act as internal auditor for this year’s annual audit. The audited accounts would be available for public inspection during mid August and this fact would be advertised.

: It was agreed to discuss this matter at a later meeting when more information was to hand.

The Clerk announced the winners of this year’s competition, which was judged by Mr and Mrs F C Waterfall. Regard was given this year to judging both hanging baskets and tubs. The winners were, in first place Heathmynd; second place 11 The Oaklands; joint third Cherry Tree Cottage

and Willow Cottage. All of these winners would each receive a gardening voucher sponsored by the Parish Council.

There was no news concerning this matter.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on the 1st September 2009 in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.22 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, and Mrs K Reeves, Messrs B. Thacker, I. Glover, T. Houghton, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, PC Andy Heritage, 6 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M. Key.


Apologies were received from Parish Councillor, Mrs D. Jones and Staffs County Councillor, Mr M. Winnington.

The minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman.

Itwas agreed that all matters arising from the last meeting would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

: Mr Tony Lendon addressed the meeting with regard to the recent proposal to site a wind farm at Brineton. An action group had been set up and the group’s plans were discussed. On Sunday, it had been proposed that a blimp, representing the height of an individual wind turbine would be flown to illustrate the height and impact the wind turbines would make if installed. More information regarding the action group events was requested.

The Parish Council reiterated that they would object to the wind farm proposal.

PC Andy Heritage addressed the meeting and gave a report comprising of 45 reported incidents within the parish. Out of these 22 had resulted in police involvement. Reported incidents consisted of a stolen property including a bird of prey, and lead stolen from the church roof. The categorisation of crime was discussed.

PC Heritage also requested that if a vehicle registration number was taken down in connection with any suspicious activity it was really important to get the registration details right. Recently several numbers had been passed on to the police but these had proved to be inaccurate with no further action taken. The chairman thanked PC Heritage for his attendance.

Ms Corser informed the meeting that Stafford Police were now on Twitter. Information regarding neighbour teams and policing was distributed for reading.

: It had recently been reported in the Express and Star, that Rural Link was to end. This decision had been made on the grounds of costs, low passenger numbers and the viability of the whole service. The Clerk was asked to contact Councillor Mark Winnington to ascertain what would be happening.

The Clerk gave out some new bus timetables.

This had been discussed quite fully in Open Forum. The Clerk confirmed that a copy of the letter objecting to the proposal to Wind Prospect had been forwarded and all parties copied to. No response had been received from Wind Prospect.


Mr Houghton had forgotten the inspection book but as was the usual forfeit was to retain it for the forthcoming month. Mr Houghton confirmed that the new goal board had been installed and the five a side posts had been moved into the play area, in front of the new fence. It was commented that the goal board would need to be added on to the insurance.

Mr Houghton had contacted Bidwells (agents to the Bradford Estate) concerning the lease/purchase of a new football pitch. Mr James Squier had written back to confirm that he would present this matter at the next estate meeting.

The Clerk had received a several planning applications and one amendment. The amendment for the proposed calf-rearing shed at Eaton Croft comprised an environmental impact assessment study carried out on the proposed site by Stafford Wildlife Trust. The Trust made several recommendations concerning the building of the shed but had no main objections. The Clerk also had received various information from a concerned local resident, concerning flooding and environmental impact issues. These were discussed by the Parish Council at length and comments had been passed on to the Borough Council.

The planning application for conversion of an outbuilding at Park Hall Farm was not objected to. The proposal for an extension at 2 Malthouse Lane was also discussed and while the Parish Council were not against the proposal in principal, they did seek assurances that the extension would be in keeping in size and scale with the existing street scene.

Plans to convert a building at the former Polish Camp at High Onn into five dwellings were referred by the Parish Council for further study.

: There was still no news on the proposal to resurface the Church Eaton to Haughton road. The Clerk was asked to contact Councillor Mark Winnington to see if he had any news concerning this matter.

Mr Sean Latham had been in touch with the Clerk regarding work for the Community Gangs to carry out in the Parish. MrHoughton was to meet with the workman on Wednesday to discuss a works programme.

The grass outside the Oaklands had now been cut (by village residents!!) but Stafford and Rural Homes had been taken to task over their omission to cut the grass.

The village finger posts were still in the process of renovation.

It was agreed that at the next meeting the Clerk would contact a representative from Stafford Borough Council’s allotment society to attend for guidance on allotment issues. More information concerning the setting up of allotments was also requested. Mr Houghton was to contact the Foundation Governors over the availability of land for such a project.


Two invoices were presented for payment, £96.00 for grass cutting from J W Hall and £760.00 for the new playground fence (£300.00 of which the Parish Council would be paying for). These were proposed for payment by Mrs S. Dodd and seconded by Mr B. Thacker. All were in favour.

The Clerk’s half-yearly fee of £925 was also due. This was proposed for payment by Mr T. Houghton and seconded by Mrs S. Dodd. All were in favour.

It was also agreed to ask Mrs Helen Bellamy to act as internal auditor for this year’s annual audit.

: The Clerk gave Mr Thacker some more price list for bus shelters, which had been sent to the Parish Council recently.

: The Parish Council had been invited to the announcement of results on Monday the 3rd August. Mr Houghton was hoping to attend.

Judging of these and ornamental tubs was to take place shortly. Mr and Mrs F C Waterfall from Seighford had been invited to judge this year’s competition.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on the 4th August 2009 in the village school.

The meeting closed at 9.58 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones and Mrs K Reeves, Messrs B. Thacker, I. Glover, T. Houghton, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, Staffs County Councillor, Mr M Winnington, Mr Paul Grimshaw and colleague representing Wind Prospect, 105 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M .Key.


None were received.

The minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record with the amendment that the agenda item for the proposed Wind Farm should have read at Brineton not Blymhill. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.

The Clerk had received an email about the recent enquiry en made concerning medical syringes which had not been cleared away following a road traffic accident in Church Eaton. The email gave assurances that this was not the usual procedure and that the concerns raised had been noted. The Clerk had since reported this back to Mr and Mrs Latham who had originally raised this matter with the Parish Council.

: Mr N .Lakin requested that the Parish Council might consider looking at the provision of allotments for the Parish. It was agreed that Mr Lakin would formally write to the Parish Council over this matter and it would then be given due consideration.

: Following the last meeting, where discussion took place for the recent planning application for the proposed calf rearing shed at Eaton Croft Farm for Mr and Mrs Charles, the Parish Council had received concerns from neighbours adjacent to the site. These concerns were with respect to flooding and the environmental impact of a new building on the site. The Clerk was asked to advise the Borough planning office about these concerns. During Open Forum, Mr Arkinstall was asked about his proposal to erect a calf-rearing shed on the site and gave assurances that an environmental impact study would be carried out. It was not clear if the site was in a flood zone.

In attendance at the meeting were two representatives from Wind Prospect Developments Limited – the company proposing to site six wind turbines on land at King’s Street, Brineton. Mr Paul Grimshaw on behalf of Wind Prospect gave a brief presentation on the wind farm proposal. Also in attendance were over a hundred local residents who, during a brief question and answer session, expressed many serious concerns over this proposal. These ranged from noise pollution issues; the visual intrusion to the rural landscape; sustainability of the site as a wind farm; to the obvious downward effects on local property values and impact on the local area. An example being that in order to install the wind turbines themselves would require comprehensive road widening schemes.

Following this answer and question session, Mr Houghton thanked the Wind Prospect team for attending. The Parish Council then debated this proposal during the agenda item on the Wind Farm. The Parish Council was unanimous in agreement that they would object to any proposal to site a wind farm within the Parish. The Chairman and Clerk were to liase and forward a letter to Wind Prospect explaining this position and objection against any future planning application. This letter was to be forwarded to all interested parties.

Ms Corser reported that there was nothing significant to report but that during the hot weather the police were advising residents to remember to keep an eye on open windows and unlocked doors. It was confirmed that a representative from the local Police should be in attendance at the next meeting.


Mrs D Jones had forgotten the inspection book but was to pass it on to Mr Houghton. It was reported that the playground was in good repair.

There had been a price received for the new football area fence from Tom Alexander for £760.00 The youth activities group, spearheading the project, were confident that fund raising activities would realise this sum but it was hoped that the Parish Council could possibly make some donation towards this project. The search for a long-term football pitch was still the main aim. The Chairman offered to contact the Bradford Estate to see whether there was any land available to accommodate this.

The Clerk had received a planning application for an extension at Mayflower Cottage. There were no objections made to this proposal.

: The recent water leak in the village had been reported to Severn Trent Water at least seven days ago. It was however, still running water!

Mrs S. Dodd had reported the need for grass cutting along Birchmoor Lane. There were concerns that the grass outside the Oaklands was very overgrown. With the Best Kept Village competition judging and village festival imminent it was agreed that this matter should be chased up immediately. Councillor Stamp said he would look into this matter.

It was reported that an arm had been broken off the finger post for Woollaston. The new village finger post was now installed and the rest were still work in progress.


Two invoices were presented for payment, £64.00 for grass cutting from J W Hall and £215.95 for the recent first finger post refurbishment from Oaklands Framing. These were proposed for payment by Mrs S. Dodd and seconded by Mrs D. Jones. All were in favour.

: The Clerk gave Mr Thacker a price list for bus shelters, which had been sent to the Parish Council recently.

: Arrangements were all in hand.

: Organisation for this year’s festival was progressing well.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on the 14th July 2009 in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.55 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones and Mrs K Reeves, Messrs B. Thacker, I. Glover, T. Houghton, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, Staffs County Councillor, Mr M Winnington, three members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M .Key.


None were received.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record and were duly signed by the Chairman.

The Clerk had contacted Inspector Carl Humphries after an enquiry had been made concerning medical syringes which had not been cleared away following a road traffic accident in Church Eaton. Two local residents disposed of them safely. Inspector Humphries is to contact the Clerk shortly.

Mr R. Carless had prepared a finger post and was to liase with Mr Thacker concerning the rest of the work. Mr Houghton requested that Highways should be contacted as soon as possible to install the post. Councillor Winnington agreed to follow this matter up.

: The recent announcement in the press that Little Onn airfield was to be considered as a site for one of the Government’s proposed new prisons was discussed. Councillor Stamp confirmed that this proposal had now been scrapped by the Government but it was agreed by the Parish Council that any major development of this type on the airfield would not be sustainable with such poor local infra structure and further would not be supported by the Council.

: There were no late items.

Ms Corser reported that OWL was now live and had forwarded information concerning Neighbourhood Watch to all Councillors. Mr Houghton suggested that a representative from the local Police should be invited to attend a future meeting to discuss local policing matters.


Ms Corser returned the inspection book and reported that the playground was in good repair but had removed some ropes. Mrs D. Jones took the book for the forthcoming month.

Mr Houghton and Mr Thacker had now inspected the back fence and reported that the back is secure. It was proposed that a fund of £1,000 would be ear marked for fence renewal this year and reviewed again next year. This was proposed by Mrs S. Dodd and seconded by Mrs K. Reeves. All were in favour.

The Clerk had received a letter from the insurance company Allianz who in principal had no objection to the proposed wording for the new sign but would not actually comment further. It was proposed by Mrs D. Jones that the Parish Council should go ahead with the new sign following the Clerk obtaining quotes. Mrs K. Reeves seconded this. There was one objection to this proposal but the majority of Councillors were in favour.

There was some concern that the double fence adjacent to the neighbouring property would shortly be requiring some attention especially as a couple of Ash trees were attempting to grow between the two fences. Mr Houghton would speak to the owner of the property over this matter.

YOUTH ACTIVITIES – FOOTBALL: On Wednesday the 6th of May, the steering group would meet to discuss further the search for a site within the Parish for children to be able to play casual football etc. As a short-term option, Mr Houghton asked the Parish Council if he could suggest that the village play park could be fenced off (where the current small goals are situated). It would possibly require re-siting of some of the play equipment but could prove to be a short-term solution. The Parish Council agreed that Mr Houghton could make this offer but any further involvement would require firm discussion on how the project would proceed especially as regarding finance. Other various long-term options were also discussed but it was agreed that Mr Houghton would report to the Parish Council following the meeting.

The Clerk had received several planning applications. These comprised of an amended plan to move the site of the proposed biogas digester at Midland Pig Producers, Little Onn. The Parish Council agreed that this new position was much more suitable. There were proposals to install screening for oil tanks at Shushions Manor Farm Barns and the retention of poly tunnels at Lower Reule Farm, Gnosall. There were no objections made to these proposals. The final application for an agricultural calf-rearing shed at Eaton Croft was agreed to in principal but added that the Parish Council would not support, subject to request, any residential development at this stage.

: The Parish Council was again concerned that large vehicles, especially agricultural ones, were again eroding grass verges and in the process damaging ditches. The Clerk was asked to mention this in the magazine report.

Flooding was reported at Yew Tree Cottage near to Elm Tree Farm. Kerbing was discussed for the roadside adjacent to the play park. It was also suggested that the speed limit 30-mph sign on the High Onn road should be moved a little further away from the village.

The Clerk had spoken to Highways about the condition of over hanging trees on the Lapley road. It was agreed that an inspection of these should be made.

Financial matters were not discussed.

The provision of a new bus shelter was discussed. Mr Thacker agreed after discussion to look at grants for this, perhaps linking this project up with the village sign idea. The Clerk agreed to obtain some prices for various types of bus shelters.

: Arrangements were all in hand.

: Organisation for this year’s festival was progressing well.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council including the latest Members Digest, a letter concerning the entry for this year’s Calor Village of the Year competition, election notices from the Borough Council and Staffs County Council Strategic Plan for 2009-2012. There is to be a Parish Forum meeting on the 10th September 2009 at the Civic Offices. Information about a proposed wind farm at Blymhill was also circulated amongst councillors.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on the 2nd June 2009 in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.

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Mrs K Reeves. Messrs I. Glover, T. Houghton, B. Thacker, Staffs County Councillor, Mr M Winnington, one member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D.M. Key.


Were received from Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones, and Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record and were duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton. .


It was confirmed that the Parish Council would officially be submitting a display forward into the village Flower Festival. The theme for the festival being entitled “ Remembrance”.

Flooding was discussed, following the recent farmland walk with Mat Jones from the Staffordshire Wildlife Advisory Group and other interested parties. As a result of this, a report had been prepared and forwarded by Mat Jones. Another walk had been planned to take place on the 17th March and the results of this would hopefully pave the way forward for an action plan.

: Mr M. Smith thanked Councillor Barry Stamp for organising a public meeting to look at installing goal posts within the Parish for local children to have a football facility. Mr Smith was concerned that a date for this meeting should be arranged sooner than later. The Clerk reassured Mr Smith that a date would be forthcoming shortly but it was agreed that a letter should be sent to Councillor Stamp requesting expediency in this matter.

: There were no late items.

GLEBELANDS SPORTS ASSOCIATION: This matter was discussed previously under Open Forum. As an addendum, the recent meeting to arrange a village youth club was discussed. This venture was gaining momentum with several local people willing to step forward and take up this worthy challenge.

There had been no serious reports received during the last month.


Mrs D. Jones had returned the inspection book with only small concerns over litter. Mrs K. Reeves took the book for the forthcoming month. The netball hoop had arrived and was ready to install. Mr B Thacker had kindly offered to do this.

The Clerk confirmed that she would send a copy of the old and proposed new signage to the insurance company given the current lack of communication by telephone!

It was agreed to gain another quote for replacing the back chain link fence.

The Clerk was asked to contact the grass cutting contractors about this year’s work and also to enquire whether the depression surrounding the small turning mobile could be filled in and thus made more level.

The Clerk had received two planning applications, one for a biogas plant to be installed at Midland Pig Producers, Little Onn and the second for a new tack room at Home Farm Barn at Marston. There were no objections made to these proposals.

: The Parish Council had received a letter from the school governors in regard to improving road safety for pupils attending the school. Various issues were discussed such as the organisation of a Walking Bus from the Glebelands car park, the installation of a safety barrier outside the school, 20 mph signs, and alternative car parking to alleviate congestion from outside the school. The Clerk was asked to contact Staffs County Council for more information about the ‘Safer Routes to Schools’ initiative.

The Clerk had contacted John Sly at County Highways again over specifically, the poor condition of Woollaston Lane and the use of Birchmoor Lane by heavy traffic. As yet no response had been received.

The proposed schedule of work on the village finger posts was discussed at length, with three village finger posts identified as requiring immediate work. It was also agreed that a ceiling on the expenditure of each post should be made, ideally not exceeding £275.00 per post.

The Clerk provided the Parish Council with a forward budget for the next six months. Three invoices had been presented. £97.49 for the purchase of the new net ball post. £138.00 from the Audit Commission and £14.90 for entry in to this year’s Best Kept Village competition. These were proposed for payment by Mrs S. Dodd and seconded by Mr I. Glover. All were in favour.

: The Chairman confirmed that the entry form had been forwarded for this year’s competition. A brief discussion ensued regarding the organisation of children’s posters.

: Mr Thacker reported that there had been very poor interest shown in the last workshop and will review the project. Mr Houghton thanked Mr Thacker for all his hard work and effort but still hoped that the project would succeed.

Mr Houghton and Mr Glover had both attended the last presentation at the Borough Council, updating Parish Councils on the proposed LDF plan. A summary of the presentation was circulated.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council including the latest Members Digest, a summary of the LDF presentation, and a letter inviting work to be submitted for the Community Paths Initiative 2009/10.

It was agreed that the next meeting and the annual Parish meeting would be held on the 7th April 2009 in the village school, commencing at 7.30 p.m.
The meeting closed at 10.00 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones, Messrs B. Thacker, I. Glover, T. Houghton, 5 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.


Were received from Mrs K Reeves and Staffs County Councillor Mr M. Winnington.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record and were duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton. It was noted that the Clerk had accidentally written Councillor Glover in as present and having given apologies.

The Chairman explained that the minutes had not been posted on the Parish Council notice board as the lock was frozen.

The Clerk had now received a letter from the Flower Festival Committee and a further meeting had been held. The theme of the festival will be ‘A Lifetime in Flowers’. The Parish Council agreed to support one of the displays.

It was suggested that this year’s hanging baskets competition might include tubs or other containers. .

: Mr J. Edwards addressed the meeting and presented the Parish Council with an invoice amounting to £26.00 for the website renewal plus the half payment for the Christmas tree amounting to £20.00.

Mr Edwards also mentioned that a history group had been set up, meeting every fourth Tuesday of the month in the institute at 8.00 p.m. It was intended that the group would follow on in the footsteps of Mr J Buckler’s book on Church Eaton.

: There were no late items.

: Installation of goal posts was discussed briefly and Councillor Stamp stated that he was currently making arrangements for a meeting to take place to discuss this issue. It was intended that the meeting would not look specifically at the Glebelands but at every option to see what could be done.

It was also stated that plans were afoot to form a new village youth club.

Ms Corser reported that Operation Amalgam was now in full swing as a means of trying to stop the growing thefts of metals. Ms Corser also reported that a large amount of horse tack had been stolen from Gnosall. been stolen. Information concerning the new OWL system had been circulated.

: The Clerk reported that Miss Bennett had replied to the letter sent to her previously by the Parish Council agreeing to look at the flooding. Since then the Chairman along with Miss J Bennett and Matt Jones from the Staffordshire Wildlife Advisory Group Wildlife had walked the land farmed by Janet and Mr Jones had made various observations and was to report back to all interested parties.


Mr B Thacker returned the inspection book and commented that the playground was in good repair despite a few blown down twigs. Mr Thacker did note that the surface around the spring mobile would probably need some attention as a dip had formed which would need filling in or a grass guard installed.

The rewording of the playground sign was discussed and possibly removing the age limit. The Clerk had still not heard back from the insurance company Allianz as to whether there would be any insurance implications for doing this.

With regards to replacing the back fence, Mr Houghton had received a letter from the Borough Council who unfortunately would not be able to provide any funding for this project. It was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting.

The Clerk had received two letters about forthcoming enquiries into the enforcement action regarding the storage of equipment on Little Onn Airfield and the refusal of planning consent for the renewal of a temporary mobile hone at Manor Farm, Marston.

: Refurbishment of the Parish fingerposts was again discussed, and the Clerk had contacted Highways about the possibility of reclaiming old finger post timber. Highways were to contact the Clerk on this matter.

The dreadful state of Woollaston Lane was again discussed and Councillor Stamp stated that he had written to Highways and was awaiting an answer. The Clerk had received several complaints from local residents at Woollaston.

The use of Birchmoor Lane by heavy traffic was also discussed. The Clerk was asked to report these matters of concern to John Sly at County Highways.

The Clerk had ordered the new netball post and would present an invoice as soon as she received it. The two invoices presented by Mr J Edwards were proposed for payment by Mrs S. Dodd and seconded by Mr I. Glover. All were in favour.

: The Chairman was attending to this year’s entry forms with support from Mr J Edwards.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council including the latest Members Digest, copies of the Sundial magazine and an invitation to the newly formed Gnosall Traders Association which Mr Thacker had attended. There was a letter from the Borough Council inviting the Parish Council to attend a briefing on the Local Development Framework housing allocations. Mr Houghton and Mr Glover would attend.

Mr Thacker informed the meeting that the next workshop/meeting to discuss the village sign would be taking place on Sunday the 8th February at 2.00 p.m.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on the 3rd March 2009 in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.15 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones, Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs B. Thacker, I. Glover, T. Houghton, 5 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.


Were received from Mr I. Glover, Staffs Borough Councillor Mr B. Stamp and Staffs County Councillor Mr M. Winnington.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record and were duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton.

The Clerk reported that Parish Council had still not received a letter from the flower festival committee. Karen Reeves was to chase this up.

: Mr J. Edwards addressed the meeting over the Parish web site blog, which was up and running and did not need to be accessed by registration.. Mr Edwards also informed the meeting that he had written to the Borough Council, over their poor representation at the recent public enquiry meeting regarding the proposed new dwelling at 6 Smithy Croft. He had since received a reply from the chief executive.

Mr M. Smith addressed the meeting over his, and others, proposal to install a set of goal posts on the Glebelands for the village children to use. Mr M. Bennett from the Glebelands Sports Association was also present. This proposal was discussed for some time but it was finally agreed that a meeting to discuss this matter further would be arranged. Mr Bennett was to contact Councillor, B. Stamp to arrange a meeting.

: There were no late items.

Ms Corser reported that a vintage Ford tractor had been stolen. It was also reported that two laptop computers had been stolen from the school.

: The Clerk had received a letter from Mike Williams, in reply to the letter that Mr Houghton had written concerning flooding. Mr Bill Busby had contacted the Clerk over this matter and the Clerk had agreed to keep Mr Busby appraised of any developments. Mr Houghton informed the meeting that a walk of the flooded land was to take place with Matt Jones from Staffordshire Wildlife Advisory Group, who was also working with Mr R. Thomas on this matter.


The Chairman returned the inspection book and commented that the playground was in good repair although the moles had visited again!

Tom Alexander had replaced the broken fence posts and re-strengthened the fence and had submitted a quotation for replacing the back and side fence. As a result, Mr Houghton was to apply to the Borough Council for more funding with this project in this mind.

Mr Thacker asked whether the playground sign needed re-wording, as the stated age limit seemed inappropriate. The Clerk was asked to contact the insurance company Allianz, over this matter and to see whether there were any insurance implications with doing this.

The Clerk had not received any planning applications.

: Refurbishment of the Parish fingerposts was again discussed; Mr Thacker declared an interest in this matter and left the room as he had submitted a quotation for the work. There were only two quotations and these were discussed thoroughly. Mr Thacker was given the work as his quotation was far less than the other quotation. It was further agreed that a schedule of works and staged financing of the finger posts would be arranged and the Clerk would speak to Jon Sly at Highways over finance and installation.

The Clerks half-yearly fee was now due and the Parish Council increased this by payment by £50 for the next year. Expenses amounting to £29.95 were also agreed. This was proposed for payment by Mrs K. Reeves and seconded by Mrs S. Dodd. The Clerk had received an invoice for £215.00 from Tom Alexander for the recent work carried out on the playground front fence.

The forthcoming precept requirements for 2009/2010 were discussed and it was agreed this year to request a slight increase of 2.7% which would result in a precept increase of £125.00.

This was proposed by Mr T. Houghton, seconded by Mrs S. Dodd. All were in favour.

finance meeting.

Mr Thacker reported that plans were progressing with this project.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council including the latest Members Digest, Communities in Control information. Mr Houghton had received a letter from the Vicar Peter Ashby over the proposals to install floodlighting in the churchyard.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on the 3rd February 2009 in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.55 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs B. Thacker, I. Glover, T. Houghton, one member of the public and the Clerk Mrs D.M. Key.


Were received from Councillor Mrs D. Jones, Staffs Borough Councillor Mr B. Stamp and Staffs County Councillor Mr M. Winnington.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record and were duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton.

The Clerk had contacted, as requested, Mr John Young at Goosemoor concerning his latest query about a boundary sign for Goosemoor.

: Was not required on this occasion although Mrs Reeves queried whether a letter had been received from the village flower festival committee. The Clerk had not received a letter concerning this forthcoming event.

: There were no late items.

Ms Corser reported that she had received several reports including the theft of a stock trailer from Saredon and a chainsaw from a garage in Swan Court. Mr Houghton asked whether the new OWL (Online Watch Link) system was in place. Ms Corser stated that it had not yet come into effect.

: The Clerk confirmed that the letter Mr Houghton had written concerning flooding had now been copied and forwarded to all interested parties. Ms J Bennett, a recipient of the letter and in attendance at the meeting, was asked by the Chairman for her opinion concerning this matter. Ms Bennett stated that she had no problem whatsoever with improving the drainage over her land but would like to be reassured that once the drainage work had been done then the land would be left in good condition (unlike previously when the dredgings were left on the land creating a weed problem etc). Ms Bennett further pointed out that attention should also be focused further down along the watercourse so that water would be able to flow away from the village. Ms Bennett also informed the meeting that she had already received a letter from Highways asking her to clean out a ditch behind the Laurels. This again she was happy to do but was obviously concerned about accessing the land at present with machinery given the recent wet conditions.


The Chairman had contacted Tom Alexander who was to carry out repairs to the posts in the front fence next week. Mr Alexander was also going to provide the Parish Council with a quote for replacing the back fence.

The Clerk had now obtained information concerning the order of a netball hoop from the web site address provided by Mr Thacker but wanted to confirm with the Parish Council the height and price before placing the order. It was agreed to order the £97.86 or thereabouts netball post and net. Mrs Dodd returned the inspection book and reported that the playground was in good repair. Mr Houghton took the inspection book for the forthcoming month.

The Clerk had received one planning application for the replacement of the kiosks belonging to Severn Trent Water situated on the Wood Eaton road. There were no objections made to this proposal.

Mr Houghton gave a brief report on the recent appeal over the site adjacent to Number 6 Smithy Croft which was held on the 25th November at the Civic Centre, Stafford and where Mr Houghton had read out a short address highlighting the concerns that the Parish Council held over the proposals to develop the site. It was expected that a decision would be forthcoming in the new year.

: Refurbishment of the Parish fingerposts was again discussed. Mr Thacker declared an interest in this matter as he had expressed an interest in carrying out this work. Mr Houghton had met with Mr Elcock who had inspected the fingerposts and had now submitted a verbal quotation. There had also been interest expressed by another local workman and as a result of this it was agreed to discuss the quotes at the next meeting when there may be three quotations for the work.

Mr Houghton reported that the Community Gang had visited the village and had carried out over a couple of days, some good work which included; filling in the dents outside the school, cleaning out of various drains, replacement of rotted posts outside school, cleaning of signs, cutting back of vegetation and cleaning the path by the Institute.

The Clerk was asked to amend the list of outstanding highways matters accordingly and was to email the amended list to the Parish Councillors.

Parking in the High Street was discussed particularly with regard to parking outside the school. The school governors had met recently and were keen that the Parish Council might be able to suggest or assist with some way forward to resolve this problem. Various suggestions were put forward but it was agreed that this matter would be discussed at the next meeting when Mrs Jones, a school governor would be in attendance

The Clerk had received an invoice for £64.00 from JWH for the last grass cutting work and submitted an invoice for the previous half yearly expenses running from January 2008 to July 2008 amounting to £31.75. These were proposed for payment by Mrs K. Reeves and seconded by Mrs S. Dodd. All were in favour.

Mr Houghton had written a letter to the diocese at Lichfield outlining the Parish Council’s views on the need for the Glebelands to continue as a sports field and as a valuable green space for the village. This was in response to the recent rent review and the proposed steep rent rise.

The Venerable Geoffrey Stone had replied to this letter and would be presenting it at the next finance meeting.

Mr Thacker reported that information could be obtained from the village web site and more workshops would be planned in the New Year.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council including the latest Members Digest. A letter had been received from Bill Cash MP asking for 6 monthly reports from the Parish Council. A questionnaire from the Tennis Foundation and a letter from Sovereign Play Equipment about playground inspections had also been received. The Clerk had received an email concerning the Local Development Framework and future housing allocations for Church Eaton from Mr Adam Lawrence. The Clerk had replied to Mr Lawrence and would keep him updated on any further developments in this matter. A letter requesting next year’s civic amenity visits had been sent from the Borough Council. The Clerk was asked to reply to this requesting the usual visits.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on the 5th January 2009 in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.35 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs B. Thacker, I. Glover, T. Houghton and Staffs Borough Councillor Mr B. Stamp, Staffs County Councillor, Mr M. Winnington, one member of the public and the Clerk Mrs D.M. Key.


Were received from Mrs D. Jones.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record with the minor alteration of a misspelling of a surname by the Clerk which was amended (Bache to Bach) and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton.

Mr Houghton and Mrs Reeves gave a brief report following their recent attendance of the Glebelands AGM held on the 8th October 2008. The main items of business were ad hoc games on the field, the expiry date of the lease, the recent rent review and future of the Glebelands. It was agreed that the Mr Houghton would contact the diocese over the recent rent review and as well as highlighting how important the Glebelands are as a recreational site to the village. Councillor Winnington asked for the diocesan address, as he also wanted to write a letter of support.

Mr Houghton had been in touch with the PCC over the church clock maintenance invoice details and it had been left with the PCC to sort out.

Mr Houghton had also created a register of assets, which the Clerk is to type up and amend where necessary.

The church hedge was discussed again and the recent decision to slightly lower the height of the hedge instead of taking it out completely. Mr I. Glover declared an interest in this matter.

: Was not required on this occasion.

: There were no late items.

Ms Corser reported that she had emailed the latest Neighbourhood Watch newsletter to Parish Councillors. Ms Corser also reported that The WatchOut early warning–messaging system is to be replaced. During the next few weeks the details of all Watch members registered to receive the WatchOut broadcasts are going to be transferred to the new OWL (Online Watch Link) system.

Ms Corser had received an alert to say that a quad bike had been stolen from Gailey and out of the area there were several thefts of power tools, IT equipment and horses and equestrian equipment also being stolen.

: The Clerk had again spoken with Highways who had estimated that two boundary signs as requested for Goosemoor would be in the region of £250.00 each. It was agreed that due to current budgetary restraints that the Parish Council would be unable to purchase such signs at the current time. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Young who had raised this matter and to advise him of the programme of finger post refurbishment, which was being, planned which would include a new finger post for Goosemoor.

Problems with flooding were again discussed at length but it was unanimously agreed that Mr Houghton would liase with the Clerk and produce a letter to be forwarded to all parties involved to try and bring about a resolution to the current problems.


The Clerk had again contacted Tom Alexander and left another message for him to commence replacing the concrete posts as well as quoting for a replacement back fence however no reply had been forthcoming.

The Clerk is to contact Tom again. The Clerk produced a pack of information, which Councillor Stamp had collected from the workshop being held by Staffs County Council concerning their Playbuilder programme. This was distributed for reading. Councillor Stamp gave a short report about the workshop.

Mr Thacker produced two email addresses for the Clerk to order the proposed new netball hoop from. Mrs Dodd took the inspection book for the next month.

The Clerk had received one planning application for changes to the kitchen at the Old Rectory, Church Eaton. Mr Houghton informed the meeting that he would be reading out a short address at the forthcoming appeal over the site adjacent to Number 6 Smithy Croft which would be held on the 25th November at the Civic Centre, Stafford.

: Refurbishment of the Parish fingerposts was discussed. Mr Thacker declared an interest in this matter as he had expressed an interest in carrying out this work. However, it was agreed to continue seeking more quotes by the next meeting in December when a final decision would be made. The Clerk had contacted, as suggested, Ian Knowles a carpenter who was also interested. The Clerk was asked to ring him again to see whether he would submit a quotation for the required work.

Community Gangs were discussed but as the Clerk had not received any information concerning proposed works for Church Eaton to commence shortly, Councillor Winnington was to investigate and notify the Clerk.

Mr Houghton had prepared a list of outstanding highways matters and following a short discussion it was agreed to add to the list fly tipping issues at Marston and broken kerb stones in the ford at Apeton. Ms Corser also reported several ‘dents’ which had appeared outside the school in the pavement and would investigate.

: The Adopting a Kiosk Scheme was discussed again plus the Sponsor a Kiosk Scheme. Following a great deal of debate it was agreed that before embarking on such schemes, the Parish Council would await the result of the consultation.

The Clerk distributed a forward budget for the next 6 months which was discussed, An invoice for £43.60 had been received from SBC for the last civic amenity visit. This was proposed for payment by Mrs K. Reeves and seconded by Mr I. Glover. All were in favour.

Mr Thacker reported that the recent workshops for the village sign had been very successful and approximately 70 people had visited. More information could be obtained on the Village web site and more workshops would be planned in the New Year.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council including the latest Members Digests, an invitation to the Mayor’s Ball, a new Wicksteed catalogue and the current mineral core strategy.

Finally, Mr Houghton congratulated the churchyard maintenance team who had come third in a recent competition.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on the 2nd December 2008 in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.45 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones, Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs B. Thacker, T. Houghton and Staffs Borough Councillor Mr B. Stamp, Church Eaton Foundation School Governors Mrs J. Evans and MrP.Jones, one member of the public and the Clerk Mrs D. M. Key.

Were received from Mr I. Glover and Staffs County Councillor Mr M. Winnington.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton.

It was noted that the Glebelands AGM would be held on 8th October and that Mrs K Reeves was to attend as the Parish Council representative as was Mr T. Houghton. A report would follow.

It was agreed that new bus timetables would be posted on the village notice board.

The Clerk confirmed that she had spoken with Mike Webb from County Highways over plans to plant a tree on the verge outside a property on Little Onn road. Mr Webb stated that a licence to plant would probably be required although the position of the proposed tree may not be suitable given the close proximity of the road junction. Mrs Jones was to pass this information on to the property owners who had made the enquiry.

: Mr J. Edwards mentioned the forthcoming planning enquiry over the application for a new dwelling at Number 6 Smithy Croft. Mr Houghton intimated that he would be attending to give a submission.

Mrs J. Evans and Mr P. Jones gave a short presentation concerning the future of the village school. Given the current concerns that pupil numbers may well dip in the near future, ideas were now being invited over how the school could be used more widely by the local community.

The Parish Council were in support of maintaining the school as a focus point for the village and the Foundation Governors are to keep the Council updated on these new proposals.

: Mr Houghton confirmed that the PCC follo0wing another inspection had now revised their original plan to remove or substantially lower the churchyard hedge adjacent to St Editha’s Court which had caused major concern for residents in the Court. These concerns had now been allayed by the PCC and the hedge was to be cut back less dramatically.

The Clerk had spoken with Tracey Benger from Staffs County Council about the installation of a boundary sign at Goosemoor, which had been previously raised by Mr John Young, a resident of Goosemoor. From the conversation with Ms Benger areas with over 30 properties would qualify for a sign to be installed however where this was not the case a sign would have to be purchased. This was discussed at length and the Clerk was asked to report back at the next meeting on the costs involved in purchasing and installing such a sign subject to budgetary constraints.

Ms Corser reported several thefts in the surrounding area of power tools, some IT equipment and a large lawn mower. There had been an attempted break in of the church storage shed, which had resulted in the doors being replaced.

Mrs Reeves returned the inspection book and reported that there were no problems. A quote for replacing two of the concrete posts had now been received from Tom Alexander in the sum of £215.00. This was accepted and proposed by Mrs D. Jones, seconded by Mrs K. Reeves. All were in favour.

It was also proposed, given Mr Houghton’s suggestion to follow up a recent communication with the Borough Council who were offering some more funding in the form of a grant, that Tom should be asked to quote for replacing the entire back fence which currently needs some attention. The Clerk also offered to attend a workshop being held by Staffs County Council concerning their Playbuilder programme which might also offer up some useful funding.

It was also agreed following Mr Thacker’s investigations into the purchase of a netball hoop which looked like being around £70 to £90 that an order should be placed. Mr Thacker was to email the Clerk with details.

The Clerk had received two planning applications, one for changes to the kitchen at the Old Rectory, Church Eaton and the second for the re-siting of a wooden outbuilding on land adjacent to Paradise Cottage. The Clerk had also received notification of the forthcoming appeal over the site adjacent to Number 6 Smithy Croft which would be held on the 25th November at the Civic Centre, Stafford.

: Refurbishment of the Parish fingerposts was discussed and it was agreed to continue seeking more quotes by the next meeting where a final decision would be made. Another contact was suggested – Mr Ian Knowles a carpenter; the Clerk was asked to ring him to see whether he had any interest in carrying out the work. Ms Corser also suggested whether probationers or Community Service schemes might carry out this work.

Flooding was again of concern. Mr J. Bache’s property was being badly affected by floods outside his property on the High Street . Mike Webb had been out to investigate and again was concerned that despite the drains within the village being cleaned through, the problems were in the outlying field watercourses where the water flow was sluggish. As a result some dredging work in conjunction with the landowners permission was being sought to try and resolve these flooding difficulties. There was also concern addressed again over The Laurels which was still experiencing flooding problems.

Mr Houghton suggested that a list of outstanding highways matters should be compiled and discussed at the next meeting.

: The Clerk confirmed that another submission had been sent to the Borough Council over the recent consultation by BT to streamline their telephone kiosk services. The Adopting a Kiosk Scheme was discussed again following a letter from Stafford Borough about this as the Sponsor a Kiosk Scheme. The Clerk was to find out more about these and report back.

The Clerk reported that the audit return for the financial year 2007 to 2008 had been sent and that Mrs Helen Bellamy had refused payment but had asked that the Parish Council might like to give the playgroup a small donation in lieu of her services. As a result a cheque for £20 was raised. This was proposed for payment by Mrs K. Reeves and seconded by Mrs D. Jones. All were in favour. Cheques for Wicksteed Play Equipment (goal posts £358.24) and grass cutting of £128 were also raised. The Clerk received a cheque of £35 from the Village Festival in lieu of the next 5 years bench insurance. The recent church clock maintenance invoice was discussed but Mr Houghton would report on this at a later date.

The Clerk raised the issue of creating a register of assets, which would be useful for the annual audit and for insurance purposes. It was agreed that the Clerk and Chairman would liaise on this matter.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council including the latest Members Digest, an invitation to a Stafford and Rural Homes open day, a CPRE newsletter and comments from this years’ Best Kept Competition judges.

Finally it was agreed that the Clerk would look at getting the Minutes from previous years meetings bound and then deposited in the County Archives. Mr Houghton gave the Clerk a receipt for the last two Minute books which he had recently deposited there.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on the 4th November 2008 in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.45 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones, Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs B. Thacker, I. Glover, T. Houghton and Staffs Borough Councillor Mr B. Stamp, Staffs County Councillor Mr M. Winnington and the Clerk Mrs D.M. Key.


Were received retrospectively from Mr I. Glover in lieu of the last Parish Council meeting where Mr Glover had forwarded apologies and was unable to attend due to unexpected circumstances.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton.

The Clerk confirmed that Mr T. Lendon’s details had been forwarded to the Borough Council’s enforcement officer as a contact in respect of ‘witnessing’ the flying activities of the model aircraft club on the airfield at Little Onn.

Mr Houghton had spoken with Mrs J. Evans of the school foundation governors who would like to attend the next meeting of the Parish Council with a short presentation over school matters.

Mr Thacker confirmed that the village sign workshops would commence in October. The Clerk was asked to consult with Highways over a request by a householder to plant a tree outside a property on the Little Onn road.

Photographs of this year’s village festival would be presented to the Mayor whose camera was not working when she attended the event.

: Was not required on this occasion.

: The Clerk had received confirmation that the Rural Link bus service would now be operated by ABC Coaches on the same timetable.

Mr Houghton had been approached by Mr M. Smith about the possibility of obtaining permission to install goal posts on the Glebelands sports field. It was agreed that this request should be taken up on Mr Smith’s behalf with the Glebelands Sports Committee.

Ms Corser was pleased to report that fewer incidents had been passed on from the police, although farm and equine equipment were still being reported as stolen. One important change however was that the single non-emergency number for Staffordshire Police is to be changed to 0300 123 4455 and is scheduled to go live on 18th September.


Mr Thacker returned the inspection book and reported that there were no problems. However, very recently one of the roadside fence posts had been cracked. It was agreed to contact Tom Alexander for a quote to replace the concrete post. Mrs K. Reeves took the book for the forthcoming month. The Clerk had obtained a quote from Wicksteed re installing a netball hoop, which was quoted at several hundred pounds. As a result of this expensive quote, Mr Thacker volunteered to look at obtaining a further quote/s.

The Clerk had received two planning applications, one for changes to the kitchen at the Old Rectory, Church Eaton and the second for the re-siting of a wooden outbuilding on land adjacent to Paradise Cottage. The Clerk had also received notification of the forthcoming appeal over the site adjacent to Number 6 Smithy Croft which would be held on the 25th November at the Civic Centre, Stafford.

: Refurbishment of the Parish fingerposts was discussed and it was agreed to continue seeking more quotes by the next meeting.

Speeding in Malthouse Lane was also discussed and Councillor Stamp had met with local residents on site to discuss this problem as well as contacting Staffs County Council and the local police. The Clerk had also contacted PC Andy Heritage who agreed to monitor the situation.

Councillor Winnington mentioned that it was being proposed by the County Council to set up ‘Community Gangs’ who would be able to assist with maintenance areas such as gutter sweeping etc.

: The Clerk had received more information from the Borough Council over the recent consultation by BT to streamline their telephone kiosk services. As the original consultation had been deemed invalid due representations from Parish Councils were again being invited. The Clerk was to attend to this matter.

The Chairman read out an interesting press cutting about a scheme being planned whereby a telephone kiosk could be ‘adopted’ by the local community. It was agreed to look into this.

The Clerk presented the audit return for the financial year 2007 to 8 and a set of accounts for the Parish Council to approve. Also an invoice for grass cutting from JWH for £64.00. These were both approved by Mr I. Glover and seconded by Mr B. Thacker. All were in favour.

: The Clerk had now received the results for this year’s competition which was judged by Mr and Mrs M J Williams of Weston Stafford who chose the following winners:

1st Place Heath Mynd

Joint 2nd Place 5 St Editha’s Court Malt Shovel Farm

Also highly commended were baskets at 7 Parker’s Close and Chez Nous.

The Clerk was now to obtain the prize gardening vouchers kindly sponsored by Mrs Gwen Hitchens from Apeton.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council including the latest Members Digest.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on the 7th October 2008 in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.40 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones, Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs B. Thacker, T. Houghton and Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, six members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.


Were received from Staffs County Councillor Mr M Winnington.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were amended to state that Mrs D. Jones was not in attendance at the meeting and did not take the inspection book. Following this the minutes were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton.

Mr T. Lendon brought to the meeting a log he was keeping showing the flying times and dates of model aircraft on the airfield at Little Onn. Unfortunately Mr Lendon had not kept continual notes of these dates but even so the log clearly showed that the club was very close to or actually in breach of flying in excess of the allowed 28 days. The Clerk had been contacted by the enforcement officer at Stafford Borough Council over this matter about who to contact. It was agreed that Mr Lendon would be a contact. Councillor B Stamp was also to contact the enforcement officer in this respect.

The Clerk had received confirmation that the Borough Council would be objecting to the proposals by BT to remove telephone boxes contained in their list of Parish Council who had lodged objections. An update of this matter would follow shortly. Mr Houghton also read out to the meeting a press cutting concerning telephone kiosks.

: The proposed hunt kennels outside the Parish at Longnor were discussed as was the appeal concerning the enforcement of storage at Little Onn Airfield by Midland Pig Producers and associates.

Mrs Mainwaring was very concerned about speeding motorists using Malthouse Lane.

The Clerk is to contact PC Andy Heritage over this matter.

: Mrs Dodd had been approached by Mrs J. Evans to enquire about a Parish Plan.
After some discussion it was agreed to invite Mrs Evans to discuss this at a future meeting should she wish to. Mrs Jones was asked to arrange this at her convenience.

Ms Corser reported that the local police were asking the public to be especially vigilant over bogus callers. A burnt out car had been near to the entrance to Woollaston Lane. The police had been informed. More metal thefts had been reported


Wicksteed had been in touch with the Clerk re installing the goal posts unfortunately this had been in the evening before installation and no one was available to meet with the contractors. As a result this would now be delayed but the Clerk would chase this matter up with Wicksteed.

Molehills were once again appearing in the playground. Mr Houghton reported that Chris Payne had removed the tree by the roadside fence. Unfortunately a branch had fallen on the fence. Mr Houghton further reported that no real damage had been done and that the straining wire on the fence might be re-tensioning.

The Clerk apologised for the delay in obtaining information on netball hoops.

The Clerk had received two planning applications for new stable yard complexes at both Horse Shoe Cottage and Home farm Barn at Little Onn. After consideration no objections were made. Also considered was a planning application for a new agricultural building at land near to Paradise Cottage, Marston. Again no objections were made. confirmed that enforcement action was being taken against the recent storage of ex-military equipment on the airfield at Little Onn.

: Refurbishment of the Parish fingerposts was discussed. The Clerk had been unable to contact Mr Cox at Wheaton Aston despite several telephone calls and left messages. Mr Thacker had forwarded a quote which was to be kept on file. The Clerk had also had a telephone conversation with Mike Webb from Highways who advised the Parish Council to contact John Sly to confirm payment arrangements over the refurbishment costs. Other means of obtaining quotes were also discussed.

The Clerk had the following invoices to hand for payment. Grass cutting £64.00, the painting of the playground rails etc from AP Decorating £100.00, removal of the dead tree £150.00 from C Payne, the insurance renewal from Allianz at £544.03 and a invoice from J Edwards for the Parish Council contribution to village web site costs of £27.95. These were all forwarded for payment by Mrs S. Dodd, seconded by Mrs D. Jones. All were in favour.

Mr Houghton reported that Church Eaton had won this year’s small village category. Everybody was delighted with this news. Mr Houghton had attended the presentation evening and had received on behalf of Church Eaton a framed winner’s certificate.

: The judges had been instructed and the clerk hoped to have the results for the next meeting.

: Mrs Jones reported that the festival had been a great success.

: Mr Thacker reported that the arts grant had now been received. He was not quite sure of the time scale for the project but suggested that September could see the commencement of the first workshop.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council including the latest Members Digest.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on the 2nd September 2008 in the village school.
The meeting closed at 9.35 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones, Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs T. Houghton,B. Thacker, and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.


Were received from Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp.

The minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record and were duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton.

The Clerk updated the meeting over the matter concerning the model aircraft flying club on the airfield at little Onn. The Clerk had been unable to ascertain who was the direct contact for the club but had spoken to another club member who was hoping to find the contact for the Little Onn club. A letter had been received from the Borough Council who were now monitoring the situation and would take enforcement action should the need arise. The residents concerned over this matter had been contacted.

Mr Thacker confirmed that he had forwarded the information further requested by the Arts Grant organisation with respect to gaining a grant for the proposed new village sign project.

: Mr I. Glover, while declaring an interest, conveyed the concerns from residents at St Editha’s Court over the apparent plan by the PCC to radically cut back the hedge adjacent to St Editha’s Court and the churchyard. The Parish Council recognised this concern and requested that the concerned residents at St Editha’s Court should approach the Parish Council formally and efforts should be made to discuss with the PCC what plans they had in mind for the hedge.

: There were no late items.

Ms Corser reported that there had been several incidents reported lately ranging from the theft of fuel from vehicles and a satellite navigational system had been stolen from a vehicle in Stretton. Metal items were still being stolen for their high scrap metal value.


Mr Houghton confirmed that the painting of the entry rails and various play equipment had now taken place. Mr C. Payne had removed the tree but unfortunately a branch fell on to the new fence, which would now require re-tensioning. The Clerk was to chase up Wicksteed about the installation of the new goal posts. Mrs D. Jones reported that everything seemed in order and Mr Houghton agreed to take the month for the forthcoming month.

The Clerk had received the insurance renewal which Mr Houghton was to examine and check that the playground schedule was in order. It was agreed to finalise this at the next meeting

The Clerk had received a large planning application for the erection of new agricultural buildings at Little Onn Manor and another application for a conservatory at Yew Tree Cottage. There were no objections made to this application with the exception that the Borough Council had the wrong address on the letter! The agricultural buildings at little Onn Manor were circulated for reading amongst the Parish Councillors.

: The poor state of the Parish finger posts were discussed again. Mr B. Thacker had been unable to contact the finger post painter and repairer from Wheaton Aston. The Clerk offered to try contacting him as well.

The Clerk had received a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order with respect to road works at Marston due to commence shortly for a period of around 3 weeks.

: The Clerks half-yearly fee was now due amounting to £900.00. This was proposed for payment by Mr I. Glover and seconded by Mrs S. Dodd. All were in favour. Mr J. Edwards had presented Mr T Houghton with an invoice for £6.25 for the recent lamination of more Best Kept Village posters. This was again proposed and passed for payment.

Mr Houghton confirmed that he would attend the presentation evening although it was unclear at this time how Church Eaton had got on in the competition.

: The Clerk confirmed that all relevant correspondence pertaining to the objection of the removal of the payphone kiosk at Marston and the High Street, Church Eaton had been sent and acknowledged receipt by both BT and the Borough Council. There did seem however, to be total confusion over the consultation information and deadlines set by theses two parties which were most contradictory.

: The Clerk suggested asking Mr and Mrs Michael Williams from Weston to judge this year’s competition, as they were both very keen and experienced gardeners.

: Arrangements were progressing well.

: All grant form work was still in progress.

The Clerk had received an email from Mr John Young who would like to see the installation of a boundary sign at Goosemoor. The Parish Council were agreeable to this suggestion and the Clerk was to contact Highways over this matter and contact Mr Young.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 5th August 2008 in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.15 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones, Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs T. Houghton, B. Thacker, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, one member of the public and the Clerk,
Mrs D.M. Key.

Were received from Mr I. Glover and Staffs County Councillor, Mr M. Winnington.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record with a small amendment to read that Mrs K Reeves had reported the missing litterbin lid in the play park not Mrs Jones as previously reported by the Clerk. Following this amendment, the minutes were agreed by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton.

All Matters Arising would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

: Kerry Baker, a resident of Locketts barn, asked the Parish Council to support the erection of black and white sign notifying motorists of a concealed entrance as a means of improving road safety when reversing vehicles from the property. Ms Baker had notified Highways who had agreed with move. The Parish Council was in principal agreeable to this action.

: A deputation of residents from properties near to Little Onn Airfield had attended the meeting with concerns over the continuous flying of model aircraft on the airfield on Sundays. It was made very clear that local residents were not trying to prevent this activity but rather ask the model aircraft club to restrict the hours. The Parish Council agreed to look into this matter and to contact the airfield owners, Midland Pig Producers and the model aircraft club whose name and contact details were unknown at this stage.

Ms Corser reported that there had been several incidents logged in the past few weeks ranging from the theft of rare breed poultry, farm gates, fuel from vehicles, stolen coloured cob type ponies, to a motorcycle. Residents especially in more rural areas are being asked to be particularly vigilant and to inform the local police of any suspicious activity. The Clerk was asked to contact

PC Andy Heritage to request that he may like to attend a Parish Council meeting in the near future

Mrs Jones reported that everything seemed in order and was to retain the inspection book for the forthcoming month. Mr Hougton had now received two quotes for the tree maintenance and was to contact Chris Payne to see whether he could commence the work shortly.

The Clerk confirmed the order of a set of goal posts from Wicksteed, which should be installed in the next couple of weeks. Mrs Jones pointed out that the Parish Council may need to alter the play park rules sign deleting the ‘No Ball Games’ wording. Mr Houghton confirmed that painting of the play equipment and the entrance rails would be carried shortly with a local painter.

The Clerk had received a letter stating that a public enquiry was to be held concerning the recent planning application for Number 6 Smithy Croft. The Chairman and Clerk were to liaise over a response to this matter.

: All outstanding Highways matters were discussed. Mr Houghton had listed these and at what stage they were at. It was agreed to keep bringing these items to the attention of the Highways Department. Fingerposts were discussed. There was no progress on finding a willing party to refurbish the current posts. Mrs Reeves suggested that the village fingerposts should be repaired and where necessary replaced and then repainted that finger posts away from the village may need to be replaced with metal ones. It was further agreed to continue looking at costs and seeking someone to do the work.

The Clerk had contacted Helen Bellamy who was agreeable to act as internal auditor for this year’s accounts. Mrs Dodd proposed that the Parish Council should therefore appoint Mrs Bellamy, this was seconded by Mrs K Reeves. All were in favour.

The Clerk had received an invoice from JWH Ground for the recent grass cutting and tidy up of the playground amounting to £114.00. This was proposed for payment by Ms M Corser and seconded by Mrs S Dodd, all were in favour. It was also agreed to present the Village Festival Committee with the earmarked £100 cheque for insurance costs.

Mr Houghton confirmed that judging had commenced. More children’s posters were selected to replace those which were slightly weather worn.

The Clerk had the correspondence concerning the proposed removal of the payphone kiosk at Marston in hand. However, since then the payphone in the High Street, Church Eaton had also been targeted for removal. The Clerk was to contact BT over this matter asking them to reconsider their proposal.

: Arrangements were progressing well.

: Mr Thacker had no news to report but had talked to Mike Webb. Depending upon the design planning permission might be required and the proposed new sign would have to be installed by the highways department. The Art Awards organisation were requesting more information from Mr Thacker and the Awards For All grant form was still a work in progress

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council including the latest Members Digest, a letter from Mike faarup over the church clock repairs. Mrs Reeves questioned whether the Glebelands Sports Association would be meeting to discuss the recent rent review.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 1st July 2008 in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.25 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones, Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs I. Glover, B. Thacker, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, one member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.

Were received from Staffs County Councillor, Mr M. Winnington. received..

Mr T. Houghton was proposed for re-election by Mrs D. Jones and seconded by Mrs S. Dodd. All were in favour. There were no other nominations. Mrs S. Dodd was also re-elected to the post of vice – chairman after being proposed by Mr I. Glover, seconded by Mrs K. Reeves. All were in favour.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record with a small amendment to read that Mr Houghton had contacted Mr J. Sly over a tree on the High Street. After this amendment the minutes were agreed by those present and duly signed by the Chairman,
Mr T. Houghton.

Mr Houghton informed the meeting that work on the village notice board was now complete.

: Was not required on this occasion.

: Was not required on this occasion.

Ms Corser reported more local thefts concerning trailers and equestrian equipment, including an electric fencer which show no sign in abating. There was to be a concerted campaign by the Police to target distraction burglaries.

PC Andy Heritage had been in contact with the Clerk to advise on local policing matters and that he would like to attend a Parish Council meeting in the near future.

Quotes had been invited for work on the oak tree in the playground. Work in conjunction with the School Foundation would be around £180. The Chairman is to contact another contractor and would report at the next meeting.

Ms Corser reported that the litter bin lid had ‘disappeared’ and that the grass was quite sparse where the former mound. Mrs D. Jones took the inspection book for the forthcoming month.

It was agreed that at the next meeting the Clerk would obtain a full cost price including installation for new goal posts from Wickstead. If acceptable an order would be placed.

: Mr Thacker had continued looking into grant applications towards purchasing the new sign. Mr Thacker suggested setting up a workshop to make a sign, but declared an interest in this project. Mr Thacker was to further look at applying for an Awards For All grant and or a Stafford Arts Grant if the workshop idea came to fruition. It was also suggested that the Highways Department needed contacting about installing the new sign.

Two planning applications had recently been received, namely a proposed new dwelling at Marston Gables which raised several concerns over access and position of the proposed new dwelling on the site and a extension at The Cedars, Alleys Lane which received no objections.

: The Clerk had spoken with Mike Webb from County Highways about the recent concerns over various highways matters namely the Church Eaton to Haughton road, the poor state of the road bend after the Woollaston lane turn by Bayfield; flooding outside The Laurels and reinstatement of the verge opposite the entrance to the Old Rectory plus repair and repainting of the finger post. Several of these matters were in hand. The finger posts were still as a job outstanding. Mr Webb agreed to look at the verge opposite the Old Rectory. As far as a weight limit request for Birchmoor Lane, it would appear that this would not be feasible.

Mr John Sly had acknowledged Mr Houghton’s request to look at the tree on the High Street.

The Clerk had received an invoice of £165 for school letting fees, an invoice for costs of administration with respect to the last election and an invoice for laminating BKV posters in the sum of £6.25 from Mr Edwards.

Mr Houghton confirmed that posters were now in place and that a village litter pick had taken place on Saturday 12th April.

: Arrangements were progressing well and a meeting was arranged for the following week.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council including the latest Members Digest, information from the West Midlands Regional Assembly, Calor Village of the Year competition.

Mrs Dodd reported that there were plans afoot to remove the telephone kiosk at Marston. The Clerk was asked to investigate this matter.

Mr Houghton had been contacted by school headmaster Mr M. Winkle about an incident near to the school where a buzzard and a rook had apparently been shot.

Anyone with information about this matter was asked to contact Mike Winkle.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 in the village school.
The meeting closed at 9.45 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones, Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs I. Glover, B. Thacker, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, Two members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.

None were received..

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton.

Mr Houghton informed the meeting that work on the work on the village notice board was progressing - slowly.

: Mr S. Caplan gave a brief up date on applying for the Glebelands to achieve village green status. It was agreed that this matter would be discussed at a later meeting. Mr Caplan also reported on the poor condition of the Haughton to Church Eaton road.

Mr J. Edwards commented that he felt the flooding problem was improved due to the recent drainage works. Mr Houghton enquired whether water from the canal might be a factor but no course of action was decided on this.

Mr Stamp was asked to look at obtaining a blue bin for the Institute, which he agreed to do.

: Mr Houghton informed the Parish Council that two School Foundation Governors, Mrs S. Dodd and Mr S. Rutherford had completed their term in office. The Parish Council was therefore asked to nominate or re-nominate two Governors. As Mr Rutherford and Mrs S. Dodd were agreeable to continue they were nominated by Mr T. Houghton and seconded by Mr B. Thacker. All were in favour.

Concern had been expressed as to the parking of a horsebox outside 2 Little Onn road. This was considered to creating difficulties with visibility.

Ms Corser reported more local thefts concerning a trailers and some staddle stones from Bradley.

: Mr Thacker had been looking at the price of a new wooden village sign and concluded that this could be in the region of £2,000 to £3,000.

Mr Thacker was also looking into applying for an Awards For All grant. Mr Houghton was also looking at trying to secure a similar grant for the playground but had received a reply from J. Arnold at the Borough Leisure Services Department who might have some funding available. It was agreed in principle that Mr Thacker should continue looking at funding for the sign.

It was agreed that Mr Houghton would ask a local handy man for a quote to re-paint the entrance rails. Mrs Reeves returned the inspection book and had noted negligible litter and had taken down yet another rope swing. Ms Corser took the book for the forthcoming month..

The Clerk confirmed that enforcement action was being taken against the recent storage of ex-military equipment on the airfield at Little Onn.

One planning application had recently been received, namely the conversion of an outbuilding into a new dwelling house at Park Farm. Some concern was expressed over the access, more specifically the visibility, given that more traffic would be generated by the new development. There was also concern over the low second floor ceilings and no fire escape access.

: There were several concerns, namely the poor state of the road bend after the Woolllaston lane turn by Bayfield; flooding outside The Laurels and reinstatement of the verge opposite the entrance to the Old Rectory. The village finger posts were also in dire need of attention.

Mrs Dodd enquired about putting a weight limit on Birchmoor Lane.

The Clerk was asked to contact Highways over these various matters.

Mr Houghton is to contact Mr Sly from the Highways department concerning a tree that has been identified as requiring attention in the High Street.

The Clerk confirmed that the 482 bus service was being retained but with a new timetable which would commence on the 27th of April. Councillor Barry Stamp reported on the latest meeting with Rural Link and reported that in the Autumn Rural Link would go out for tender.

The Clerk gave Mr Houghton a cheque in lieu of Best Kept Village entry fees.

Mrs D Jones reported that the first pack had been delivered and had received a warm welcome. Other enquiries were now forthcoming but it was agreed that if the Parish Council were to give out packs a charge of £5 would be have to be made towards expenses. The Clerk received £42.52 from sponsorship monies minus production costs to bank.

Mr Houghton confirmed that posters were being put up and that there would be a village litter pick on Saturday 12th April at 11.00am – 1.00pm.

: Arrangements were progressing well and a meeting was arranged for the following week.

LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK: The Clerk informed the meeting that there had been no more updates.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council including the latest Members Digest.

It was agreed that the next meeting and the Annual Parish meeting would be held on the 6th of May 2008 in the village school.

The meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones, Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs I. Glover, T. Houghton, B. Thacker, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, 7 members of the public, and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.

None were received.

Mr Houghton requested changing the wording “inform Denise Hill” on the Minutes from the previous meeting which were then deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton.

Mr Houghton was asked about refurbishment of the village notice board and confirmed that he and Mr John Hitchens were going to renovate the board.

: Mr Malcolm Bennett and Mr Steve Caplan approached the Parish Council to ask for support to apply for the Glebelands to be recognised as a Village Green. The Parish Council was in principal agreeable to this proposal subject to more information. It was agreed that Mr Caplan would keep the Parish Council appraised of the situation.

Mr John Edwards informed the Parish Council that he had now updated the Village Map. Mr Edwards further added that if there were any amendments he would appreciate notification, as he would like the map to be accurate. Without doubt Mr Edwards efforts in creating the map were recognised as being a worthy addition to the village.

The poor condition of the Haughton to Church Eaton road was commented upon.

The Clerk confirmed that the Highways Department had been made aware of the these problems but would again let the Highways Department know of these concerns.

Mr C. Byford queried the recent clearing of drains within the village. Mr Houghton agreed to clarify the situation with the County Council.

: None had been received.

Unfortunately Ms Mandy Corser had received several reports of two vehicles being stolen from Apeton plus a serious break-in. Saddlery and a trailer had been stolen from Woodseaves. Power tools had also been stolen locally. The local police were again asking for any information of suspicious activity.

Mr Houghton confirmed that Tom Alexander of Alexander Fencing had finished the fencing job and had made an extremely good job of it. John Hall had also carried out a winter tidy up so the play ground was found to be in good order.

Ms Corser mentioned that some repainting of equipment was required and it was agreed that this should be arranged at a future meeting. Mr Houghton who had maintained the inspection book for the previous month agreed to take it for the forthcoming month. Mrs Reeves reported that the new hedge was starting to bud which was good news. A short discussion ensued concerning the purchase of some new play equipment.

The Clerk gave a brief resume of the plans which had been received between the Parish Council meetings namely a new agricultural building at Manor Farm, Marston which had received no objections. The plans to convert barns to a residential use at Wood Eaton had met with some concerns over access and design. Since then there had been no objections made to the retrospective application at the barns at Shushions Manor nor the proposed development at The Stables, Little Onn where it was hoped that the new development would be built in a similar brick as the original buildings.

: The Clerk had notified Highways that the brook bridge at Apeton was in serious need of repair. As a result there had been an inspection and remedial work carried out. There was some discussion as to whether a restricted weight could be applied to Birchmoor Lane.

The Clerk confirmed that she had written to the Green Bus Service operatives but was waiting for a reply. Councillor Barry Stamp reported on the latest meeting with Rural Link where a representative from Staffs County Council was unable to confirm future bus services.

It was proposed by Mrs K Reeves that the Parish Council would pay the Village Festival Insurance of £100. This was seconded by Mrs S. Dodd. All were in favour. Invoices amounting to £498.00 for fencing by Tom Alexander and the recent Audit Commission invoice amounting to £158.63 were also agreed for payment.

Mrs D Jones reported that letters for potential sponsors were now ready for circulation.

Mr Edwards had kindly supplied the map and the children’s posters were in hand.

: Arrangements were progressing well and a meeting was arranged for the following week.

LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK: Mr Houghton read a small article from the press concerning this matter and discussed the input that the Parish Council could and should make to this issue. Mr Houghton also agreed that he would attend the next local meeting concerning the L D F and report his findings at the next meeting.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council including the latest Members Digest, S B Council refuse collection information and information concerning the new legislation relating to dog fouling in public places. A request for this year’s Civic Amenities visits had also been received and the Clerk was asked to request the usual visits subject to the permission of the owners of the Royal Oak car park

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on the 4th March 2008 in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.55 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones, Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs I. Glover, T. Houghton, B. Thacker, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, 4 members of the public, and the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.

Were received from Staffs County Councillor, Mr M. Winington.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton.

The Clerk had contacted ABB by telephone re the proposed street lighting improvement works at The Oaklands. Following this enquiry, Martin Beavis from ABB had rang back to inform the clerk that this work in the Oaklands had been cancelled. The existing streetlights would have their bulbs changed to more energy efficient ones but no extra lighting would be installed. Mrs Dawn Jones said that she would inform the residents of this decision.

Mr Houghton was asked about refurbishment of the village notice board. Mr Houghton was sill actively seeking somebody to carry out thy work.

Mr Houghton felt that the Parish Council should amend their own form of the Model Code of Contact and would inform Denise Hill at Stafford Borough Council about this.

Mr Ian Glover while declaring an interest in the local twinning association asked the Parish Council about supporting a youngster from the Parish with part funding to attend the International Twinning Camp at Shugborough this summer. It was agreed that the members of the Parish Council would publicise this matter

Flooding was discussed as the Highways Department had now conducted the cleaning of pipes and ditches within the village and as far as they could go to the outlying areas of the village. What had become evident was that the brook certainly needed dredging so that water could be able to drain away from the village. Mr Mike Williams, Clerk of the Foundation Governors had received a letter from the Environmental Agency confirming, as thought, that clearing the brook was a matter of riparian ownership and should be dealt as such. Mr Mike Webb from Staffs Highways has confirmed that work to be carried out by The Laurels had been added to the scheme of works for this year..

: Mr Cox addressed the meeting with concerns over the proposed changes to the Green Bus Service (Church Eaton to Wolverhampton). Mr Cox stated that he had personal knowledge there were at least seven regular weekly passengers from Church Eaton alone. Following a discussion the Clerk was asked to contact the Bus Company reiterating these concerns.

Also of concern was the absence of a signpost for Broad Lane. It was agreed that this among other highway matters would be brought to the attention of the Highways department. Other concerns were the poor state of Woollaston Lane, the excess chippings on the Haughton to Church Eaton road and the bridge embankment at Apeton. The Clerk had reported to Highways concerns over Birchmoor Lane.

Ms Mandy Corser had a copy of the latest Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter. The theft of more lead from the church roof was reported and discussed. It was agreed that the meeting with P C Clive Blakemore who gave a very interesting and thought provoking talk about Rural Watch, had been very useful.

Mr Bob Thacker returned the inspection book and expressed concerns over the new chain link fence which children were climbing over and damaging it. Mr Houghton confirmed that Tom Alexander was ready to commence work on the roadside fence and new post. The Clerk was asked to contact John Hall over this year’s grass cutting arrangements and whether he could carry out a winter tidy up of the playground plus fill in the two holes that had appeared.

The Clerk had received a planning application for an extension at 5 Parkers Close and for a new agricultural building at Manor Farm, Marston. It was agreed that the Parish Councillors would study these proposals and contact the Clerk with any observations.

: It was confirmed that the lane to Bradley was now open after recent works. It was noted that one of the signs in the High Street (narrow road) was corroded quite badly.

No news had been received over plans to review the 482 bus service. Councillor Barry Stamp agreed to inform the Parish Council on any developments concerning Rural Link with respect to this matter.

It was agreed to set this year’s precept requirement at £4,575. This slight increase on last year’s precept being in line with current inflation figures. This was proposed by Mr T. Houghton, seconded by Mr Bob Thacker. All were in favour. The Clerk’s half yearly fee of £850 and expenses of £35.87 were due. Mr Houghton suggested an increase of £100 for the forthcoming year to be paid as usual in half yearly amounts. This was proposed by Mrs S Dodd and seconded by Mrs Karen Reeves. All were in favour.

Mrs D Jones reported that a letter for potential sponsors would be going out shortly. It was agreed to pick this matter up at the next meeting.

Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council including the latest Members Digest, and Local Framework Development information. The entry form for this tear’s Best Kept Village Competition had been received.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on the 5th February 2008 in the village school. The meeting closed at 10.00 p.m.

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Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones, Mrs K. Reeves, Messrs I. Glover, T. Houghton, B. Thacker, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, fifteen members of the public, P C Clive Blakemore and the Clerk, Mrs D.M. Key.

None were received.

The Minutes from the previous meeting were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton.

The Clerk was asked to contact ABB re the proposed street lighting improvement works at The Oaklands. The Clerk had recently sent yet another letter but again had not received a reply. A query was made about the progress with renovating the village notice board. Mr Houghton stated that the Parish Council would have to find somebody to carry out this work as the original contact for this work was unable to do the work. It was agreed that this matter should be discussed at a future meeting.

Mr Houghton introduced to the meeting P C Clive Blakemore who gave a very interesting and thought provoking talk about Rural Watch, its inception, objectives and aims as well as describing various incidents. PC Blakemore issued Rural Watch packs, with free membership forms and varied information concerning the prevention of crime in rural isolated areas. Mr Houghton thanked PC Blakemore for taking the time to address the meeting.

Ms Corser informed the meeting that during the period of the 18th – 22nd November, lead from the church roof had been stolen. Also locally a quad bike had been stolen and some several saddle stones from a garden.

: Fifteen members of the public had attended the meeting specifically to object to the recent planning application which set out proposals to build a dwelling in the garden of Number 6, Smithy Croft. There was very strong opinion about this proposed development as with the several previous applications, which had all, been refused planning consent.

Again it was felt that erecting a dwelling on the garden would be unfeasible given its small size. The design of the proposed dwelling was considered to be very poor as design integrity had been put aside in a bid to meet the current planning policy criteria. No consideration had been given to the site being in a conservation area.

Flooding problems were a main concern cited by local residents opposed to this development. This summer had seen severe flooding in the village especially in the area of the proposed site. Photographs showing these severe floods were produced. Also of concern was the culvert on the site and its’ position to the proposed development. Access for maintenance to this culvert would be severely hampered. Anecdotal evidence also suggested that the site was built on a raft which in itself could prove troublesome with further development. Other issues such as parking facilities, traffic congestion and lack of privacy were also mentioned.

Mr Houghton thanked those presenting their views during Open Forum on this matter and stated that these views would be considered in the Parish Council’s own deliberations.


Mr I. Glover returned the inspection book and commented that the back play ground fence was in a poor state. The Clerk had now received a formal quotation from Tom Alexander amounting to £450 to finish the roadside fencing and replace the broken concrete post. It was proposed that Tom should commence this work as soon as possible. Some allowance would be given to the sum quoted as Tom was not sure if the post brackets might cost more. This was proposed by Mr I Glover, seconded by Mrs K Reeves. All were in favour.

The Clerk had received several planning applications. There were no objections made to the proposed new window at Dolphin House, High Street. Similarly none for the addition of fuel tank at Shushions Manor Barns and the conversion of an outbuilding at Park Hall Farm. In principal there were no major objections to the proposed swimming pool and bedroom at Eaton Lodge, however, it was felt that the proposed development of the property should be monitored. The Parish Council was unanimous against the proposed development of another dwelling at No.6 Smithy Croft believing it be of poor design; shoehorned into the proposed site; contrary to conservation area policy and having an adverse effect on neighbouring properties as well as potentially worsening the flooding problems in the area.

The Clerk had also received a letter from Stafford Borough Council stating that the company currently using the airfield for storage had been invited to make a retrospective planning application.

: Mr Houghton gave a brief update on the current position. A team from Staffordshire County Council had been out to organise the cleaning of ditches and drains in these areas where flooding problems were occurring. Michael Williams, Clerk to the Foundation Governors was contacting the Environment Agency over the field drains.

: Mrs Dodd had reported concerns over the poor state of Birchmoor Lane and the bridge in the lane which the Clerk confirmed she had reported to Clarence.

The Clerk had received one invoice from J W H Ground for the remainder of this year’s grass cutting amounting to £297.00. This was proposed for payment by Mrs K Reeves and seconded by Mrs S Dodd. All were in favour.

It was also agreed that the Parish Council should co-fund with the Institute Committee a Christmas tree and lights as usual.

Mrs D Jones reported that these were progressing well and interest was being expressed from potential sponsors. It was agreed to pick this matter up after Christmas.

Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council including the latest Members Digest, Sundial and the usual information from S P C Association.

A request from Staffordshire Borough Twinning Organisation re their International Camp 2008 and possible sponsorship had been received and would be discussed at a later meeting. The Clerk issued copies of the Model Code of Conduct to all Councillors to inspect and it was agree that the Parish Council would adopt the code with the new amendment to paragraphs 12 included.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on the 8th of January 2008 in the village school. The meeting closed at 10.00 p.m.

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: Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones, Mrs K. Reeves, Mr B. Thacker and Mr T. Houghton,
five members of the public and the Clerk.

The Parish Council met on Tuesday 2nd of October 2007 in the village school. The main items of business were as follows.


Several local residents attended the meeting to express their concerns over the recent problems encountered with the wet weather and subsequent flooding. Indeed some of these residents had unfortunately suffered water actually flooding into their own homes.

Mr C Byford informed the meeting that residents in Ashley Croft had been advised by Mike Webb from Staffs County Council, that as a private close and as residents, they were responsible for drainage within Ashley Croft. As a result, the residents were all pooling their resources to carry out the work of clearing the drains etc.

Unfortunately, in other areas of the Parish, flooding was occurring due to water courses in the village becoming over silted, resulting in poor water flow. In conclusion it was agreed that the Parish Council would support all efforts to try and improve drainage facilities within the Parish.


The Clerk had received two planning applications.

The first was an amendment to the recent proposal to convert barns at High Onn Manor, to include passing bays on the road to the development. There were no objections made to this proposal.

The second, the proposed development of a conservatory at Bayfield, was accepted by the Parish Council with no objections raised.

Welcome Packs

Parish Councillors, Mrs Dawn Jones and Mrs Karen Reeves had made a good start on preparing Welcome Packs for new residents to the area, or indeed any interested parties. If you would like any more information on this project or would like to advertise your business in this manner please contact the Clerk.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday the 6th of November 2007 in the village school at 7.30 p.m. All are welcome to attend.

For more details contact the Clerk Diane Key on 01785 822723 or email

Details can also be found on the Church Eaton web site or notice board.

John Evans

It was with great sadness that at the time of preparing this report that we heard about the untimely death of
John Evans, our former Chairman. I am sure that we echo many, in feeling that this world is a somewhat more diminished place without him.

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: Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones, Mrs K. Reeves and Mr T. Houghton, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, one member of the public and the Clerk.


These were received from Mr I. Glover and Mr B. Thacker.

: These were deemed as a true record of the previous meeting and were duly signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman confirmed that the new bench, co-funded by the Festival Committee and Parish Council had been installed in the High Street. The Clerk was asked to write to Mike Webb and his team at Staffordshire County Council to thank him for installing the bench. Councillor Barry Stamp informed the meeting that he had recently been appointed as a director of Rural Link. The Clerk confirmed that a letter had been sent to Staffordshire Council asking for information re the future funding of the Rural Link service and the timetabling and continuity of 482 bus service. The Clerk also confirmed that a letter had been forwarded to the owners of the Old Rectory querying works to reinstate the verge opposite the entrance to the Old Rectory.

: was not requited ion this occasion.

Ms Corser reported that she had been unable to attend the recent Neighbourhood Watch Forum as the letter containing information about this event was not delivered to her address in good time.

Ms Corser informed the meeting about ‘Immobilise,’ a new scheme that the police were now bringing in where property could be registered. Information had also been received regarding a recent spate of thefts whereby homes were being broken in to and car keys taken in order to steal vehicles parked outside properties. The Police had reiterated again about not leaving valuables in parked cars.

: Haywood’s Fencing had replaced probably ¾ of the roadside fencing with new chain link fencing and had carried out a satisfactory job so far. Mr Houghton had received another quote for the fencing from Alexander Fencing but unfortunately, it had arrived too late.

Mr Thacker had carried out the weekly inspections since the last meeting and everything seemed in fairly good order. Mr Houghton took the inspection book for the forthcoming month and also agreed to look at strimming the weeds away from the new hedge.

There were reports that a straying dog was being found regularly in the playground and it was agreed that the owners should be spoken to.

MR Thacker had spoken to the Chairman about maintenance of the playground equipment following receipt of a manual from Wicksteed. As Mr Thacker was unable to attend the meeting it was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting in October.

: The Clerk had recently received three planning applications; the first a retrospective collection of plans concerning Shushions Manor Barns and the retention of oil tanks and other installations such as pergolas, dove cotes etc. The Parish Council while understanding the need for such planning controls in rural areas pertinent to barn conversions there were no actual objections made to these proposals.

The second application was for an extension to Number 20 The Oaklands and again there were no objections made to this proposal. The third application was for a two storey extension at The Cedars, Alleys Lane. The Parish Council were concerned about over development of the site and felt that the design of the proposed extension did not fit in with the existing property and also neighbouring properties.

: The Clerk was asked to contact Mike Webb (assistant to John Sly) again, concerning the repair and refurbishment of the village finger posts. Mr Houghton reported concern over the poor state of part of the brickwork on the small bridge on the approach to Church Eaton at Apeton. Reports of excess road chippings along the Haughton to Gnosall road were also reported, which it was thought, might constitute a problem with blocking the roadside drains. The Clerk stated that she would report these problems to Clarence the helpline.

Following on from the Clerk’s suggestions on what might be included in a Church Eaton welcome pack, Mrs Dawn Jones and Mrs Karen Reeves agreed to be responsible for compiling and overseeing the production of a welcome pack.

A brief discussion ensued about appointing a Young Persons Champion to represent Church Eaton.Mr Bob Thacker’s name was put forward, but in his absence, it was agreed that Mr Houghton would speak to him in the first instance to gauge his interest.

: The Clerk reported that the annual return was in progress and was unfortunately overdue but that the Clerk would contact the Audit Commission over this matter.

: Mr Houghton asked to allow this extra item on to the agenda due to a recently received request from former Parish Councillor, Mr C. Byford. Mr Byford had contacted the Chairman about standing down as the Parish Council appointed trustee on the Glebelands Sports Association Committee. After a brief discussion, Mrs K. Reeves was nominated by Mrs D. Jones and seconded by Mrs S. Dodd to replace Mr Byford. All were in favour.

The Clerk had received confirmation of a Tree Preservation Order regarding a tree on the Glebelands from the Borough Council. A copy of the Members Digest was distributed for reading.

: It was agreed that the next meeting should take place on Tuesday the 2nd October 2007 in the village school at 7.30 p.m.

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: Ms M. Corser, Mrs S. Dodd, Mrs D. Jones, Mrs K. Reeves and Messrs I. Glover, T. Houghton and B. Thacker. Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, two members of the public and the Clerk.


were received from Staffs County Councillor, M .Winnington.

: These were deemed as a true record of the previous meeting held in May and were duly signed by the Chairman.

The Clerk reported that all register of financial forms had been completed and returned to the Borough Council. Mr Houghton had spoken with Mr M Evans from the P.C.C. about the recent letter from Smiths of Derby and maintenance of the church clock. It was agreed that the clock would be inspected and maintained on a yearly basis, as was the current arrangement. This decision had been conveyed to Smiths of Derby.

The Clerk had received a letter from the P.C.C. in response to the enquiry over recent landscaping matters in the churchyard. The Clerk was asked to read out the letter, which essentially explained the reasons for the recent radical landscaping. The Parish Council asked the clerk to reply to this letter to enquire about the replacement of trees and any future plans for a re-planting programme to be carried out.

Mr Houghton confirmed that Church Eaton had been entered in to this year’s Calor Village of the Year Competition.

: It was noted, with some annoyance, that the Parish Council report was again missing from the Parish Magazine despite being forwarded through by the Clerk. It was agreed that Mr Houghton as Chairman would chase up this matter.

Unfortunately, despite Ms Corser’s best attempts to get a member from the local police force to attend the meeting, because of a change in the police personnel at Gnosall, P C Andy Heritage was unable to attend.

Mrs Corser reported that there had been several ‘distraction burglaries’ reported; enough to warrant the setting up of an operation by Staffs Police Force to combat this problem. Mrs Corser reiterated the need for all householders to be aware of people posing as bogus officials and the need to check ID etc


The entrance to the playground was discussed and it the Clerk confirmed that Mr John Hall had been contacted and was to telephone the clerk with a quote for the job. Mr I. Glover returned the inspection book and had noted that the playground with the exception of litter, which he had removed, was in good order. The front fence however, was not and as several months had elapsed and David Gough Landscapes had not carried out the promised work on the fence, it was unanimously agreed that other quotes should be sought for this work to carried as soon as possible.

Mr Houghton confirmed that the two benches were now ready for collection. The Clerk was asked to inform Cornhill Allianz (the insurance company) of their purchase and for them to be included on the current schedule of insurance. Mrs K Reeves asked for volunteers to assist in the hand weeding of the new hedge.

: The Clerk had recently received two planning applications; the first the proposed addition of a garden room at Church Farm Barn and the second, plans for an extension to The Sheiling, High Street. After inspection of the plans no objections were made.

The Clerk had also received planning permission for the proposed extension at Number 10 Malthouse Lane.

It was agreed that Mr Houghton would liase with Tony Lendon about refurbishment of the village notice board.

: The Clerk confirmed that the finger post situated on the verge opposite John Clarke’s property had been removed for repair and refurbishment. Mike Webb (assistant to John Sly) was fully briefed on the matter concerning the repair and refurbishment of the rest of the village finger posts.

Mrs Dodd commented on the good response she had received from the Clarence help line.

: Councillor Stamp confirmed that from his investigations funding for the Ruralink Bus Service would be available until August 2008. From further investigation, there would be no review of the current 482 bus services. However, Councillor Stamp did remind the Parish Council that Ariva could give notice to cut services at any time

It was confirmed that the children’s posters were displayed around the village. Mr Houghton gave an update of the festival plans for this year.

: The clerk had received an invoice from Mr John Hall for grass cutting of the village playground amounting to £135.00, which was proposed for payment by Mrs S. Dodd and seconded by Mr I. Glover. All were in favour. Also agreed was a £100 donation towards the Village Festival Committee as previously arranged. The Clerk was to be forwarded the bench invoice directly from the company for payment and was authorised to pay this but would report next month.

The Clerk distributed a budget to all members of the Parish Council to 1st October 2007 and gave a brief resume of income and expenditure for that period.

The Clerk had also received a return from the Audit Commission to be completed shortly.

The Clerk had received the following items, which were distributed for reading amongst the Parish Council, namely a copy of Members Digest and a Ruralink Newsletter. A questionnaire from the Borough looking at sport and recreational facilities within the Parish was retained by the Clerk to be completed and returned. A letter appealing for funding towards the First Responders Organisation had also been received. It was agreed to consider this response at the end of this current financial year as was customary.

: It was agreed that the next meeting should take place on Tuesday the 3rd of July in the village school at 7.30 p.m.

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: Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs J. Glover and Messrs C. Byford, I. Glover, T. Houghton, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator Mrs M. Corser,
Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, Staffs County Councillor, Mr M. Winnington, two members of the public and the Clerk.

These were received from Mr R. Howarth.

: These were deemed as a true record and were duly signed by the Chairman.

The Clerk reported that she had one Minute Book in her possession (being the last completed book) however the Minute Book for the years 1967/84 is still unaccounted for. It was agreed that the Parish Council would endeavour to find it and then deposit it in the archive library in Stafford.

: Mrs K Mainwaring addressed the meeting with concerns over the size and windows of the new development at No10 Malthouse Lane. It was agreed that the Parish Council would refer to the original plans and, if so required, monitor the situation with the Borough Council Planning Department.

Concerns were also expressed over the cutting back of vegetation and the felling of trees in the churchyard. The Clerk was asked to write to the PCC to clarify what replanting and improvement works would be carried out in the future. It was also noted that pressure had been brought to bear on the PCC with the also most continuous break- ins and theft of church equipment resulting in the PCC having to improve the security of the site by making the site more open to observation.

Mrs Corser reported two incidents locally, an attempted break in and in another incident the theft of property from outside the property.

: Mr Byford returned the inspection book and noted that the playground fence was now practically on the floor. Mr Houghton stated that he would contact Mr David Gough to get the overdue work done. The Clerk had contacted the insurance company about the new equipment. Mr Houghton had ordered the two new benches from Green Oak as promised which would amount to £966.50. Once again, the high standard of grass cutting by Mr John Hall was commented on.

The Clerk had recently received three planning applications, an extension to the property known as The Shieling, a rear extension to Little Oak and another extension to 10 Malt house Road. After deliberation of these plans, no objections were made to these proposals. Comments were made about the various development along the canal near to High Onn Wharf and it was agreed to monitor the situation.

: Mrs Dodd had reported potholes along Birchmoor Lane to the Clarence Helpline. The poor state of the village fingerposts were commented upon; the Clerk is to chase up this matter with Mr John Sly at County Highways.

: Mr Houghton confirmed that the Best Kept Village Posters were now laminated and were being put up. Mr John Edwards suggested a sponsor for this year’s Hanging Baskets Competition and would endeavour to approach this person and notify the Clerk. The clerk had also approached a suitable person to judge this year’s competition and would report at the next meeting.

: The Clerk had prepared a VAT claim for the past eighteen months or thereabouts amounting to about £1,700.00.

The Clerk had received various election information, which had been dealt with. The latest Members Digest was circulated for reading. Smith of Derby had forwarded a letter re the church clock and maintenance contracts. Mr Houghton was to speak to Mr Michael Evans of the PCC over this matter.

Mr Houghton once again thanked the out going Parish Council for all their hard work and wished those standing for election or re-election good luck.

It was agreed that due to the forthcoming election on May the 3rd, the Parish Council would meet on Tuesday the 8th of May 2007 in the village school.

The meeting closed at 9.35 p.m.

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Mrs S. Dodd, Messrs C. Byford, I. Glover, T. Houghton (Chair), Staffs Borough Councillor,
Mr B. Stamp, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator, Mrs M. Corser, two members of the public, and
the Clerk, Mrs D. M. Key.

These were received from Mrs J. Glover and Mr R. Howarth.

The Minutes from the previous meeting had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council and were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton.

Mr Houghton confirmed that he had posted the bus timetable on the Parish Council notice board. It was agreed that any other matters arising from the last meeting would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

: Mr Houghton reported that despite recent rumours that the new foot paths would be ‘dug up’ to accommodate new street lights, the emphasis would be on replacing the old lights with more energy efficient ones. However, works to replace lighting installations in the Oaklands might be carried out in twelve months.

Mrs Corser reported that she had not received any reports of local incidents of crime that was deemed, as no news is good news!

Mrs Corser presented the local Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter.

Mr Houghton returned the inspection book. Disappointedly he reported that the newly planted young hedge had in parts, been severely vandalised. Many of the bamboo casings enclosing the young hedge plants had been pulled up and then broken and left in the playground. The Parish Council felt very frustrated by this turn in events and as this project to improve local amenities was being undermined by a minority but ultimately spoiling it for the majority. It was commented on that this project had cost well over £100 and had only happened because of the goodwill of local people willing to give up some of their free time to attempt to improve this very important local amenity. Obviously the Parish Council would very much like to know who is responsible for this wanton act of vandalism. Please contact the Clerk on 01785 822723 (all calls will be treated confidentially).

Work had not yet commenced to refurbish the front fence.

Mr Houghton had contacted the County Highways Department re the proposed new bench on the High Street and there had been no objections.

Mr D Massie had discussed fencing his land along the back of the playground with Mr Houghton. It was agreed that any overhanging branches would be lopped off prior to new fencing being installed.

The Clerk had received no correspondence concerning planning matters.

: There was concern expressed over the recent spate of potholes appearing on local roads due to the recent poor weather conditions.

It was agreed to monitor the situation and report these problems to the County Council ‘Clarence’ help line as they arose.

The Clerk had received an invoice from Stafford Borough Council regarding the forthcoming Civic Amenities visit for £43.01, plus this year’s entry into the Best Kept Village Competition amounting to £15.20. It was proposed that Mrs S. Dodd, seconded by Mr I. Glover to pay these invoices. All were in favour.

It was also agreed that this year’s section 147 payments should be set against grass cutting and playground insurance expenses.

The Clerk also informed the meeting that a new external auditor had been appointed by the Audit Commission. Four invoices to be paid, namely £43.01 for the last Civic Amenities visit, £100.00

Mr Houghton reported that arrangements for this year’s entry were in hand. The Clerk suggested various individuals whom might be suitable to judge this year’s hanging baskets competition.

Unfortunately, Mr Houghton was unable to attend the ‘Last Post’ meeting. Councillor Stamp filled the Parish Council in on the meetings he attended over this important issue which the Parish Council remained unanimous in opposing any Post Office closures.

Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council i.e. Members Digest.

It was agreed that the next meeting should be held on Tuesday the 3rd April 2007 plus the annual Parish meeting at 7.30 p.m. in the village school. The meeting closed at 8.55 p.m.

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Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs J. Glover and Messrs C. Byford, T. Houghton, Mr R. Howarth , Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator Mrs M. Corser, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, one member of the public and the Clerk.

These were received from Mr I. Glover, and Staffs County Councillor, Mr M. Winnington.

These were read from the previous meeting, deemed as a true record and signed by the Vice Chairman after amending Mr Houghton’s signature of the minutes through absence.

Items for discussion during Matters Arising would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

This was not required on this occasion.

Mrs M. Corser updated the meeting on Neighbourhood Watch matters.

: It was reported that the new play equipment had now been installed and had already received some favourable responses. The planting of a replacement hedge along the back boundary of the playground was discussed. The inspection book was returned and Mr Houghton took charge of this for the forthcoming month. It was agreed that the Clerk should contact John Hall re grass cutting.

: The Clerk had recently received a planning application with respect to the proposed single storey extension at Church Farm Barn. The only major concern made by the Parish Council was that this development should not exacerbate car parking to the entrance to St Editha’s Court

The Clerk reported that John Sly was looking into refurbishment and repair of the village fingerposts.

With the recent wet weather, more incidents of flooding had been reported particularly in the Apeton area. These incidents had been further reported to Highways through the Clarence helpline.

Mr Byford had spoken with Mr Dodd, owner of the Old Rectory, who had confirmed that the verge opposite to the Old Rectory entrance would be re-instated once landscaping was completed at the Rectory. Concern was expressed over car parking on grass verges throughout the village. The Parish Council requested that car owners try to avoid parking on grass verges, which, due to the recent wet weather were now extremely soft and therefore prone to damage.

: Mr Houghton confirmed that he was to fill in the entry for this year’s competition and would have the entry completed before the February deadline.

: The Clerk had prepared a budget to the end of the this financial year (March 31st 2007) and for the following twelve months. featuring any fixed costs to illustrate finances for the forthcoming year. The budget was straightforward showing a slight deficit going into the new financial year due to playground equipment costs. Although the budget would be tight for the next twelve months, there was some flexibility in that Section 137 payments which could include some recent paid (no VAT) invoices for the playground and the traffic calming invoice, though included, was unlikely to be presented as the work to re-surface the Wood Eaton Road end was unlikely to take place for a while. The Clerk has also budgeted for election costs should the need arise in May.

It was proposed by T. Houghton that £200 should be earmarked for the planting of the new playground hedge. This was seconded by Mrs S. Dodd, all were in favour.

The Clerk had received an invoice from the Audit Commission for £141.00. This was again proposed for payment and all were in favour.

Various items of correspondence were distributed amongst the Parish Council for reading. It was agreed to respond to a letter from the Borough Council requesting Church Eaton’s requirements for civic amenities visits during 2007.

It was agreed that the next meeting would take place on Tuesday the 13th of March 2007 in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.35 p.m.

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Mrs J. Glover, Messrs C. Byford, T. Houghton (Chair) R. Howarth, Mrs M. Corser, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator, Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp and the Clerk.

These were received from Mrs S. Dodd and Mr B. Sharratt.

These were read from the previous meeting, deemed as a true record and signed by the Vice Chairman after amending Mr Houghton’s signature of the minutes through absence.

The Clerk confirmed that she had sent a thank you letter to Mr Gordon Kennerley thanking him for the use of his trailer and help with tidying up the playground. The Clerk had also written a thank you letter to John Sly of Highways to thank the department for the recent work carried out on the footpaths and also to report the poor state of the Village fingerposts.

The Clerk had emailed Councillor Mark Winnington about this matter and asked him to look at the recent spate of flooding on both the highways and outlying village areas.

Clarence had also been alerted to the various incidents of floods on the roads.

This was not required on this occasion.

Mrs M. Corser updated the meeting on the delivery of Neighbourhood Watch household information packs, of which 173 had been delivered around the Parish. Mr Howarth confirmed that most of the new Neighbourhood Watch signs had been erected.

Mrs Corser reported that she had heard of one incident in the last few weeks where a generator had been stolen from a farm in Marston.

: Mr Howarth returned the inspection book for signing and had reported no major problems although he had cleared up quite a bit of rubbish from the site. Mrs J. Glover took the book for the forthcoming month.

Mr Houghton confirmed that a representative from Wickstead had met him on site and as a result an order for new equipment had been placed, amounting to £7,946.00 which would cover the purchase of the equipment plus installation. The date for installation had provisionally been booked for the first week of March or maybe sooner.

Purchase of the two new benches was also discussed and it was hoped that these would be purchased together once permission to install the joint funded festival bench had been sought.

A discussion then ensued concerning the old tree by the fence in the playground and whether it would need removing. It was agreed to inspect the tree and gain some expert advice. Also discussed was the proposal to plant a new hedge along the back fence.

: The Clerk reported that a planning application for renewal of temporary planning permission for a mobile home at Manor Farm, Marston had been received. There were no objections made to this application.

The Clerk confirmed again that Highways had been contacted over the poor condition of the Village finger post. Mr Houghton had spoken with Mr John Evans, Chair of the Foundation Governors, about flooding on the fields by the Glebelands. There was concern express over the slow moving water in the brook. Mr Houghton is to keep an eye on this matter and will report.

Mrs Glover mentioned the eroded verge opposite the Old Rectory. It was agreed that Mr Byford would make some general enquires about the verge being reinstated when landscaping works finished at the Rectory.

: The Clerk had received the entry form for this year’s competition. The Parish Council felt that Church Eaton should enter again on the back of such a good result last year. Unfortunately Mr Howarth was unable to supervise this year’s entry due to other comments. As a result it was agreed that the Parish Council would coordinate the entry.

: The Clerk had received a request from the Borough Council requesting confirmation of the precept and functions allowance for the forthcoming year. Following discussion the Parish Council agreed that, in line with current inflation figures, a precept figure of £4,425 should be requested i.e. resulting in an increase of £125.00 on last year’s precept. It was also agreed that the full functions allowance, set at £802.00, should also be requested. This was proposed by Mr T Houghton, seconded by Mr C Byford, all were in favour.

The Clerk’s half yearly fee and expenses were due and Mr Houghton, proposed an increase of £50.00 on the Clerk’s current fee, mounting to £850.0 for this half year’s payment. The Clerk also presented expenses of £40.97 for payment. Both these were proposed for payment by Mr T. Houghton, seconded by Mr C. Byford. All were in favour. The Clerk thanked the Parish Council.

An invoice for £20.00 towards part funding of the Christmas tree and lighting with the Village Institute was also presented for payment.This was also authorised for payment.

Various items of correspondence were distributed amongst the Parish Council for reading

It was agreed that the next meeting would take place on Tuesday the 6th of February 2007 in the village school. The meeting closed at 8.55 p.m.

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Mrs S Dodd and Mrs J Glover, Messrs C Byford, I Glover, T Houghton (Chair), R. Howarth, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B Stamp, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator, Mrs M Corser, three members of the public, and the Clerk, Mrs D Key.

These were received from Mr B Sharratt and Staffs County Councillor, Mr M Winnington.

The Minutes from the previous meeting had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council and were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton.

The Clerk had contacted Highways about the official pick up point for bus travellers which was by The Royal Oak. Adrian Hunt confirmed that he would look into having a bus stop sign installed. Mr Houghton reported that the bid to secure funding for Christmas lighting from Central Networks had not been successful.

: During Open Forum the recent problem with flooding in the High Street especially by the school was discussed as well as the flooding on the Haughton to Church Eaton road. Councillor Stamp informed the meeting that Haughton Parish Council had reported this to Highways. Also the poor state of pretty well all the wooden finger posts in the Parish. The Clerk was asked to convey these concerns to the Highways Department.

Installation of the village bench was discussed again and Mr Houghton echoed comments that the footpaths in the village had been very satisfactorily re-surfaced.

Mrs Corser as promised had delivered about 150 household security packs. Mrs S Dodd offered to deliver packs around Marston.

The Clerk confirmed that Mrs and Miss Bennett were happy to display a Neighbourhood Watch sign at Malt Shovel Farm. Mr Howarth also confirmed that the church would also display a sign. Mr Howarth offered to oversee the installation of these signs. Mr Houghton offered to contact Ian Nixon about displaying a sign at Little Onn.

Mr Howarth confirmed that the police had now made arrests over the bogus parcel collection scam as discussed at the last meeting.


Mr B Sharratt had returned the inspection book and had checked the suspension. Mr Houghton read Mr Sharratt’s comments and then signed the book which Mr Howarth took for the forthcoming month. Mr Gordon Kennerley had very kindly taken away the rubbish that the litter picking team of Mr Byford and Mr Houghton had collected.

Following a sub committee meeting to discuss the purchase of new play equipment, a decision was eventually made to order from, play equipment specialists Wicksteed, a suitable slide and a small play mobile. Mr Houghton informed the meeting that he would be having a site meeting with a representative from Wicksteed to discuss the new equipment prior to the order being placed. It was proposed that with the Parish Council’s own funding combined with the funding from the Borough council that £8,000 would be allocated for purchase of the new equipment.

A further £200 was earmarked for the joint purchase of a village bench with the Village Festival Committee and a new playground bench would also be purchased at the same time. Mr Byford seconded by Mr Howarth proposed this. All were in favour.

Planning permission had been granted for a detached a garage at Keepers Cottage, Malthouse Lane.

A proposed new garage and storage facility at Home Farm had now gone to appeal over the recent planning refusal

The Clerk confirmed that the Audit Commission had now signed off the accounts for the previous financial year and had received the signed return.

Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council. Mr Howarth had received a letter from the Big Lottery Fund, which disappointingly recommended that the Parish Council should not proceed with a full application. Mr Houghton thanked Mr Howarth for all his endeavours

It was agreed that the next meeting should be held on Tuesday the 9th January 2007 at 7.30 p.m. in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.05 p.m.

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Mrs S. Dodd, Messrs C. Byford, I. Glover, T. Houghton (Chair), R. Howarth, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator, Mrs M. Corser, two members of the public, and the Clerk, Mrs D.M .Key.


These were received from Mrs J. Glover and Staffs County Councillor, Mr M. Winnington.

The Minutes from the previous meeting had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council and were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr T. Houghton.

Mr Houghton confirmed that he had posted the bus timetable on the Parish Council notice board. It was agreed that any other matters arising from the last meeting would be taken as they appeared on the agenda.

: During Open Forum Mrs K Reeves made the valid point about ‘dog proofing’ the playground in order to prevent dog fouling.

Mrs Reeves, on behalf of the Festival Committee reported that with the remaining funds, a seat or bench was the best option rather than a bus shelter. Mr Houghton confirmed that the Parish Council would certainly donate some funds towards this project but due to the imminent purchase of new play equipment, the Parish Council would not be able to match fund. As a figure from the Festival Committee had not yet been received then a decision on the amount was deferred.

During Open Forum the Clerk was asked to contact Arriva or the County about the official position of the bus stop in the High Street, as recently there seemed to have been confusion from drivers over where to stop.

Mrs Corser as promised had prepared some excellent household packs containing loads of information re crime prevention, Neighbourhood Watch and useful safety tips etc. The Neighbourhood Watch signs had been received and seemed ideal for the purpose. A short discussion ensued about where to display them and it was agreed that permission to display these signs in prominent positions and obtain permission where necessary from private landowners would be sought by various members of the Parish Council.

Mr Howarth reported that a bogus parcel retrieval scheme was currently operating whereby householders received a card through the door informing that they had a parcel to collect and a telephone number to ring to obtain more information. Unfortunately anyone not suspecting this was a scam would ring the number on the card immediately incurring a £15.00 charge! As Christmas is fast approaching the Clerk was asked to make Parishioners aware of this scam in the Parish Magazine.


Mr B Sharratt still has the inspection book and the clerk was asked to contact Mr Sharratt to return it for the next meeting for signing.

Mr Houghton reported on his bid to obtain further funding from the Borough Council. There was money available amounting to around £4,000 but obviously a clear direction concerning budget and scheme of works was necessary so as to provide the Borough Council with accurate details on how the money had been spent.

The Clerk had received three different quotations concerning the repair or replacement of the playground roadside fence. David Gough Landscapes at £480.00 quoted repairing the fence. Metal railings had come in at around £6,000 from a company Mrs Reeves had spoken to and a split oak rustic type fence would be in the region of £3,000 from a fencing company Mr Reeves had contacted. Following a short discussion where it was generally agreed that priority should be given to installing new play equipment, with a mind to replacing the fence later on, Mr I. Glover proposed that the repair option should be taken. This was seconded by Mr R Howarth, all were in favour.

It was further agreed that a meeting should be held on Tuesday 21st of November to discuss further the purchase of new equipment.

Mr Howarth was currently waiting to hear how his bid, to gain substantial funding for the playground was progressing and Mr Houghton had completed and returned Councillor Winnington’s Membership Initiatives fund form.

Mr Reeves had inspected the playground bench and felt it might not be practical to refurbish. It was agreed to consider options for this following the equipment purchase and outcome of funding.

Planning permission had been refused for the retrospective change of use and extension of curtilage at Apeton Byre. Plans to build a pre-fabricated garage at Number 7, High Street, Church Eaton had also been refused planning consent.

The Chairman reminded Parish Councillors to check whether the Councillor they were passing planning applications on to, in the rota, were not away.

: There was still concern being expressed over the poor condition of the verge outside the entrance to the Old Rectory. It was agreed to wait until building works had finished before approaching the owners about reinstating he verge..

The Clerk had received four invoices to be paid, namely £43.01 for the last Civic Amenities visit, £100.00 from JWH Ground for playground grass cutting, £225.00 for repair of the village map from Oaklands Framing and finally £43.01 for the new Neighbourhood Watch signs. These were proposed for payment by Mr C. Byford and seconded by Mr R Howarth, all were in favour.

Mr Howarth confirmed that rental for letting the school for meetings would remain at £15 per session for the next financial year.

The annual cheque for way leave in the village playground amounting to £1.20 had been received.

Various items were distributed for reading among the Parish Council i.e. Members Digest. The Clerk reminded the meeting that the SouthWest Area Forum would be taking place on the 16th of November and that a meeting with Stone Police would be held on the 6th of November.

Mr Houghton had received information about claiming a Xmas lighting grant from Central Networks for £250.00 and would send a claim form in on behalf of the Parish Council.

It was agreed that the next meeting should be held on Tuesday the 5th December 2006 at 7.30 p.m. in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.


PRESENT: Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs J. Glover, Messrs C. Byford, B. Sharratt, Mrs M. Corser, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator, 3 Members of the Public, PC Ash Connor the local Community Safety Officer and the Clerk.

APOLOGIES: These were received from Messrs T. Houghton, and R. Howarth, Staffs County Councillor, Mr M. Winnington and Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, PC Danny Lyons and PCSO Mark Halmorack.

MINUTES: These were read from the previous meeting, deemed as a true record and signed by the Vice Chairman after amending Mr Houghton’s signature of the minutes through absence.

MATTERS ARISING: It was agreed to discuss any Matters Arising as they came up on the agenda.

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: Mrs S. Dodd invited PC Mr Ash Connor, the local Community Safety Officer to address the meeting about Neighbourhood Watch. PC Connor began by explaining that the three main aims of Neighbourhood Watch were preventing crime, reducing the fear of crime and promoting community values. He explained that the scheme began in 1982 modelled on the American scheme, with well over 900 schemes in the Staffs/Stoke area alone. PC Connor described the various ways Neighbourhood Watch could help in the fight against crime and how individuals could make their own property and possessions safer. He had also brought along a great deal of interesting leaflets and household stickers to illustrate these issues and the Neighbourhood Watch scheme in detail. Mrs M. Corser added that she was hoping to prepare a pack of this information and other crime prevention information to be delivered to all homes within the Parish.

PC Connor also gave valuable information concerning the forthcoming November the 5th celebrations and a helpline number for any incidents connected with fireworks -08454020334.

The Clerk had received the latest police report from Gnosall police and which showed only two reported incidents both connected with car break-ins.

Mrs Corser confirmed order of the new Neighbourhood Watch signs.

OPEN FORUM: Mrs K. Reeves was concerned that no timetable was displayed within the Village. The Clerk explained that this was in hand as she had only received the new timetable a couple of days ago and that Mr Houghton was working on displaying the relevant times etc for Church Eaton on the notice board.

The commemorative bench was discussed. Mrs Dodd asked Mr Thacker to establish from the Festival Committee the exact figure they would like to earmark for funding the bench and then the Parish Council would endeavour to match fund this amount.

C.E.V.PLAYGROUND: Mr Houghton had spoken to Mr David Gough about quoting for the repair of the front playground fence, which was now in a very poor state. This was discussed further and it was also felt that quotes should be sought for replacement fencing in the form of either railings or split oak however, cost could be prohibitive but it was well worth investigating these various fencing options.

Mr Houghton had also met a representative from Stafford Borough Council’s Open Spaces Department who had met Mr Houghton on site and was agreeable to Church Eaton applying for further funding.

Mr Sharratt read from the inspection book and offered to keep the book for the forthcoming month. The Clerk is to contact Mr J Hall to see whether he might be able to remove the wood shavings.

PLANNING: The Clerk reported that the planning application for a new bungalow at Number 6, Smithy Croft had been refused again. A new planning application had been received for dropped kerbs for car parking at Dolphin House, High Street to coincide with the current footpath resurfacing. There was no objection made to this proposal, indeed, the Parish Council felt that the applicants should be applauded for helping to alleviate the nuisance car parking which was regularly occurring in the High Street. Similarly, there were no objections made to the proposed side extension at 22 The Oaklands, to help with special needs assistance.

There was also an application for a new detached garage at Keepers Cottage, Malthouse Lane and while in principal there was no objection made to a garage being built there was concern over the size, as the plans gave no real idea of how tall this proposed development might be

HIGHWAYS: The Clerk confirmed that work would re-commence on resurfacing the village footpaths in early November.

CALOR VILLAGE OF THE YEAR COMPETITION: The Clerk was delighted to report that Mr Houghton and Mr John Edwards had attended the Community Council of Staffs AGM where it was announced that Church Eaton was a runner up in this year’s competition. As a result, the Village was awarded a certificate, which will be displayed in the Institute plus a cheque for £125.00.

FINANCE: The Clerk had received an invoice amounting to £2,286.50 from David Gough Landscapes for the recent works carried out in the playground. This was proposed for payment by Mrs S. Dodd and seconded by Mr C. Byford. All were in favour.

The Clerk reported that the National Post Office Savings passbook had just had the interest added for this year. After a short discussion, it was agreed that it should be closed and the balance paid into the bank account. Mrs J. Glover, seconded by Mr B. Sharratt, proposed this. All were in favour.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various items of correspondence were distributed amongst the Parish Council for reading

It was agreed that the next meeting would take place on Tuesday the 7th of November 2006 in the village school.

The meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.

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PRESENT: Mrs S. Dodd, Messrs C. Byford, R. Howarth, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, Mrs M. Corser, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator, PC Danny Lyons and PCS Officer, Mark Almorack
4 members of the public and the Clerk.

APOLOGIES: These were received from Mrs J Glover, Mr T Houghton, Mr I. Glover and County Councillor Mr M. Winnington.

MINUTES: The Minutes from the previous meeting had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council and were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Vice Chairman, Mrs S Dodd.

MATTERS ARISING: All items for Matters Arising were featured in the current agenda so it was agreed to take these as per agenda list.

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: P C Danny Lyons addressed the meeting concerning local policing matters. He highlighted the recent spate of bogus cold callers as being a problem but reported that the police were currently investigating a number of these schemes. The allocation of Police Officers in the area was discussed and PC Lyons introduced PCS Office Mark Almorack who also addressed the meeting with a report concerning recently reported incidents in the Church Eaton area. These included the telephone box robbery in the High Street, a burglary damage to a car parked by the canal.

Speeding in the High Street was also discussed and PC Lyons mentioned that he was shortly to receive training to operate a speed visor.

Mandy Corser gave an update on Neighbourhood Watch. Mandy had arranged for Community Safety Officer, Ash Connor to attend the next Parish Council meeting. Mandy had also researched the supplier of Neighbourhood Watch signs, but it was agreed to discuss this further at the next meeting when Ash Connor would be in attendance.

OPEN FORUM: During this item a request was made by Mr Bob Thacker for the Parish Council to consider match funding proceeds from the Village festival to provide either a seat, bus shelter or planted tubs. This request was received favourably but it was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting.

C.E.V. PLAYGROUND: Funding for the continuing improvement of the playground was discussed. The Clerk now in the position to provide audited accounts for the last two years is to pass on copies to Mr Howarth who will endeavour to pursue DEFRA for funding. It was also agreed to contact Councillor Winnington to enquire on the progress of his Local Members Initiative for further funding.

PLANNING: The Clerk had received a planning application for a prefabricated garage at No 7 The High Street. While there was no objection in principal to the erection of a garage it was generally agreed that it would be more in keeping with the rural street scene if it had a brick fascia.

Planning permission had been refused for a garage at Keepers Cottage, Malthouse Lane and Unit 1 at Home Farm, Little Onn.

HIGHWAYS: Work on the footpaths was commented on although there seemed still a long way to go until the work would be finished.

FINANCE: An invoice for £188.00 re maintenance of the church clock had been received. Mr Ralph Howarth declared an interest in the payment of this. Also received was an invoice for the last civic amenities visit amounting to £43.01 and an invoice for £100.00 for grass cutting. Mr C. Byford seconded by Mrs S Dodd recommended these for payment. It was also unanimously agreed that that £250.00 should be earmarked for renovation of the village map.

ELECTRICITY SUBSTATION AT THE ROYAL OAK: There had been concerns over the proposal to base a sub station at The Royal Oak. It was felt that this would need to be carefully screened however at the time of the meeting the idea had been decided against.

HANGING BASKETS COMPETITION: Mr and Mrs Plant from Derrington had forwarded their winners for this year and submitted a short report, which recommended several households for their lovely baskets.

However, the three overall winners were:

1st Place – 3 Swan Court, “ a truly award winning display and the plantings were still fresh and colourful with no sign of them coming to an end”.

Joint 2nd Place, Keswick Cottage and Heathmynd.

They will each win a gardening voucher kindly sponsored by Mr and Mrs Howarth.


Various items of correspondence such as Members Digest, were distributed among the Council for further reading

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: It was agreed that the next meeting should be held on Tuesday the 3rd October 2006 at 7.30 p.m. in the village school.

The meeting closed at 8.45 p.m.

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Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs J. Glover, Messrs C. Byford, I Glover, T. Houghton (chair), B. Sharratt,
two members of the public, and the Clerk.

These were received from Mr R Howarth, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B Stamp. Mrs M. Corser and PC D Lyons.

The Minutes from the previous meeting had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council and were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr Houghton.

The Chairman reported that he had forwarded an entry to the Community Council of Stafford in respect of the Calor Village of the Year competition. This had resulted in Church Eaton being short-listed. Mr Houghton and a small delegation were to meet Judges on the 12th of July in the next round and would report back to the Parish Council at the next meeting.

The cancellation of the 482 bus service was the main topic under discussion. Mrs K. Reeves had actually received a letter from Bill Cash MP and which Karen read to the meeting. It seemed that consultation discussions were taking place with the merest hint that Arriva might be putting on an extra bus service to Church Eaton however nothing was sure and in the absence of Councillor, M. Winnington it was agreed that the Parish Council would yet again tackle Adrian Hunt about the poor services and the future timetabling. The Clerk would also contact Bradley Parish Council's Clerk to see how they were fairing.

The Clerk had been contacted by Rural Link's Operations Manager, Anne Grew who had left a new contact number, which the Clerk gave out (07989392602).

Mr Houghton reported that the gates had been repaired and repainted. The grass cutting had been carried out to a very satisfactory standard and Mr John Hall was congratulated. Mr Houghton reported that there remained the reseeding which was being delayed due to the harsh weather conditions, hard core under the gates, and removal of the climbing frame.

It was agreed that the Parish Council would look at installing a new bench.

Mr B. Sharratt took charge of the inspection book for the forthcoming month

The recently received planning application for the installation of a horse walker at Little Onn Stud, and an application for a new grain store at Manor Farm, Marston. There were no objections made to these applications. There was some concern over the proposed garage at Keepers Cottage, the size being rather large and the description somewhat misleading as it was felt that it did not refer to the extra ‘room’ over the garage and concern was expressed over the removal of the old hedgerow. However, the Parish Council were not against the proposed development in principle. An application for a conservatory at Oak Cottage was similarly discussed. There were no objections to this so long as it was sited to the rear of $he Cottage and not as the one site plan indicated, at the front!

Two planning applications had been received for Units One, Two and Three at Home Farm, Little Orm. There were major objections to this as it was felt it reflected urbanisation of a rural location.

Planning consent had been received for a conservatory at The Brambles, High Street, and an extension to Green Farm, Eaton Green

Dropped kerbs for disabled access were discussed at some length with footpath work confirmed to definitely commence in September. The jobs that the Clerk had reported to Clarence had been attended to although there was still some concern over the area around Joan Eaton's Cross.

The Clerk had confirmed the change of NW coordinator with Ash Connor (Community Safety Officer) who was happy to provide Mandy with signs and any information as well as attending meetings. Mandy had emailed the Clerk and Chairman some excellent crime prevention literature which, on her return from holiday would be distributed around the Parish.

P C D Lyons had dropped a report in to Mr Houghton, which had nothing of any major concern as regards recent crime in the area.

The Clerk's half-yearly fee of £825.00 and expenses of £28.94 were now due. This was proposed by Mr Houghton and seconded by Mr C. Byford. All were in favour.

An invoice for £115.00 for grass cutting had been received from Mr John Hall of JWH Ground. This was proposed for payment by Mr B Sharratt and seconded by Mrs S Dodd.

A copy of Members Digest was circulated. Mr Houghton appraised the meeting with information regarding the Sustainable Community early day motion and it was further agreed to support this motion.

It was agreed that the next meeting should be held on Tuesday the 1st of August 2006 at 7.30 p.m. in the village school.

The meeting closed at 9.40 p.m.

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PRESENT: Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs J. Glover. Messrs T. Houghton, R. Howarth, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, County Councillor, M. Winington, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator, Mandy Corser, Anne Grew Rural Link Operations Manager, one member of the public and the Clerk.

APOLOGIES: These were received from Mr C. Byford, Messrs I. Glover, and PC D. Lyon.

MINUTES: The Minutes from the previous meeting had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council and were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr Houghton.

MATTERS ARISING: All Matters Arising were to be taken as items on the agenda.

OPEN FORUM: The Clerk updated the meeting on recent talks with Margaret Whittaker, Clerk to Bradley Parish Council about the recent changes to the local bus services. As a result it was agreed that the two Clerks would keep in touch about any developments and keep pushing to have the situation changed. Mrs Reeves confirmed that she had written extensively to the County Council and other involved parties. In attendance at the meeting was Rural Link’s Operation’s Manager, Ann Grew who was able to fill the meeting in on how Rural Link operates and how they might be able to help passengers recently affected by the recent changes. It was generally agreed that despite Rural Link doing a great service within the local communities, more vehicles would be needed to cover the cancelled bus services.

Funding for the future running of Rural Link was also discussed. Councillor Winnington said that there was funding for the service until next April. Councillor Stamp expressed grave concern that funding might not be continued.

Also was discussed was that the County Council should seek other tenders from other bus services.

Mr Houghton discussed timetabling and the re-routing of buses so that they could serve both Church Eaton and Bradley. The Clerk was asked to write again to the County Council and Arriva.

Neighbourhood Watch: Unfortunately due to work commitments, PC Danny Lyon was unable to attend the meeting. He had however, dropped in to the Clerk a report of any recent incidents in and around the Church Eaton area. These were break ins. Mandy Corser, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator had received a telephone message warning about the spate of satellite navigation systems from cars.

The Clerk gave out some leaflets from PC Danny Lyon concerning home security.

C.E.V.PLAYGROUND: Mr Houghton had the inspection book and was to keep it for the forthcoming month. The Clerk had now received the £3,000 grant from the Borough Council. Mr Howarth had made good progress with gaining a grant from DEFRA and now required the last two year’s audited accounts to support the application. The Parish Council was now waiting for David Gough Landscapes to commence removal of the mound etc. The Clerk was asked to contact John Hall about this year’s grass cutting.

PLANNING: The Clerk had received confirmation that planning permission had been granted for the extension at 26, The Oaklands.

HIGHWAYS: The Clerk had received a letter from John Sly, Highways Divisional Manager confirming that the pavements in Church Eaton would be re-surfaced once the street lighting, if required, was replaced.

BEST KEPT VILLAGE COMPETITION: Mr Howarth confirmed that he had now completed and forwarded this year’s entry to the Community Council of Stafford. Everything was in hand and the children’s posters were organised.

It was agreed that the hanging baskets competition should be ran again. Mr and Mrs R Howarth very kindly agreed to sponsor this year’s competition. Various ideas were suggested as to whom could be contacted for the judging.

FINANCE: The Clerk had received the annual return from the Audit Commission. The Internet banking system was working well. Mr Houghton reported that arrangements for the village festival were also well in hand.


Various items of correspondence such as Members Digest etc were circulated for reading amongst the Parish Councillors for reading. Another gargantuan parcel of paperwork regarding the Local Development Framework consultation had been received.

The recent school letting licence was discussed. Mr Howarth had consulted with the school over the clause concerning free letting if there was no other available free venue in the parish. Mr Howarth stated that this only applied to LEA schools and therefore not Church Eaton as voluntary aided school. The Clerk confirmed that the signed letting agreement would be forwarded to the school secretary.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: It was agreed that the annual Parish meeting followed by the Parish Council meeting should be held on Tuesday the 2nd May 2006 at 7.30 p.m. in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.

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Mrs S Dodd and J Glover, Messrs C. Byford, T. Houghton (chairman) five members of the public and the Clerk.

These were received from Mr R. Howarth, and Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B Stamp.

The Minutes from the previous meeting had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council and were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr Houghton.

Following David Kidney’s suggestion that the Parish Council concerns over the proposed ambulance service merger should be sent directly to the consultation office, Mr Houghton had forwarded a letter to them.

: The cancellation of the 482 bus service dominated open forum where the Parish Council learned of the problems being faced by passengers. The current service comprised of an early morning bus service but no evening service to the village. There were also several complaints concerning the lack of proper consultation about the cancelled services. As a result, it was proposed that the Parish Council should write to the County Council, Arriva and copy a letter to Rural Link about these concerns.

A discussion concerning the Rural Link bus service ensued. Councillor B Stamp and the Clerk had met with Mike Allen, chairman of Rural Link to discuss how the situation for these affected passengers might be improved. The Clerk had obtained the telephone number for their operations manager, Anne Grew and was hoping to publicise this to any passengers who felt Rural Link could help alleviate the current transport crisis..

There were concerns expressed over the level of "rubbish" being left by the playground and youths congregating by the playground and driving cars at speed through the High Street. The Clerk was asked to report this to Gnosall police.

Mr Houghton had spoken with Mr David Gough over the proposed improvement works to the playground. Mr Byford arranged to drop the key for the playground gates in to him.

Mr Houghton reported that a local parishioner had expressed concerns over the proposal to remove the mound in the playground. Once again the Parish Council, with regret, reiterated that the recent health and safety audit had identified the mound as a major risk and the dumping of syringes in the tunnels was alluded to.

The Clerk was asked to inform Mr John Hall, the new grass cutter, on the playground refurbishment position.

The Clerk had recently received a planning application for the substitution of four bedroomed dormer style bungalow at number 10 Malthouse Lane.

After consultation of the plans, no objections were made.

The Clerk reported that there was to be an appeal over the recent planning refusal for the development of a dwelling at No.6 Smithy Croft.

The Clerk had recently received a letter from Stafford Borough Council over the siting of a container by the canal at Little Onn. The Parish Council had merely expressed concerns over local planning guidelines being adhered to. n

It had now been confirmed that plans to resurface the village footpaths were in place. Concerns over the deteriorating Gnosall road were yet again expressed.

: It was with great pleasure that the Parish Council welcomed Mandy Corser who had very kindly offered to take over Mrs Jane Glover’s role as Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator.

The Clerk gave out a copy to each Parish Councillor the proposed budget for the forthcoming year and gave a short explanation of the figures. As a result the Parish Council agreed to retain the functions allowance monies within the proposed designated areas with the exception of granting the Village Festival Committee £100.00 towards running costs .

Mr Byford questioned that the time that brown bins were being collected was inappropriate.

Mr Byford expressed concern over access to land to properties behind the school and High Street.

It was generally agreed that the new landowners were probably concerned about straying stock, however it was felt that the situation probably needed looking into.

: Mr Houghton gave a brief update on the progress of the festival.

A copy of Members Digest was circulated plus information regarding the state of the Borough Partnership. The Clerk also had received information from the Local Agenda 21 group.

It was agreed that the next meeting should be held on Tuesday the 4th April 2006 at 7.30 p.m. in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.55 p.m.

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7th FEBRUARY 2006

Mrs S Dodd and J Glover, Messrs C Byford, T Houghton (chairman), B Sharratt and the Clerk.

These were received from Mr R Howarth, and Stafford Borough Councillor, Mr B Stamp and Staffs County Councillor Mr M Winnington.

The Minutes from the previous meeting had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council and were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr Houghton.

The Chairman had received two letters of acknowledgement from MPs Bill Cash and David Kidney regarding the proposed merger of the ambulance service. David Kidney suggested that the Parish Council concerns should be sent directly to the consultation office.

The Chairman had now completed looking over the letting agreement for hire of the school for Parish Council meetings and was concerned over the clause which stated that the school could be used free of charge if there was not a free room to hold meetings within the Parish. The Chairman had asked Mr R Howarth to discuss this matter with the school as vice chair of the Governors.

Dog fouling on the Glebelands sports field was discussed.

Mr G Reeves had completed his preliminary tree felling and hedge clearance and it was generally agreed this work has already improved and opened up the playground. The logs emanating from the felling had been given away free to parishioners. It had been agreed that the hedge at the far end of the playground would not be suitable for laying.

Following the lack of quotations from the other three fencing companies which had been asked to supply quotes renovating the chain link fence the work was awarded to David Gough Landscapes who had produced a fair quotation. This was proposed by Mr C. Byford and seconded by Mrs J. Glover. All were in favour. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Gough to commence the work as soon as possible.

The Clerk confirmed that an invoice had been sent to the Parks and Open Spaces officer, Mr Jo Scully, at the Borough Council for payment. Mr Scully had now raised a payment order.

The Clerk was asked to contact Mr John Hall with regard to this season’s grass cutting and gate key arrangements. Mr Houghton was to retain the inspection book for the forthcoming month.

The recently received planning application for the proposed single storey rear extension to provide disabled sleeping and bathing facilities at number 26 the Oaklands had been circulated amongst the Councillor and no objections were made. The Clerk had also received a planning application to rebuild the outside store at the Village Institute. Again no objections were made to this proposed rebuilding.

The Clerk had heard that plans were afoot to resurface the village footpaths and was hoping to confirm this as soon as possible. Dropped kerbs for disabled access were discussed at some length and it was hoped these could be implemented in the new works. It was noted that some areas of the Gnosall Road were in very poor condition. The crumbling grass banks located near to the bridge on the Wood Eaton road were given as a good example.

Mrs Glover had nothing to report although there had been one break reported at a property located in the Wood Eaton area. There had been no response to Mrs Glover’s job as local co-ordinator for Neighbourhood Watch but it was generally agreed to continue advertising the vacancy in the Parish magazine and on the village notice board.

The Clerk’s half-yearly fee and expenses of £24.57 were now due. Mr Houghton suggested the Clerk should receive an increase of £50 for the year in line with current inflation figures. T his was proposed by Mr C. Byford and seconded by Mrs S. Dodd. All were in favour. The Clerk was duly paid £825.00 plus expenses.

Invoices for £112.85 plus VAT from Traction Hire Equipment and Granville Reeves tree felling work of £280.00 were proposed for payment by Mr C. Byford and seconded by Mr B. Sharratt. All were in favour. Finally the Best Kept Village Competition entry fee of £15 was proposed for payment. It was agreed that in the absence of Mr Howarth, the Clerk would indicate to the Community Council that Church Eaton would like to enter the competition this year and send the entry in later with the cheque if they were agreeable.

The Clerk received the Parish Council’s backing to set up an online banking account with HSBC as the telephone banking system was getting more and more difficult to contact.

Another large amount of paperwork had been received regarding the Local Development Framework consultation. A copy of Members Digest was also circulated plus information regarding membership of the new South Staffs Health Authority consultation process.

It was agreed that the next meeting should be held on Tuesday the 7th March 2006 at 7.30 p.m. in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.

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11th JANUARY 2006

Mrs J. Glover. Messrs C. Byford, T. Houghton, B. Sharratt, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, and the Clerk.


These were received from Mrs S. Dodd, Messrs I. Glover, R. Howarth, and County Councillor M. Winnington.

The Minutes from the previous meeting had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council and were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr Houghton.

The Clerk confirmed that a letter of objection had been sent to the Borough Planning re No.6 Smithy Croft and had paid the recent civic amenities charges. Mr Houghton confirmed that the broken parapet in the brook had been removed. Mr Hougton had also sent out two letters to local MPs asking them to put pressure on stopping the proposed merger of the local ambulance service. The grass in the playground had been cut and the Parish Council expressed gratitude to the kind gentleman who had kindly does this for free.

Mr Houghton had met the new owners of The Old Rectory. It was agreed that the damaged verge should be monitored and the owners contacted should the need arise.

was not required on this occasion.

Mr Houghton had the inspection book and was to keep it for the forthcoming month. Mr Houghton was to have met with Mr Jo Scully the Parks and Open Spaces Officer from the Borough Council, to explain what plans there were for refurbishing the playground. Unfortunately, Mr Scully was ill and could not make the appointment. It was agreed however that the Clerk should raise an invoice for the proposed £3,000 funding and that Mr Reeves should commence his work on the hedges immediately. Only one company had still offered to quote for the fencing and it was agreed to take this up subject to price. Mr Howarth had emailed the Clerk a recent quotation for a total play scheme, which while very impressive seemed to be financially out of reach of the Parish Council’s budget.

The Clerk had received no planning applications

It was commented upon by several Councillors the poor condition of some of the roads within the Parish, namely the Wood Eaton road, the Lapley road by The Laurels and just past the High Onn crossroads. The Clerk had still not received a reply from Mr John Sly from Stone Highways about the Gnosall road and deteriorating footpaths in the village. It was agreed that Highways would feature prominently in the agenda for next moth’s meeting.

Mrs J Glover, who had recently moved from the village asked the Parish Council to enquire as to whether a new Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator could be found i.e. ideally somebody living within the village. The Clerk was asked to publicise this in the parish magazine.

An invoice for £32.00 from the Village Institute had been received for a half share of the village Christmas tree and lights. Mr C Byford, seconded by Mrs Glover proposed this should be paid. All were in favour.

The Clerk had spoken to the District Auditor by telephone and had been given permission to make an alteration to the un-presented cheque figure error which the Clerk had found from a previous year. The annual Return form was corrected and countersigned by the Chairman and clerk.

The annual precept request had been received for the forthcoming year. After a brief discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council would request the maximum functions allowance and an increase on the precept of around 3% (in line with inflation) amounting to £150.00 resulting in a precept figure of £4,300.


The entry forms for this year’s Best Kept Village Competition were received.

Various items of correspondence such as Members Digest, an update from the Standard Board of England and a request for this year’s civic amenity visits. It was agreed to ask for four visits and Mr Byford was asked to check with The Royal Oak owners if they were happy for these visits to continue. Mr Byford reported that some people were leaving carrier bags and boxes by the bottle bank. The Clerk offered to put a notice about this in the Parish magazine.

It was agreed that the next meeting should be held on Tuesday the
7th February 2006 at 7.30 p.m. in the village school. The meeting closed at 8.50 p.m.

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Mrs S. Dodd. Messrs C. Byford, I. Glover, T. Houghton, R. Howarth, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, and five members of the public.


These were received from Mrs J Glover, County Councillor M. Winnington and the Clerk, Mrs D. Key.

The Minutes from the previous meeting had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council and were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr Houghton.


  • Councillor, Stamp had visited the owners of the storage container by the canal mooring at Little Onn. In the meantime the Borough Enforcement Officer has stated that the owners required planning permission to have the container on site.

  • There had still been no response from the contractors at the Old Rectory with regards to making good the grass verge opposite to the entrance. However, it was believed that the new owners of the Rectory had now moved in. It was agreed to monitor the situation and to contact the new owners should the situation remain unchanged.

  • Mrs Dodd and Mr Houghton had both attended the recent South-West Area Forum. Apparently the meeting was dominated by Cresswell and Seighford Parish Councils with concerns over the traffic along the Eccleshall Road. Mr Houghton agreed to circulate the minutes prior to the next forum.

  • The Chairman read out the recent letter sent to Mr John Sly by the Clerk querying the situation regarding the repairs to the Gnosall to Church Eaton Road, and the poor state of footpaths in the village. It was agreed to wait until the New Year to chase up this matter.


  • Mr John Edwards queried procedural matters with respect to planning applications. Mr Edwards felt that the Borough Council should be more proactive concerning the consultation process and vitally that neighbours should be informed, which currently was not happening! Mr Edwards also enquired about how long could planning applications go on for after refusal and appeal given the costs involved? It was agreed that the Parish Council would look into these matters.

  • The recent planning application to develop a new dwelling on the garden at No.6 Smithy Croft was mentioned.
    More specifically why was the culvert not shown on the original plan and how could it be maintained should building go ahead.

  • Mr Stewart, the applicant, explained his position.

  • Mr Edwards asked if he could receive minutes and agenda copies sooner for the Parish web site.

  • A query was also raised as to whether the playgroup shed at the Village Institute required planning permission for rebuilding in brick.

  • Mr Houghton had reported that the parapet of the bridge on the Wheaton Aston road was still in the water, despite being reported to Clarence several days ago.


  • Mr Glover had nothing to report except that the playground was exceptionally wet. Mr Howarth had been looking at proposals for refurbishment of the equipment but these would need reworking, as some of the equipment was to remain. Mr Howarth had also sent SMP some specifications for costing.

  • Mr Houghton and Mrs Glover had met Mr David Massey, who had now decided to erect his own stock proof fence approximately 2 metres in from the playground back fence. Mr Massey felt concerned that should his stock stray there could be problems.

  • Concerns were expressed over the removal of the mound and whether it contained clay.

  • Despite the Clerk contacting two more fencing companies not one of them had, as agreed, contacted Mr Houghton to inspect the site. It was agreed that the proposed tree work should not commence until the Borough funding was in the bank account.

  • Mr Byford had found a very kind gentleman from Malthouse Lane who had offered to give the playground a free grass cut obviously if the weather improved. Mr John Hall would be contacted in the Spring about continuing with the grass cutting.

  • Other issues such as lighting, vandalism and locking up the playground would be discussed at a later date.

  • Mr Houghton reported that he would also be following up the recent Grantnet query he had made.


  • The Clerk had received only one planning application, for the proposed development of a dwelling at Number 6 Smithy Croft. Mr Houghton revisited the application details and accompanying documents including the recent design statement, site survey, and first inspector’s report. The Parish Council discussed the application with concerns expressed over the impact on the conservation area, the actual culvert location and ability to maintain it and similar concerns raised by the previous planning applications.

The Clerk was requested to enquire about drop kerbs. There were no other matters to report.

It was reported that the Glebelands gate was being locked morning and night. There was concern that parked cars were leaving a lot of rubbish on the Glebelands car park. The need to get these offending drivers’ car numbers was stressed.

The Parish Council discussed the proposed merger of the Ambulance Service noting that the consultation period had not yet ended. Mr Houghton was to write a letter of objection against the merger.

An invoice for £41.50 from the Borough Council had been received for the last civic amenity visit. Mrs Dodd seconded by Mr Howarth proposed this should be paid. All were in favour. Mr Houghton reported that the Clerk was still in discussions with the Audit Commission over the recent audit.


Various items of correspondence such as Sundial, Members Digest, and Winter Driving leaflets were distributed among the Parish Council for reading. Mr Houghton had been in contact with Mike Faarup who was to come in to talk about the Sustainable Communities Bill. The Clerk had received a new letting agreement from the school. Mr Houghton had been invited to the civic carol service.

It was agreed that the next meeting should be held on Tuesday the 10th January 2006 at 7.30 p.m. in the village school. The meeting closed at 9. 35 p.m.

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Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs J. Glover, Messrs C. Byford, I. Glover, T. Houghton, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, one member of the public and the Clerk.

These were received from Mr R. Howarth and County Councillor M. Winnington.

The Minutes from the previous meeting had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council and were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr Houghton.

The Clerk had contacted the Borough Council’s Environmental Health Officer, Mr M Street over the recent spate of fly tipping by the turnover bridge. Mr Street confirmed that the removal of refuse on private land was indeed the landowners’ responsibility. The Borough would however; remove any items dumped on footpaths or bridleways, especially where they posed a health threat. Unfortunately this did not include the rubbish by the bridge. Mr T Houghton reported that the fridges/freezers had been removed and it was agreed that the Parish Council would monitor the future situation before contacting the landowner.

With respect to the recent developments on the canal at Little Onn, Councillor, B. Stamp confirmed that the enforcement officer Belinda Dawson had visited the site or more specifically the container. Councillor Stamp informed the Parish Council that he was shortly meeting with the canal residents to discuss this matter.

The Clerk confirmed that she had written to the contractors involved in the building works at the Old Rectory about making good the grass verge opposite the gates.

Local farmer, Mr D Massie had attended the meeting to inform the Parish Council that from spring of next year his farming company would be tending the land behind the playground. As he intended to primarily graze sheep on this land he planned to put in a new boundary stock proof fence. With this in mind Mr Massie was enquiring whether the Parish Council would like to be included in the installation of the new fence which would border the playground as he felt he wanted to make sure his stock would not stray. Mr Houghton thanked Mr Massie for his co-operation and helpful attitude towards this problem and confirmed that the Parish Council would certainly make sure that a suitable fence was reinstated, as it was the Council’s obligation to maintain that area of fencing. As a result it was agreed that Mr Houghton would meet Mr Massie on site to discuss the fence with an invitation for other Parish Councillors to attend on Saturday 12th.

Picking up the previous discussion it was agreed that the Clerk should obtain two quotations from a fencing companies for a price to replace the fencing at the rear of the playground and also for the front fencing. Replacement of the original chain link fencing for new was favourably considered and using the original concrete posts where suitable.

Mr C Byford had received a formal quotation from Mr G Reeves about tidying up the hedges and removing any dead trees. Mr G Reeves had quoted £140 per day with an assistant for an initial two days and for the Parish Council to inspect the work before continuing.

The Clerk had been able to clarify with David Gough the exact cost of either removing or levelling the mound. Mr Gough had supplied two quotes, one for removing the mound etc at £890.00 plus VAT and for just levelling the mound etc £500.00. Both quotes also included tidying up of the site, reseeding etc removal of unwanted play equipment. In the absence of any other quotations, it was agreed to accept these quotations for the required works and following fencing quotes it was then hoped that an invoice for this work could be presented to the Borough Council with respect to the funding the Parish Council had been offered. The clerk had also received one verbal quotation for grass cutting but it was agreed that some more should be sought and finalised at the next meeting.

Councillor Stamp had recently attended the SMP playground seminar and provided the Parish Council with a help pack which was to be circulated for reading. As far as gaining funding, Councillor Stamp stated that determining a need was the first port of call and most importantly gaining consultation feedback from local people.

The Clerk had received confirmation of planning consent for the conversion of the former administration block on Little Onn Airfield to six apartments and also for a new agricultural storage building on the Lapley Road. Planning refusal had been received for the erection of two detached buildings to provide garages for Units 1, 2 and 3 Home Farm, Little Onn.

The Clerk had received an email from Councillor Winnington with a copy of the letter to John Sly re the recent stalling of improvement works to the Gnosall road. Since then Mr Houghton had met with Councillor Winnington who had received a negative reply from John Sly re the Gnosall Road. The letter did state that a budget and assessment of the footpaths in the village would be drawn up although no time frame mentioned. As far as requests for new salting routes these were turned down for various reasons. As a result it was agreed that the Parish Council would write directly to John Sly requesting more clarity on the Gnosall road works. The Clerk would send Councillor Winnington a copy of this letter for his records.

Mr Houghton again stated that any problems encountered by the disrepair of local roads should be reported to the Clarence helpine.

The Chairman had received a cheque for £1.20, which represented this year’s wayleave from the electricity company re the playground

Councillor Stamp reported that P C Sean Smith had left to work in the Rugeley area.


Various items of correspondence such as Members Digest, a questionnaire from the Community Council etc were distributed among the Parish Council for reading. Invitations to the Mayoress’s Ball and Coffee morning had also been received.

It was agreed that the next meeting should be held on Tuesday the 6th December at 7.30 p.m. in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.

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Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs J. Glover, Messrs C. Byford, T. Houghton, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp, Staffs County Councillor, Mr M Winnington and the Clerk.

These were received from Mr R. Howarth.

The Minutes from the previous meeting had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council. Apart from correcting the date of the meeting from the 4th to the 5th, the minutes were deemed as a true record by those present and duly signed by the Chairman, Mr Houghton.

Following the last meeting, the Chairman confirmed that he had contacted Mr Michael Evans regarding the Parish Council’s debate on the covenant attached to the sale of the Rectory which was now believed to be sold..

Fly tipping in the wood by the Turnover Bridge was briefly discussed. Councillor B Stamp had spoken again to the Borough Council about this problem. Again it was reiterated that fly tipping on private property was a responsibility that lay solely with the landowner unless it posed a health problem. It was agreed that the Parish Council should contact the Borough Council about this matter directly.

This was not required on this occasion.

Mr C Byford and Mr T Houghton had managed, using a domestic mower, to cut the grass in the village playground. The Clerk had contacted a local contractor about grass cutting for the forthcoming season. He had agreed to provide a quotation for grass cutting and strimming for the next Parish Council meeting. Similarly the Clerk had contacted Mr Whittingham about making good the playground fence. He too was to supply a quotation.

Mr C Byford had spoken to Mr G Reeves about tidying up the hedges and removing any dead trees. Mr Reeves had suggested carrying out two days work beginning with the western end hedge, attempting to lay the hedge and looking to tidy up the other hedges. Mr G Reeves had quoted £120 per day with an assistant.

The Clerk had been unable to clarify with David Gough the exact cost of either removing or levelling the mound. As a result of these findings it was agreed that all these quotations for the various jobs required, within the playground, should be discussed at the next meeting. It was then hoped that an invoice for this work could be presented to the Borough Council with respect to the funding the Parish Council had been offered. Mr Houghton felt it would also be beneficial to invite Mr Jo Scully of the Borough Council to inspect the site and see for himself the various improvement works proposed.

Councillor M. Winnington was asked about Members Initiative funding and he agreed to add Church Eaton to his list.

Mrs J Glover had returned the inspection book, which Mr Byford agreed to take for the forthcoming month.

The Clerk had received a planning application for the construction of an alternative vehicular access, track and agricultural general purpose building on land at Little Onn, (Lapley Road). Concern was expressed over the proposed access on to and off the site given that the Lapley Road is so busy with speeding motorists and the position of the access in a bend in the road. It was also commented that the description of the application was so vague that it was hard to know what implications this proposed development might have on the surrounding area.

Following a query made by Councillor B Stamp on behalf of the Parish Council the Borough Enforcement Officer, Belinda Dawson was to look again at the siting of a container on the canal at Little Onn.

It was reported that a site meeting had been held concerning the appeal against planning refusal at 6, Smithy Croft the day before.

Mr Houghton gave Councillor Winnington a brief appraisal of the proposed improvements to the Gnosall to Church Eaton Road and how the County Council were now stating there were no funds budgeted to complete this work.

Similarly the propped improvements to the village pavements were now also shelved after stating they would be resurfaced. Councillor Winnington agreed to contact John Sly who had taken over from Paul Boss about these matters and while he could not promise the work would be done he would press the County to look again at carrying out these much needed works.

Mrs J Glover asked the Parish Council to look into the state of the verge outside the Old Rectory where building works had recently taken place. As a result the Clerk was asked to contact the Contractors about this.

The Clerk had received the annual return back from the Audit Commission who had requested a different lay out of the bank reconciliation amongst other trivial matters. The Clerk expressed some exasperation as to how the audit Commission were carrying out these “lighter touch” audits which were proving any but.

There was nothing to report although it was noted that PC Sean Smith was unable to attend tonight’s meeting. The Clerk had left P C Smith a telephone message but felt that due to work commitments would be unlikely to attend.

Various items of correspondence such as Members Digest and information from Wicksteed were distributed among the Parish Council for reading. More Local Development Framework information had been received and details concerning the seminar to be hosted by the play firm SMP to be held on the 27th October were reported by the Clerk.

Mrs Dodd had attended the recent event held by the Army at the County show ground and had found it very interesting .

It was agreed that the next meeting should be held on Tuesday the 1st November at 7.30 p.m. in the village school. The meeting closed at 9.45

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Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs J. Glover, Messrs C. Byford, T. Houghton, R. Howarth, Staffs Borough Councillor, Mr B. Stamp and the Clerk.

These were received from Mr I. Glover and Staffs County Councillor, Mr M. Winington.

The Minutes from the previous meeting had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council. Apart from correcting the spelling of Mrs M. Edgerton's surname, the minutes were deemed as a true record by those present and signed by the Chairman, Mr Houghton.

The Clerk confirmed that she had contacted BT with respect to the proposed changes to the cash operated service. BT had acknowledged receipt of the Clerk’s email and would advise on the outcome of the Ofcom consultation process shortly.

The Clerk had received the results of this year’s hanging basket’s competition, which had been judged by Mr and Mrs R Stevens of Stone. Again it had been a difficult competition to judge, as there were many beautiful baskets on display. The winners this year were judged as the following:

1st Place Mr and Mrs J Evans of Cherry Tree Cottage, High Street.
2nd Place Mr R Billington of Heathmynd, High Street.
3rd Place Mr and Mrs Sedgley of 3 Swan Court, Church Eaton.

Each would receive a gardening voucher kindly sponsored by Mr Bob Thacker of Oaklands Framing.

This was not required on this occasion.

Mr A. Oakley of Autumn Leaves had suddenly announced that he no longer could carry out the grass cutting and strimming of the village playground. As it was predicted that more grass cutting would be required this season, it was agreed that the Parish Council rapidly needed to address the issue of either finding a new contractor or attempting to carry out the work by the Parish Councillors, possibly by purchasing a mower. The Clerk offered to highlight the need for a contractor in the Parish, magazine.

Mr Howarth returned the inspection book and Mrs Glover volunteered to carry out the inspections for the forthcoming month.

Mr Houghton had been contacted by Jo Scully, the Open Spaces Officer at the Borough about the recent offer of a grant. Mr Houghton informed him that the Parish Council would like to put together a package of improvement works, which would include removing the mound and repairing the fences. Thought was also given to removing some of the trees and hedge laying by Mr Byford who offered to contact Mr Granville Reeves concerning this matter. The Clerk is to contact contractors re repair of the existing fences and obtain a quotation for removing the mound.

A discussion on funding followed. The Clerk queried Jo Scully’s “match funding” comment in his email which Mr Houghton said he would clarify. Mr Howarth had started looking at various funding bodies for further improvements to the playground.

The Clerk had received a planning for the conversion of existing buildings at Little Onn Airfield to be converted into apartments. There were no objections made to this proposal.

Another planning application had been received for garages to be built at the barn conversions at Home Farm, Little Onn. While there were no major objections made to this, comments about over development of the site in a rural setting were made.

Planning permission had been received for a bungalow to be cited on land adjacent to 10 Malthouse Lane. Planning consent for anew dwelling on land at Cedars Alley had been refused.

Resurfacing of the pavements in Church Eaton and improvements to the Gnosall to Church Eaton road were discussed but it was agreed to look at these two issues in more depth at the next Parish |Council meeting.

The Clerk mentioned the very dilapidated state of the finger post on the Wood Eaton road and would contact Highways about this. A short discussion on fly tipping by the turnover bridge ensued. Councillor B. Stamp was asked to look into this matter.

Mr Houghton had been contacted by Michael Evans with respect to the proposed sale of the Vicarage and the purchasers requesting to acquire the field on the brook side of the church. The Diocese were requesting whether the Parish Council would reconsider their request for a covenant to be attached to the property, which would prevent access to the field from the Vicarage. Mr Houghton asked the Parish |Council to vote on this proposed change. Two Parish Councillors voted for this change while two were against this proposal. As there was one abstention the vote was tied.

The Clerk had received two invoices to be paid. One for £179.78 from Smiths of Derby for maintenance of the church clock.
Mrs Glover proposed this should be paid seconded by Mr Byford. All were in favour.

An invoice for £41.50 for the last Civic Amenity visit was proposed by Mr Howarth for payment seconded by Mrs Dodd. All were in favour.

Mr Houghton basically reiterated last month’s report concerning a report in a local paper concerning the preservation and renovation of historic sites in Staffordshire. No more progress had been made concerning this issue

There was nothing to report although it was noted that PC Sean Smith was arranging meetings to discuss local policing matters. Mr Howarth gave a short address about the future of community policing

Various items of correspondence were distributed amongst the Parish Council for reading.

It was agreed that the next meeting should be held on Tuesday the 5th October at 7.30 p.m. in the village school.

The meeting closed at 9.45 p.m.

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Mrs S. Dodd and J. Glover, Messrs C. Byford, I. Glover, T. Houghton, Borough and County Councillor B. Stamp, seven members of the public and the Clerk.


These were received from Messrs R. Howarth and B. Sharratt.

Minutes from the previous meeting had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council. The minutes were deemed as a true record by those present and signed by the Chairman, Mr Houghton.

Mr Houghton reported to the meeting that the village festival preparations were taking place and that another meeting was to take place on the following evening. The Clerk reported that due to work commitments PC Sean Smith was unable to attend the meeting but hoped to attend one soon. He had also left the Clerk a telephone message re any recent happenings within the village. These included car thefts etc which had been reported at previous meetings


There was considerable concern over the proposed plans to demolish Number 10 Malthouse Lane, Church Eaton and the building of five new dwellings. These concerns ranged from the over intensification of the site, loss of local residents views and privacy, the traffic congestion emanating from the site leading to safety issues along the Wood Eaton road and Alleys lane which is already regarded as a “rat run” locally to the president this development would set in that every available “in fill” site would be developed within the village. The Clerk informed the meeting that the Parish Council had responded to the Borough Council on many of these common grounds but as yet had not heard back from the Borough.


Barry Sharratt returned the inspection book and reported that he had undertaken to tidy up the playground. The grass had been cut and Mr C Byford had removed some wheels and tyres. Mr Byford was to retain the inspection book for the forthcoming month. The installation of new play equipment was discussed; Mr Houghton had contacted Wicksteed Play Equipment about purchasing new chains for the old swings and had been quoted two prices. It was proposed by Mr I Glover that the more expensive and better quality chains should be purchased at £45.00 plus shackles and VAT. This was seconded by Mrs S Dodd. All were in favour.

Mr Houghton had asked Wicksteed for a quotation about replacing the slide which they had quoted at around £5,670. The Clerk confirmed that she had written to Church Eaton Charities to enquire whether they may be able to help part fund this very popular piece of equipment.

Mr Byford had spoken to Mr D Harris about quoting for the repair of the back playground fence.

The Clerk had received two planning applications, one for the demolition of Number 10 Malthouse Lane and the development of five new dwellings. As already mentioned the Parish Council had passed on their observations to the Borough Council.

The second was for alterations at the Old Rectory which had been met with concerns for the loss of the traditional character of the building plus concerns over potential light pollution. The Parish Council however felt that the proposed alteration to the entrance were an improvement.

Planning consent had been received for the barn conversions at The Shushions and the installation of a new slurry pit at Manor Farm, Marston.

It was also agreed that the sub committee involved with the Local Development Framework consultation should meet at the Clerk’s home to respond with the second round of response forms.


The Clerk was asked to contact the County Highways about the following concerns. Flooding by the church wall at St Editha's, also at Eaton green which the Clerk had already reported to the Highways Department and just past Manor Farm. There was serious concern over the fly tipping in the woods by the Turnover canal bridge which Councillor Barry Stamp agreed to look into. It was noted that the new fingerpost had the wrong Bromstead arrow and that the 30 mph sign on the Wood Eaton road had not been addressed.


It was noted that correspondence relating to the recently amended Code of Conduct had been received and read.


The Clerk had been contacted by the Audit Commission as to the signing off of last year’s accounts. Receipt of the approved return had been received and was currently being displayed on the village notice board.

The Clerk had received an invoice for the last Civic Amenities visit amounting to £40.00 which was proposed for payment by Mrs J Glover, seconded by Mrs S Dodd All were in agreement.

John the milkman was commended for keeping an eye on the village. There had been recently a spate of car thefts. The Parish Council agreed that everybody must be especially vigilant and contact the police on seeing anything suspicious.


Mr Howarth had contacted the Clerk to confirm that everything was in hand for the Best Kept Village Competition. The Parish Council was especially indebted to Mr Robert Thacker of Oaklands Framing very kindly offering to sponsor this year’s hanging basket competition yet again.

Various items of correspondence were distributed amongst the Parish Council.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council meeting would be held on Tuesday 3rd May as well as the Annual parish meeting commencing at 7.30 pm in the village school.

The meeting closed at 9.35 pm.

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Mrs S. Dodd and J. Glover, Messrs C. Byford, T. Houghton, Borough and County Councillor B. Stamp, one member of the public and the Clerk.


These were received from Messrs I. Glover, R. Howarth and B. Sharratt.

Minutes from the previous meeting had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council. The minutes were deemed as a true record by those present and signed by the Chairman, Mr Houghton.

It was agreed that any other matters arising would be discussed during the meeting as they all featured in the agenda.

There were several complaints concerning the lack of refuse collections over the Christmas period in the Parish. Two weeks had elapsed before collections had occurred. Mr Barry Stamp is to raise this with the Borough Council but pointed out that the problem lay primarily with the holiday period falling on a weekend and with the refuse tip being closed.

Mr P. Stewart addressed the meeting concerning his proposal to build a new dwelling at No.6, Smithy Croft. Mr Stewart was informed that the Parish Council had discussed these proposals during the last meeting (held in December), in order to respond by the end of the consultation period.

Grazing sheep in the playground was briefly discussed in a bid to keep on top of the grass cutting. As a result the Clerk is to contact the insurance company about any potential pitfalls this plan might have. Similarly Mr Houghton will contact the relevant Borough Council department about this matter.

The Clerk confirmed that the insurance company had been contacted concerning the addition of the new swings on to the insurance schedule. There had been no extra premium required for this.

The blocking up of the tunnel was discussed again but no conclusion reached.

Grants for playgrounds were raised by Mr Byford. Mr Stamp had spoken to Jo Scully, the Open Spaces Officer, on the availability of grants of which there were practically none and any that might be available would have to be match funded by the Parish Council.

The Clerk had received one application in the last month, for a steel portal framed agricultural storage building at Barley Brook Farm, Slab Lane. There were no objections or comments made concerning this application.

Planning consent had been received for the proposed first floor extension of a study etc at 4, Ashley Croft. Planning permission had been refused for the substantial rebuilding work of the barn at High Onn.

The Clerk had received an invitation for the Parish Council to attend the Borough Council seminar concerning the Local Development Framework consultation. It was agreed that Mrs Dodd, Mr Houghton and the Clerk (if available) would attend this and report back at the next meeting.

The Clerk had contacted Paul Boss from County Highways about the progress of the finger posts in the village, which had been removed for renovation work to commence.

The eroded verge around Joan Eaton’s Cross was discussed and the Clerk is to contact County Highways about whether the Parish Council can kerb the grass to prevent further damage by large vehicles. The missing post from the finger post and flooding near to Joan Eaton’s Cross will also be raised.

Mr Byford expressed concern over hedge cutting around the Parish roads and the high incidence of punctures and asked that the Parish Council to appeal to local contractors to sweep up the brushings from hedge cutters wherever possible.

Car parking in the High Street was cited as being an ever more worrying problem. At times pedestrians were being forced to step off pavements in order to walk by vehicles parked right across pavements. It was reported that parked cars on the grass verge by the playground were churning them up making them impossible to use. It was agreed that P C Sean Smith should be invited to a future Parish Council meeting to specifically discuss the unreasonable state of High Street parking.

Mrs Glover asked that the Parish Council should contact the new owners of the Old Rectory to seek assurances that the grass verge outside the gates will be restored to its original condition. Mr Houghton was concerned also as he had noticed a peg which was not very visible in the grass which might cause someone to trip. The Clerk was asked to write to Mr Dodd.

Mr Byford had been approached by several people as to enquire whether there would be a village festival this year. As a result Mr Houghton would chair a meeting for any interested parties on Tuesday the 25th January in the Royal Oak at 8.00p.m.

The Clerk had received a second letter from BT about the payphone at Marston enquiring about the Parish Council’s stance on the decision. The Clerk offered to write to BT to reaffirm that the Parish Council and local residents were still against the proposed removal of the kiosk.

The Clerk’s half yearly fee and expenses were due. Mr Houghton suggested that the fee should be increased in line with inflation to £800.00 per half year. Mrs Dodd seconded this. All were in favour. The Clerk plus receipts presented expenses of £38.13. This was also proposed for payment.

The Parish Precept requirement for the forthcoming year was discussed and the Clerk was asked to request a precept rise of £150.00 plus the maximum functions allowance.

There was nothing to report from within the village except that The Old Rectory had been broken into again and items stolen.

Various items of correspondence were distributed amongst the Parish Council for reading including the recent Members Digest, Sundial, and an invitation to attend a crime prevention meeting in Stone. This year’s Best Kept Village entry form had been received which was to be passed on to Mr Howarth.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council meeting would be held on

Tuesday 8th February in the village school.

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Mrs S. Dodd and Mrs J. Glover. Messrs C. Byford, T. Houghton, R. Howarth, Staffs Borough and County Councillor, Mr B. Stamp and the Clerk.

These were received from Mr I. Glover, Mr B. Sharratt and Gnosall Police.

These were read from the previous meeting, deemed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Mr Houghton reported that he had spoken to Darren Latuske who was shot blasting the pump. The pump was almost ready for installation and it was agreed to organise a working party for the 29th of November. Several Councillors volunteered to attend.

Mr Houghton had contacted the Countryside Agency about the disputed piece of common land and was informed that a mapping team would investigate.

Mr Howarth gave a brief report concerning the recent demonstration of the speed gun, which had been set up in the High Street. Speeds above the limit were frequently recorded and Mr Howarth was to arrange for the speed gun to be used for a longer period of time in the next few weeks.

Mr Houghton had contacted Mr John Edwards who confirmed that the village map was still in progress but subject to an unavoidable delay. It was also confirmed that the Parish Council could commence posting items on the Parish web site. The Clerk agreed to arrange this, beginning probably with minutes and agendas.

Mr Byford had contacted Clarence about lighting in Malthouse Lane and Mr Houghton was to contact the County Council about extra lighting for the High Street.

Finally the holding of Parish Council meetings so near to the copy date of the Parish magazine was discussed. As a result it was agreed, subject to the school’s approval, that meetings would be now held on the first Tuesday of every month.


Was not required on this occasion.

Mr Houghton returned the inspection book. He reported that the slide had been vandalised and a small boy using the slide had narrowly missed being hurt. The Clerk had rang his parents and had put up a notice requesting any information concerning the damage done to the slide. Mr Byford and Mr Howarth had immediately repaired the slide.

The Clerk had written to Darren Hine of Sovereign Play Equipment confirming the order for the new swings. The Clerk had spoken to Wicksteed Leisure about a new swing seat and chains. A quotation for approximately £100.00 for a cradle seat and accompanying chains was offered. Mrs S. Dodd, seconded by Mrs J. Glover proposed that a new seat and chains should be ordered. All were in favour. The clerk required a measurement of the swing height in order to obtain the correct length of chain and Mr Howarth offered to do this.

Mrs Glover had spoken to a chain manufacturer in Cradley Heath. Mr Houghton thanked her for doing this and asked the Clerk to file this for future reference.

The Clerk had spoken to the insurance company about putting a disclaimer notice in the playground. Cornhill Allianz stated that while they are in favour of these notices being put up, the absence of such a sign made no impact on any claim the insurance company might have to deal with.

The Clerk had received notification of planning consent for the proposed development at Hunter’s Moon, Park Hall.

A planning application for an extension at 5, Smithy Croft was discussed at length but no objection made to it. A planning application for a conservatory and utility room at Rose Villa, High Street had also been received and while the Parish council had no actual planning objections, there was concern that the site, given it’s position in a conservation area was being overdeveloped and thus losing the character of the cottage.

The Clerk confirmed that Paul Boss was again looking at the condition of the finger post by the Oaklands, which was damaged. He confirmed that he had received the artwork for the proposed new gateway signs, which the Clerk had received from Mr Windeyer.

The remains of the fallen tree in Birchmoor Lane had been reported and the position of the 30 mph sign in Little Onn road and the poor laying of tarmac on the pavement adjacent to the Royal Oak. Mr Boss was also applying pressure to get the Gnosall road improved and was hopeful this might be carried out sooner than later despite funds being so restricted.

Flooding on the Little Onn road by the canal bridge was discussed and Mr B. Stamp offered to take a look at it and report it to Highways.

Mr B. Stamp had attempted to contact Mr Steve Howard about restricting traffic in Malthouse Lane but was still waiting to hear from him.

The Clerk reported that she had obtained a mandate form from the bank for all Parish Councillors to fill in. Mr Houghton mentioned that a cheque for £1.20 had been received in respect to way leave in the playground. The Clerk reported the bank account balances as of the last bank statement. The Clerk and Mr Houghton arranged a budget meeting and would let Parish councillors have the necessary information to set next year’s precept.

The Clerk had received an invoice from the Audit Commission for last year’s work amounting to £73.42. Mr Howarth seconded by Mr Byford proposed payment. All were in favour.

It was reported that two car thefts had been carried out in the Parish recently plus another burglary. The Clerk was asked to invite a representative from the Local Police force to attend the next meeting.

Various items of correspondence were distributed amongst the Parish Council for reading. Mr Houghton had filled in a S.C.C Transport Plan Strategies questionnaire. The Clerk had received notification of a joint licensee holder at the Royal Oak. Mr Stamp had been asked by Haughton Parish Council to inform the Parish Council that they were acquiring a photocopier, which Church Eaton Parish Council would be able to use. More details were to follow.

It was agreed that the Parish Council would next meet on the 2nd December 2003. The meeting closed at 9.35 p.m.

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